Asthma: bronchial and allergic, therapy, natural remedies and nutrition

There are two directions for the treatment of bronchial asthma and allergic asthma:

  • The first is used to treat acute asthma attacks.
  • The second is preventive and long-term therapy.


Asthma Treatment Guidelines

In most cases, drug therapy consists in inhalation, only in particularly serious cases the doctor prescribes drugs in the form of:

  • Tablets
  • Injections

Patients often stop therapy for chronic asthma prematurely as soon as they feel better.

One of the reasons for this is the doctor’s lack of explanation to patients.

Treatment in the acute phase of asthma (asthmatic crisis)

Treatment cannot be provided until the exact cause of the asthma has been determined.
The first therapy is aimed at rapid relief of symptoms.

Immediate admission to a hospital for intubation and assisted ventilation is required:

  • In case of severe asthma
  • If the patient has had severe asthma crises in the past

The first drugs that the doctor prescribes are:

Short-acting beta-2 agonists: These drugs cause bronchodilation, which leads to rapid relief.
These include: salbutamol (Ventolin® or Broncovaleas).
These are medicines,

  • taken via a nebulizer (inhaler),
  • that act quickly.

During pregnancy, these can lead to stomach and heart malformations of the child and therefore the use of these drugs should be avoided as much as possible.

Adrenaline – in the acute phase, the doctor may administer adrenaline:

  • by inhalation,
  • by subcutaneous injection.

Cortisone supplements: Cortisone-based medications may be needed to treat the disease, such as betamethasone (Bentelan ®).

These can be administered:

  • oral
  • intravenös.

Auch wenn die Symptome der Entzündung der Atemwege abgeschwächt werden, sollte eine langfristige Einnahme vermieden werden, weil es viele Nebenwirkungen gibt.

Nach Meinung einiger Autoren sind diese Medikamente während der Schwangerschaft, vor allem im ersten Trimenon, kontraindiziert, weil sie Folgendes verursachen oder begünstigen:

  • Präeklampsie
  • Infektionen
  • Schwangerschaftsdiabetes
  • Vorzeitige Geburt
  • Herzprobleme und Hasenscharte beim Kind

Ipratropiumbromid (Atrovent ®)

Dieses Medikament wird zur Behandlung bei chronischer Bronchitis und Emphysem benutzt, kann aber auch zur unverzüglichen Linderung bei einem Asthmaanfall angewendet werden.
Die Wirkung von Ipratropiumbromid ist eine Weitung der Atemwege.
Der Arzt kann dieses Medikament zusammen mit einem Beta-2-Agonisten verordnen.

Treatment of the post-acute or chronic phase of asthma

Cortisone preparations for inhalation: Medications taken long-term to alleviate the frequency of these attacks include:

  • Beclometasone
  • Flunisolid
  • Fluticason

Since these drugs are inhaled, the risk of side effects is low compared to drugs in tablet form.
For this reason, the doctor can also prescribe them during pregnancy.

Long-acting beta-agonists:
These drugs contain salmeterol (Serevent ®), a bronchodilator used to reduce inflammation.

Often the doctor prescribes beta-2 agonists together with cortisone.

This drug is safe in pregnancy.

Leukotriene inhibitors: These are drugs that act on leukotrienes. Leukotrienes are substances released in inflammation or allergies of leukocytes that have the following effects:

  • they cause narrowing of the bronchioles,
  • they cause the formation of mucus,
  • they attract eosinophils,
  • they promote inflammation.

These drugs are taken as tablets, for example, Montelukast (Singulair ®).
These are not fast-acting drugs, it can take a few days before you notice a result.

Theophylline: This is a drug that causes bronchodilation and therefore easier breathing.

Bronchodilators in bronchial asthma and allergic asthma

Bronchodilators are the most commonly used medications for asthma.

A person who frequently suffers from asthma attacks can use them as an aerosol. Some bronchodilators have an immediate effect, while others take about 30-45 minutes to act.
The effect can last at least 12 hours, that of the latest bronchodilators even up to 24 hours.

Side effects of bronchodilators
Some side effects of bronchodilators include:

  • Irritation of the throat and dry mouth (if the drug is inhaled)
  • Giddiness
  • Headache
  • Accelerated heartbeat
  • Arrhythmia
  • Extrasystoles
  • Vascular constriction
  • Palpitation
  • Atrial fibrillation
  • Hypertension
  • Urticaria
  • Angioedema
  • Bronchospasm
  • Muscle
  • Hypokalemia (decreased potassium level in the blood)
  • Muscle spasms
  • Seizures
  • Restlessness
  • Anxiety and nervousness
  • Tremor

Biological therapy for allergic asthma

This treatment is based on anti-IgE drugs, which are allergy antibodies.
The principle of action is linked to IgE and breaks the chain of events that cause the allergic reaction.

Biological therapy is indicated in patients:

  • with common asthma symptoms
  • with a positive skin test for an allergy
  • who have carried out a long course of treatment with cortisone in previous years
  • who have had severe asthma attacks.

The most common medication prescribed by doctors is omalizumab (Xolair).
These drugs are very expensive and cost about 500 euros per administration.

Desensitization or vaccination for allergic asthma

This therapy is indicated in patients with allergic asthma (for example, with an allergy to mites or pollen) who have not yet suffered an anaphylactic reaction.
Desensitization treatment consists in the administration of increasing doses of a substance that causes the allergy.
When the maximum dose is reached, the amount of subsequent treatment remains unchanged.
The drug can be supplied:

  • by injection
  • in the form of drops or tablets that dissolve under the tongue.

