The common cold is an upper respiratory tract infection that causes inflammation of the nasal mucosa.
Causes of a cold
A cold is triggered by a viral infection.
Viruses responsible for this include:
- rhinoviruses,
- Adenoviruses (responsible for gastrointestinal, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, etc.).
The infection usually occurs by air through coughing or sneezing.
The cold caused by rhinovirus has an incubation period of 24-48 hours.
The cold lasts for about a week and passes on its own.
Initial symptoms include:
- runny nose,
- Sneeze
- Sore throat.
In addition, with an allergy, the following may occur:
- hoarseness,
- watery eyes,
- Itchy eyes.
In children, the following cold symptoms are possible:
Complications include:
- Bronchitis
- Pneumonia
- Bronchiolitis
- Sinusitis (sinusitis))
- Ear infections (e.g. otitis media)
- Worsening of asthma and emphysema
Natural remedies for colds
Steam inhalations with essential oils
This simple home remedy for nasal congestion is especially helpful at night when breathing is difficult due to cold and position.
- Bring 1 l of water to a boil.
- Add 4-5 drops of essential oil.
- Stir.
- Hold your head over the bowl of hot water.
- Cover the head with a towel.
- Inhale the healing vapors.
Alternatively, chamomile tea can be used.
Hot shower
Likewise, a hot shower brings quick help, because hot steam is also inhaled here. This remedy also calms the nerves and relaxes the body.
However, should be avoided in case of high fever.
Dry air can cause irritation of the nasal cavities – a humidifier in the room can be extremely helpful.
When sleeping, you feel immediate relief.
Sleeping position
Head and shoulders should be bedded a little higher at night with the help of several pillows to prevent nasal congestion.
Well-tried home remedies for colds
Onions are extremely helpful for nasal congestion because they have a decongestant effect.
Cut an onion and smell it. This natural remedy clears the nose and promotes breathing.
Pepper and garlic
Pepper and garlic are used to treat numerous breathing problems.
- Crush the pepper.
- Peel 2 cloves of garlic.
- Cut garlic into slices.
- Use these two foods raw so they don’t lose their nutrients.
- Add pepper and garlic to the salad.
Spicy foods
Spicy foods are a natural immediate help for colds.
Chili and paprika free the nose immediately.
You can also use Tabasco sauce.
Nasal spray
Nasal sprays are effective. Some are available over the counter in the pharmacy.
You can also make nasal spray with water and baking soda at home.
- Mix a cup of water with 1/4 tsp baking soda.
- Put in a saucepan.
- Bring to a boil.
- Pour this liquid into a spray vial.
- Spray into each nostril.
This home remedy helps with nasal congestion.
Herbal remedies for colds
Ginger tea
ginger is a medicinal plant that is used to treat numerous ailments.
It has antibiotic properties that help fight infections. In herbal medicine, he can in case of nasal congestion:
- drunk as tea,
- can be used for inhalation.
Those who suffer from a sore throat can:
- mash a piece of ginger,
- add a spoonful of honey,
- chew the whole thing slowly.
Eucalyptus oil If you want to get relief outside the home, you can drizzle a few drops of eucalyptus oil
on a handkerchief and store it in your pocket.
Whenever the nose is congested, smell the handkerchief to relieve the symptoms.
You can also add a few drops of eucalyptus oil to the pillow to promote nighttime sleep.
Lavender and tea tree oils also help, but eucalyptus shows the greatest effect.
Homeopathic remedies for colds
In homeopathy, all symptoms of the disease are taken into account before a drug is prescribed.
If yellow, counting mucus becomes noticeable and the symptoms improve in the fresh air, the homeopath recommends taking Pulsatilla.
- Warm up the Pulsatilla ampoule.
- Draw in a needleless syringe.
- Pour into the nose.
Repeat this application 4 to 5 times a day.
For sticky and whitish mucus in the nose and throat, potassium bichromicum (potassium bichromate) helps.
- 4 drops three times a day,
- or in tablet form: take 2 tablets three times a day.
In case of allergies at the time of the weather change, Dulcamara is used.
Take 10 drops of Dulcamara orally three times a day.
Jala Neti (nasal rinse)
With the help of a Neti pot, a nasal rinse can be performed to free the stuffy nose.
This technique comes from ancient India and is an excellent remedy.
For rinsing, a saline solution is used to loosen the mucus.
Nasal patches
You can use nasal patches to improve breathing when nose is congested.
The patch is glued to the nostrils and after a few minutes a relief is noticeable.
This remedy is also effective against snoring, so nocturnal use is particularly recommended.
Cold ointments
Cold ointments help with nasal congestion and are used before bedtime.
You can apply these ointments, such as Tiger Balm or Vicks Vaporup, to different parts of the body:
- Nose
- Forehead
- Neck
- Breast
- Back
Over-the-counter allergy tablets
One of the causes of nasal congestion is allergy.
There are over-the-counter antihistamine and nasal decongestants that help with allergic reactions.
Strengthening the immune system
You can prevent a cold by strengthening the body’s defenses.
For this, the doctor can prescribe the following means:
- vitamin C supplements,
- medicinal plant product called maca. Maca is a plant from Peru that acts as a tonic.
Over-the-counter cold remedies from the pharmacy
List of best-known brands
Oxymetazoline hydrochloride (Nasivin® and Vicks Sinex®) – for nasal congestion, this active ingredient helps in adults.
Even if the nasal spray is effective, excessive use may be responsible for altered functioning of the nasal mucosa.
Medicines containing dextromethorphan (Cough Suppressant Ratiopharm, NeoTussan) and pseudoephedrine (Rhinopront, Vicks Duogrippal) help to combat symptoms and sleep through the night.
It is also recommended to use a nasal spray before going to bed.
Dextromethorphan has some side effects:
- fatigue,
- nausea,
- vomiting,
- mental confusion,
- tachycardia,
- niedriger Blutdruck,
- Schwindel.
Die Nebenwirkungen von Pseudoephedrin sind:
- Bluthochdruck,
- Herzrhythmusstörungen,
- Kopfschmerzen,
- trockener Hals,
- Herzrasen,
- Nervosität,
- Unruhe,
- Schlafstörungen,
- Angstzustände.
Dieses Arzneimittel sollte nicht eingenommen werden bei:
- Bluthochdruck,
- Herzkrankheiten,
- Schilddrüsenüberfunktion,
- Diabetes,
- Hypertrophie der Prostata,
- Schwangerschaft,
- Engwinkelglaukom.
BoxaGrippal enthält Ibuprofen und Pseudoephedrin.
Dieses Mittel:
- lindert die Entzündung der Nase,
- hilft gegen Kopfschmerzen,
- erleichtert die Atmung.
Zu den Nebenwirkungen gehören:
Medicines for colds during pregnancy and lactation
The medicines for the common cold can cause side effects in the child.
Some medicines can cause congenital malformations if the mother takes them in the first period of pregnancy. There are drugs that are responsible for serious complications in the child if the pregnant woman takes them in the last trimester of pregnancy.
Particular attention is paid to the means containing alcohol.
Among painkillers, acetaminophen is one of the safest drugs in pregnancy, but it can only be taken when really needed, because recent studies have shown that there is an increased risk of developing childhood asthma.
In addition, a second study from the University of Edinburgh, published in the journal Science Translational Medicine, states that there is an increased risk of infertility for boys.