Red spots on the skin

Red spots on the skin can be caused by various diseases.
Often they are harmless and pass spontaneously within two days, but sometimes they persist.


Causes of red spots and itching on the skin

Allergies In addition to acne, allergies
are a common cause of red spots and rashes that can develop on the face and other parts of the body.
An allergic reaction can be triggered by environmental allergens, such as:

  • Dust
  • Pollen
  • house mites,
  • Hair
  • Insect
  • by eating certain foods such as soy products, dairy products, eggs, peanuts, etc.

Sometimes cosmetics can contain chemical products that cause an allergic reaction.
Symptoms of allergy include:
✦ itching on the skin and urticaria;
✦ lips, face and tongue swollen;
✦ shortness of breath and dyspnea;
✦ runny nose.

Therapy: As a rule, the doctor prescribes medications such as antihistamines, cortisones and decongestants to treat an allergic reaction.
In case of a severe allergic reaction (anaphylactic shock), the injection of adrenaline or epinephrine is required.
Sometimes immunotherapy becomes necessary for allergy treatment, especially if other treatment methods do not respond.

Atopic dermatitis or eczema Eczema
or atopic dermatitis is characterized by inflammation and irritation of the skin.
It is a chronic condition that occurs mainly in children and infants, but sometimes also involves adults.
Rashes or pustules caused by eczema may pass after a few days and then come back.
Eczema can cause the following symptoms:

✦ vesicles, crusts or pustules that are small, red or dark pink;
✦ itching and dry skin;
✦ thickened and scaly skin.
Treatment of eczema: Treatment is usually carried out with drugs based on cortisone and antihistamines.

Sun allergy
Sun allergy can cause red spots and itchy rash on the face and other parts of the body.
The most common symptoms of sun allergy are:
✦ redness, blisters or urticaria on areas of skin that have been exposed to sunlight;
✦ itching and pain;
✦ Wheal (similar to insect bites)
✦ Crusting in the affected areas.

Therapy: A mild sun allergy passes on its own in a few days.
If the symptoms are more serious, cortisone-containing tablets and creams or antihistamines help.

Ulcers and congestive eczema Congestive eczema
is an inflammation of the skin caused by venous insufficiency on the lower limbs; It causes:

  • Complaints
  • Swelling
  • dark and flaky skin,
  • Itch
  • Ulcers.

Herpes zoster Herpes zoster
is caused by the herpes virus and causes in a limited area of the body:

Food poisoning

Some spoiled foods can be dangerous to humans and animals. Food poisoning also causes:

  • red spots on the skin,
  • Itch
  • Indisposition
  • Gastrointestinal complaints.

Toxic substances Some chemical substances
can irritate the skin and cause red spots by:

  • Touch
  • Inhalation
  • accidental ingestion

The contact can provoke:

  • Burn
  • Itch
  • Reddening.

Tinea Tinea
corporis (or ringworm) is a skin disease that mainly affects:

  • Face
  • Neck
  • Arms
  • Hands.

Symptoms of tinea are red and roundish spots with irregular edges.
The rash is characterized by:

  • scaly skin,
  • itchy blisters.

Scarlet fever is an infection that causes:

  • Sore throat
  • red rash,
  • Fever.

It occurs mainly in children between five and fifteen years of age.

psoriasis is a chronic, non-contagious skin condition characterized by:

  • red spots,
  • thickened, reddened and inflamed skin
  • white-silver scales.

Psoriasis manifests itself mainly on:

  1. Knee
  2. Elbow
  3. Soles
  4. Groin and pelvic area.

Syphilis is a sexually transmitted condition.
During secondary stage syphilis, a non-itchy rash may form on the palms and soles of the feet, or on other parts of the body.

Dermatomyositis is a rare inflammatory disease that occurs when the blood vessels of the muscles and skin become inflamed. The most obvious symptom is a red to purple rash:

  • facial
  • on nails,
  • at the elbow,
  • on the chest.

Pemphigoid Pemphigoid
is a rare autoimmune disease that mostly affects the elderly.
The disease causes blisters, often preceded by a red rash.

Causes of red spots on the face

Rosacea Rosacea
is a chronic condition in which the skin takes on a reddened aspect due to the development of red spots on the face and pimples, especially on the cheeks, nose and forehead.

Rosacea can cause the following symptoms:

✦ facial redness;
✦ small nodules on the nose, cheeks, forehead and chin;
✦ small blood vessels that become visible on the nose;
✦ Nose large, red and with hyperkeratosis.

Currently, there is no cure for this disease.
As a rule, doctors recommend a combination of:

  • topical medicines (metronidazole),
  • mild detergents,
  • moisturizer,
  • oral antibiotics to reduce redness and inflammation.

Many people have been helped by a natural diet and lifestyle changes.
The most effective natural diets are:

  • vegan diet with at least 50% raw food,
  • Stone Age diet (Paleo diet),
  • Blood group diet.

The skin must be able to breathe to remove the toxins, so here are the following tips:

  • avoid tight-fitting clothing,
  • Spend as much time as possible in the fresh air.

Acne Acne
is one of the most common diseases that leads to the appearance of red spots.
Acne develops mainly due to overactivity of the sebaceous glands.
Acne can occur in the form of:

  • non-inflamed hardening such as comedones (blackheads),
  • inflammatory swelling such as papules, pustules, cysts and nodules.

Therapy and natural remedies: Acne is usually treated with topical products that contain:

  • Salicylic acid
  • Sulfur
  • Resorcinol.

