Red dots on the skin

The appearance of red dots on the skin of the face is frustrating and embarrassing.
Red dots on the skin can be the cause of a slight irritation, but do not cause any discomfort.


Causes of red dots under the skin

Petechiae that appear on the face or other parts of the body (lower limbs) are a sign of bleeding under the skin.

The inner layer of the skin is permeated by countless small blood vessels.
They help to transport the blood to the organs.
The blood vessels are located very close to the outer layer of the skin (epidermis).

Any actions or activities that constitute an excessive load on the more superficial blood vessels can damage them.
This internal damage to the blood vessels manifests itself on the outer layer of the skin in the form of small red dots under the skin.

There are three types of blood vessels in the body:

  • Arteries
  • Veins
  • Capillaries

In this case, the capillaries are affected.
If a capillary bursts on the face, hemorrhage develops under the skin.
A small intradermal hemorrhage is the reason why we see red millimeter-sized dots on the skin.

The blood can accumulate under the tissues:

  • in larger areas (called purpura),
  • in a very extensive area (called ecchymosis).

Apart from a bruise, bleeding in the skin and mucous membrane can be a warning sign and one should always consult a doctor.
If a person is fair-skinned, the red dots are particularly visible.

Many people mistake these little red dots for a rash due to heat, but these are completely different disorders.
These small spots, which can also appear on the back and chest, are by no means similar to blisters or pimples.

Redness of the skin (erythema) should not be confused with hemorrhage:

  • Bleeding spots under the skin do not turn pale when pressed.
  • The redness in erythema disappears when pressure is applied to it and comes back when the pressure ends.

Even though they are mostly caused by blood circulation problems and skin diseases, the small red dots are usually harmless.
There is a small probability that the cause is a dangerous disease, such as:

  • Scurvy
  • Leukaemia.

Ruby stains
This form is a benign and non-cancerous disease of the skin, which consists in an increase in capillaries.
They occur relatively often and are harmless.
The angiomas can vary in size from small, like a pinhead, to about half a centimeter in diameter.
These skin lesions have a ruby red color and can:

  • smooth
  • or be sublime.

Normally, they do not require treatment, but can be removed for aesthetic reasons.

Overload. If you exercise excessively, you can observe small red dots on the skin.
This happens because the superficial blood vessels are damaged during strenuous activities and dilate under the skin.

Vomiting and coughing. If a person vomits, then the blood vessels on the face are particularly affected.
Often provoke vomiting and cough:

  • the rupture of small blood vessels,
  • Blood accumulation of the skin on the face and neck.

The result is red dots in this area.
In addition to vomiting and coughing, injuries to the blood vessels on the face can also be caused by violent crying.

Adults over the age of 30 can sometimes observe small red dots on their skin.
Some researchers believe that this is a consequence of stress, while others believe that this is a normal phenomenon of aging.
However, everyone agrees that older people have more red spots than young people.

Other causes of red dots


  • Some therapies, including radiation treatment and chemotherapy
  • antiplatelet drugs such as clopidogrel (Plavix)
  • Anticoagulants such as fraxiparin and Coumadin (ecchymosis)
  • Aspirin (ecchymosis)
  • Steroids (ecchymosis)

Physiological causes

  • Birth (petechiae of the newborn)
  • Aging


  • Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (petechiae and purpura)
  • Purpura Schönlein-Henoch (Purpura)
  • Septicemia (petechiae, purpura, ecchymosis)
  • Mononucleosis
  • A disease that affects blood clotting
  • Thrombocytopenia

Causes of red dots on the skin along with itching

Atopic dermatitis
Atopic dermatitis is a skin disorder that causes reactions similar to those of an allergy without fever.
The cause of this disorder varies from person to person.
Atopic dermatitis can provoke:

  • red spots on the skin,
  • Swellings.

Usually the rash causes:

  • dry skin,
  • Itch.

Atopic dermatitis affects joints such as knees and elbows.

Allergic reaction

  • When taking medications that are incompatible with the organism, an allergic reaction can occur, which often affects the skin.
  • The symptoms of a food allergy can affect the skin and lead to spots and red dots on the face. Identifying through allergy testing of the foods, medications, and cleansers that trigger such a mild allergic reaction can help prevent such skin problems.
  • After a shower, some people feel an allergic reaction to shower liquid or simply to contact with the water.
    Fortunately, the red dots are only temporary and disappear within 30 minutes.
  • There are also natural products that can cause red dots.
  • For example, pregnant women may notice these when they apply almond oil to the abdomen.
  • You can also be allergic to the sun.
  • At the sea, a stay in the sun can cause spots and red dots in allergically reacting people.
  • Symptoms also include itching.
  • An allergy or dermatitis caused by sweat is a reaction that can occur in hot weather and copious sweating.
    Symptoms are raised red spots or dots that disappear over time.