The duration of treatment varies and ranges from 3 to 5 years.
Vaccination is recommended for children who are at least 5 to 6 years old.

Natural remedies for bronchial asthma and allergic asthma

The blackcurrant is a plant that belongs to the Glossulariaceae family.
The proanthocyanidins of blackcurrant reduce the secretion of
pro-inflammatory chemokines.
These are inflammatory factors that worsen atopic asthma.
A Canadian study published in June 2012 shows that blackcurrant
anthocyanins and cyanidin-3-glucoside in particular inhibit the secretion of the cytokine IL-6 (interleukin 6) by human macrophages.
IL-6 is an active cytokine in the pro-inflammatory response.

Curing asthma with aromatherapy

Lavender oil
Inhalation of the steam of lavender oil is carried out by placing 6-10 drops of this essential oil in a bowl of hot water.
The resulting steam has a high therapeutic value and can bring rapid relief in the event of an asthma attack.

Peppermint oil
This essential oil acts as a natural antihistamine and can relieve the symptoms of mild asthma.
Histamine is released in the body after contact with the allergen, which often triggers an asthma attack.
Among the home remedies that facilitate breathing, one can try inhaling the steam with peppermint oil.

Among the essential oils that can facilitate breathing in asthma is eucalyptus oil.

Diet and nutrition for bronchial asthma and allergic asthma

Children with asthma should follow a healthy diet with plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, that is, foods that contain many antioxidants.
Obesity and lack of exercise can make asthma worse. Therefore, the following should be avoided:

  • Snacks
  • Snacks.

According to testimonials of online patients and groups on social networks, there are several natural diets that:

  • may reduce symptoms,
  • can help to avoid taking medication,
  • in some cases, contribute to recovery.

However, the patient should follow this form of nutrition regularly, otherwise the symptoms will return.

These diets include:

  • Blood group diet
  • Paleo Diet
  • Vegan diet – without grain products and with mostly raw foods

The doctors cannot cure this disease because they do not know the cause. Therefore, the disease becomes chronic and the patient must take medication throughout his life.

In the blood group diet, the patient should consume the following foods:

  • Lots of vegetables
  • Little fruit
  • Nuts (without exaggeration)
  • Meat and fish corresponding to the blood group
  • Eggs
  • Pulses

Foods to avoid are:

  • Cereal products, including those that do not contain gluten
  • Milk and dairy products
  • Sweet
  • Pork
  • Chewing gum
  • Kaffee und Tee
  • Einige Lebensmittel je nach Blutgruppe

Nach Naturmedizin und Hygienismus ist die Ernährung die Hauptursache für Asthma.

Nahrungsmittel, die besonders die Situation verschlimmern, sind:

  1. Milchprodukte, die die Schleimproduktion begünstigen, wie unter anderem:
    1. Milch
    2. Käse
    3. Speiseeis
    4. Mozzarella (und damit auch Pizza)
    5. Cremige Süßspeisen
  2. Mehl oder Getreide (Mais, Reis, Weizen, Gerste, Dinkel, Hirse, Hafer, Roggen), die zur Familie der Gräser gehören. Der tägliche und übermäßige Kontakt mit diesen Lebensmitteln kann die Entwicklung von Allergien verursachen.

Many people have tried to heal themselves through fasting and then follow a healthy and natural diet.

According to the hygienists (Shelton, Ehret, etc.), the results are interesting because:

  • the symptoms decrease after a few days, for example, the patient breathes better.
  • People who fasted for a long time in specialized clinics and then followed a healthy lifestyle observed a significant reduction in symptoms to the point of disappearing.

Natural therapy for asthma is lengthy and difficult, the patient has to deal with it in detail. But in the long run, this is probably the most effective therapy.

Do not take medication during fasting. Therefore, the support of appropriate specialist personnel is very important. Natural therapy is not suitable for the treatment of crises, but for the prevention of asthma attacks.

The duration of treatment depends on the severity of the disease. If it has become chronic for many years and the patient has already taken many medications, it may be necessary to:

  • a longer period of fasting,
  • a medium-long interruption of food intake, repeated in the future.

If the patient does not want to fast, he can switch to a diet with fruits and raw vegetables.

The Paleo diet consists in the diet of prehistoric people who:

  • Collecting fruits and vegetables
  • went hunting
  • Fishing

This type of nutrition is based on:

  • Meat and fish
  • Wobble
  • Fruit (small quantities)
  • Vegetable
  • Nuts

Non-permitted foods also include those that have been processed and those that originate from cultivation:

  • Milk and dairy products
  • Pulses
  • Cereals

Prognosis for patients with bronchial asthma and allergic asthma

The prognosis of asthma depends on:

  • Heaviness
  • Frequency of asthma attacks
  • Treatment

If the disease is diagnosed early, the prognosis is better.
Even though many people think that this disease is a disability, you can live with it normally with early and effective therapy.

Prevention of bronchial asthma and allergic asthma

Anyone who suffers from asthma must above all clarify the cause of the asthma attacks. The patient must avoid contact with:

  1. Pets
  2. Cigarette smoke, so he should stop smoking
  3. other allergens that can trigger asthma attacks

In the long term, the treatment plan leads to a decrease in the frequency of asthma attacks.
The best option available are glucocorticoids, such as beclometasone (Bronchocort).

You should pay attention to the heating, the ideal room temperature in winter is:

  • 20 °C in the living room
  • 18 °C in the bedroom

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