Antibiotics may be required for acne if there is no reaction to the locally applied products.

In a person, the appearance of red spots on the chest or neck can be observed when he is emotionally aroused.
It is an emotional vasomotor reaction, against which there is no medicament.
The only option is to try to relax by:

  • Yoga
  • Acupuncture
  • regular sports activities.

Telangiectasia is a disorder caused by dilation of the small blood vessels and superficial capillaries on the skin and mucosa.
The result is reddening of cheeks, nose and chin.
However, telangiectasias can cause red spots that resemble a tree with many branches and also appear on legs, especially below the knees and at the top of the thighs.
The therapy consists of sclerotherapy on the legs and laser treatment on the face.

If a butterfly-shaped erythema is observed around the nose area or above the cheeks, this may be a sign of lupus.
Symptoms of lupus can vary between individuals. These include:
✦ Joint pain and stiffness ✦ Tiredness
and fever ✦ Skin rash

✦ Concentration problems

Therapy for lupus includes:

  • nonsteroidal anti-inflammatories,
  • Corticosteroids
  • antimalarials (hydroxychloroquine),
  • Drugs that suppress the immune system.

Dengue fever
Dengue fever is a tropical disease caused by one of the four dengue viruses. A common symptom is a skin reaction that occurs two to seven days after the bite of the yellow fever mosquito Stegomyia aegypti.

Other causes

  • Tinea
  • Atopic dermatitis or eczema
  • Allergies
  • Cellulitis
  • Scarlet fever
  • Burns
  • Dermatomyositis

Causes of red spots on the scalp

  • Sebaceous cysts Tallow cysts are benign cysts
    that form:
    – on the face, – on the neck, – on the upper body.They are not dangerous,

    but can cause discomfort.

  • Psoriasis

Causes of red spots on the abdomen and trunk

1. Typhoid
fever Typhoid fever is caused by a bacterium that is transmitted fecal-orally through polluted water and contaminated food.
Rash is a common symptom of typhoid.

2. Drug allergy
A drug allergy exists when the immune system confuses a drug with a harmful substance and reacts with:

  • skin rash,
  • Urticaria
  • Fever.

3. Perianal abscess
perianal abscess exists when a cavity filled with pus forms around the anus.
The symptoms are:

  • Swelling
  • Weeping discharge,
  • Fever.

4. Acute HIV infection Acute infection
with HIV is the initial stage of AIDS.
There are various indicative symptoms, one of which is a rash.

5. Measles Measles
is a contagious viral disease that is almost always accompanied by small red spots and rashes.
Among the symptoms there are:
✦ Runny nose ✦ Fever ✦ Conjunctivitis
✦ Cough ✦ Photophobia

✦ Formation of small red spots in the mouth

Therapy for measles consists of relieving symptoms such as fever.

6. Cherry angioma or senile angioma The cherry angioma
can appear in the form of small and red spots or pustules on:

  • Décolletage
  • Belly
  • Face.

Over time, these pustules can grow larger and take on a purple color.
Red-spotted cherry angioma can:

  • smooth
  • sublime
  • be round.

Therapy: Senile angioma is harmless and does not require therapy, but for aesthetic reasons it can be removed by:

7. Pemphigoid

Causes of red spots on legs and arms

Petechiae are defects characterized by small red or purple spots that arise on the face from burst capillaries under the skin.

Petechiae on the face can be provoked by:

Usually, such red spots pass by themselves within two days.
Therapy for petechiae depends on the cause.
A few simple home remedies, such as putting on cold compresses, help reduce the occurrence of petechiae after trauma.

Ingrown toenails
Ingrown nails are formed when the gnawing licks grow into the skin of the toe and cause:

  • Ache
  • Reddening
  • Wounds.

Thrombophlebitis or deep vein thrombosis Deep vein thrombosis
is an inflammation of a vein that most often occurs on the leg.
Possible symptoms include:

If left untreated, it can lead to blood clots and risk of pulmonary embolism.

Inflammation of the bone (osteomyelitis)
Osteomyelitis can develop when bacteria or fungi attack the bone, causing symptoms such as:

disease Still’s disease is a rare condition that starts with fever and can cause arthritis.
Along with fever, a rash with urticaria may occur.

Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis
Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis is a form of chronic arthritis that occurs in children.
The rash is a possible symptom of this autoimmune disease.

Sarcoidosis is an inflammatory disease that causes granulomas, which are accumulations of immune cells in various organs. Rash is a symptom of sarcoidosis of the skin.

Infectious cellulitis
Cellulitis (not to be confused with cellulite called orange peel) is an infection of the skin that is common.
This disease manifests itself as an area of skin that:

  • red,
  • overheated,
  • turgid
  • is tender.

If left untreated, it can be dangerous.

Burns Burns occur when the skin or eyes come into contact with irritants, such as acids
. Symptoms vary, skin reactions and pain are common.

Red spots in newborns

Angioma of the newborn
Sometimes newborns have red spots around the eyes or neck.
This is not dangerous, it is just an angioma that passes within the age of 7-8.
Red spots in newborns and children can also have the following causes:
1. compression of the skin at birth, 2. superficial, sensitive capillaries
3. food allergies to certain foods such as fruits,
milk and eggs.

Heat pimples Heat pimples
(miliaria) are a rash characterized by blisters or red blisters on the skin.
When infants or toddlers sweat, these spots form in the skin folds because the pores narrow.
The therapy includes a lukewarm bath with the addition of bicarbonate (baking soda) or cornstarch.

This disorder can also affect adults, especially overweight people who sweat profusely.

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