Other causes of red dots along with itching

  • Autoimmune diseases (dermatomyositis)
  • Viral infection (dengue fever)
  • Leukemia (purpura and ecchymosis)
  • Cirrhosis of the liver can cause petechiae due to the drop in platelets.
  • Lichen – a benign disease that provokes red dots on the body.
  • Intertrigo or skin wolf – disease caused by a fungus that causes rashes in the folds of the skin.
  • Scabies or scabies – provoked by a mite it causes severe itching.
  • Tinea – fungal infection
  • Insect

Natural remedies for red dots on the skin

Small red and swollen dots are very common and can be harmless. However, it could also be the symptom of a serious illness, such as hives (urticaria).

However, to alleviate the irritation, moisturizers can be used for the skin.
This helps a lot to relieve skin irritation.
In most cases, the red dots appear only temporarily and an introduction to a dermatologist is not necessary.

Household remedies

  • Protect the skin from aging and avoid trauma.
  • In the event of a drug reaction, ask the doctor whether the further intake of the medication should be interrupted.

In the opposite case, carry out the prescribed treatment to treat the cause of the problem.

Treatments for bleeding under the skin

In case of infection or illness, the drugs must be prescribed for treatment by a doctor.
This may be enough to stop hemorrhage.
However, if the drugs are the cause of hemorrhage, the doctor may:

  • prescribe similar pharmaceuticals
  • or stop taking it further.

If red itchy dots appear on the skin, simple treatment with a cream containing hydrocortisone will help.
Essentially, it is an anti-itch cream that can also help with other problems.

Red dots in children and newborns

If the child has a fever and a rash, then various causes are possible.


  • Urticaria is a type of allergic reaction that may be accompanied by fever.
  • Typical urticaria appears as a colored spot that can take different forms.
    This rash can be circular or irregular and can occur individually or in groups.
    Urticaria can come and go within a few hours.
  • Since this condition is a sign that the organism reacts to an allergen, it is important to control other allergic symptoms of the child.
    If you react immediately, it is possible to prevent an outbreak that can become dangerous.
  • Wheezing or shortness of breath are two dangerous symptoms. In this case, it is urgent to inform the emergency doctor.
    Urticaria, accompanied by fever or runny nose, is common.

Chickenpox is a viral disease characterized by:

  • red dots all over the body,
  • Fever.

The red dots, similar to insect bites, appear on the skin.
The older ones turn into bubbles, while new red dots form.
Over time:

  • the bubbles burst,
  • form crusts.

If the fever has passed in the child, there is no longer any risk of infection.
Chickenpox is most common in children under 12 years of age.
Treatment for chickenpox usually consists of bed rest until symptoms disappear (within a few days).

Fifth disease/rubella
The fifth disease (known as slaps disease) begins with reddening of the cheeks.
As a result, red dots that look like pimples are formed on:

  • Trunk
  • Poor
  • Hands
  • Legs
  • feet,
  • Face.

The patient also suffers from itching and fever.
The only therapy is rest, which brings recovery to the child with rubella.
Within a few days, the child feels better again because it is a mild illness.

Röteln sind ganz anders.
Zu den Symptomen gehören:

  • Fieber,
  • Halsreizung,
  • Husten,
  • geschwollene Halslymphknoten,
  • Hautauschlag.

Der Ausschlag ähnelt kleinen roten, erhabenen Pünktchen, die am Hals und im oberen Halsbereich beginnen und dann übergehen auf Brust, Arme und Beine.
Dieser Hautausschlag besteht für drei Tage.
Es gibt keine bestimmte Behandlung bei dieser Erkrankung, die von selbst wieder vergeht. Es kann jedoch vom Kinderarzt ein Antipyretikum (ein fiebersenkendes Mittel) verschrieben werden.

Rheumatoide Purpura

Die rheumatoide Purpura oder Purpura Schönlein-Henoch verursacht:

  • Hautausschlag,
  • hohes Fieber,
  • Bauchschmerzen,
  • Gelenkschmerzen.

The rash in this case is caused by allergic reaction, in which the blood vessels located under the skin burst.
The causative factor of the allergic reaction is unknown, but there is a genetic predisposition in children with rheumatoid purpura.
The dots resemble small red and flat patches of skin that do not disappear at finger pressure.
This rash can cause serious complications and the child should be taken to a doctor immediately.

Mycosis or fungal infection
It is a skin infection that:

  • especially in warm and humid regions of the body (pubic area and groin),
  • can spread backwards into the diaper area.

Mycoses are characterized by rashes and wounds surrounded by red dots.
Therapy consists of:

  • antifungal treatment,
  • improved hygiene of the infant.

Healing times for red dots on the skin

Even if it is not a serious hemorrhage, the red dots are unlikely to disappear within a day or two.
The red dots usually disappear after a period of 7-10 days. If the red dots do not disappear within two weeks, a blood count must be done to diagnose the underlying cause.

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