Psoriasis vulgaris, pustulosa, guttate and inversa

Psoriasis is an inflammatory chronic disease that causes a rash.

It occurs during an accelerated growth cycle of skin cells. Psoriasis is not contagious.
This disease can occur anywhere, especially on:

  • Eyelids
  • Ears
  • Mouth
  • Lips
  • Scalp
  • Kneel
  • Arms (elbows)
  • Hands
  • Feet
  • Nails


Types of psoriasis

Psoriasis occurs in different forms with different characteristics. Typically, it occurs in a person only in a certain form. Psoriasis can also be a reaction to risk factors.

Plaque psoriasis (psoriasis vulgaris)
The most common form of the disease is plaque psoriasis, it occurs as a slightly raised red spot with an accumulation of silver-white scales of dead skin cells.
This rash usually appears on:

  • Head
  • Knee
  • Elbow
  • Back

It often causes itching, in addition, the plaques can rupture and bleed.

psoriasis Guttate psoriasis is an initial manifestation of psoriasis in childhood or adolescence after a streptococcal infection.
If these lesions have a coin shape and reach the size of a few centimeters, they are called “nummular”.

Inversa psoriasis
Inversa psoriasis manifests itself in the form of very red skin lesions in the folds of the body.
It can look smooth and shiny.

psoriasis Pustular psoriasis is characterized by white pustules (non-infectious pus-filled blisters) surrounded by red skin.
Usually, only hands and feet are affected, but it can also spread to other areas.
Pus is formed by white blood cells.
It is not an infection, the disease is not contagious.

Psoriasis erythrodermica Psoriasis erythrodermica
is an inflammatory disease that mainly affects large parts of the body surface.
It is a rare condition that can develop with pustular psoriasis.
The skin changes are not clearly defined.
This form is characterized by:
1. Diffuse redness
2. Skin scaling
3. Severe itching on the skin
4. Pain

Infantile psoriasis
Children under the age of 10 can also develop psoriasis. Sometimes an incorrect diagnosis is made, as the condition is confused with other skin diseases, for example, seborrheic eczema.
Among the symptoms are:

  • Discoloration of the nails (Pitting)
  • Severe scaling of the scalp
  • Diaper dermatitis
  • Plaque formations similar to psoriasis in adults on the trunk and extremities

Psoriasis in newborns is rare, but it does occur.

Psoriatic arthritis
There is an arthritic form of psoriasis called psoriatic arthritis. In addition to inflammatory and scaly skin, this disease causes:

Swollen ankles and pain in the foot and ankles are typical symptoms.
Although this condition does not have a debilitating effect like other arthritis, it can lead to stiffness and increasing deformity of the bones.

Cause of psoriasis

Psoriasis appears to be hereditary, but it is not contagious.
Doctors believe it is an autoimmune disease.
This happens when the immune system attacks and destroys healthy tissue in the body through dysregulation.

Normally, skin cells grow in depth and reach the surface until they replace the old skin cells.
The growth cycle of the skin lasts about a month.
In people who have psoriasis, this happens far too quickly.
Dead skin cells accumulate on the surface.
The following factors can trigger a flare-up of psoriasis:

  1. bacteria or viral infections, including inflammation of the airways, such as a sore throat
  2. Dry air or dry skin
  3. Skin lesions, including:
  4. Some medications, including:
  5. Stress
  6. Too little sunlight
  7. Alcohol
  8. Smoke

People with a weakened immune system suffer more from psoriasis.
This is the case with:
2. Autoimmune diseases (such as rheumatoid arthritis)
3. Chemotherapy for cancer

There is a link between psoriasis and celiac disease, in fact, people who suffer from gluten intolerance are more likely to develop psoriasis.

Symptoms and signs of psoriasis

1. Red plaques on the skin covered by silvery scales
2. Small dots or repelled areas (often seen in children)
3. Dry and cracked skin that can bleed easily 4. Itching, burning or pain
5. Thickened nails, scarred or ribbed
6. Swollen and stiff joints
The psoriasis marks can
be dandruff to scabby and up to large rashes that cover large areas. Mild cases of psoriasis can be annoying, severe cases disfiguring.

Diagnosis of psoriasis

In most cases, the diagnosis of psoriasis is quite simple.
Physical examination and medical history. The doctor can diagnose psoriasis by knowing the history and examining the:

  • Skin
  • Scalp
  • Nails

Skin biopsy. In a few cases, the doctor will need a small sample of skin (biopsy) for examination under the microscope to determine the exact type of psoriasis and rule out other conditions.
A skin biopsy is usually taken in the doctor’s office under local anesthesia.

Differential diagnosis: Conditions that may resemble psoriasis Diseases that may
appear like psoriasis include:

Seborrheic dermatitis. This type of dermatitis is characterized by:

  • oily, flaky and reddened skin
  • Itch

It is found in high-fat body zones, which are:

  • Face
  • Breast
  • Back

Seborrheic dermatitis also appears on the scalp and causes:

  • Dandruff (yellowish and greasy)
  • Itch

lichen planus. This is an inflammatory condition that causes raised and flat red papules and itching on various parts of the body, including:

  • Back
  • Breast
  • Legs
  • Arms

Tinea corporis. Ringworm is caused by a fungal infection on the upper layer of the skin. The infection usually causes:

  • a red, scaly ring
  • a circular rash

Pityriasis rosea Gilbert. This skin disease usually begins with a large spot (“mother spot”) on:

  • Breast
  • Belly
  • Back

After a few days, the disease spreads, and in the same area various spots appear.

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