Teas are widely consumed around the world. The drink has been part of the Chinese tradition for centuries and involves spiritual and religious aspects. England incorporated the Chinese habit into the characteristic English punctuality, making 5 o’clock tea famous, which is a break to enjoy the drink.
Whether in order to purify the soul or make a social, tea participates in different traditions.
The liquid, which is prepared with very hot water and added with fresh or dehydrated plants, has such a high value that, in past times, in China and Siberia, it was used as a bargaining chip and could be worth more than the money itself.
A handful of plants were given to make tea in exchange for fruits, grains, clothes or services.
The variety of drinks today is wide. Just a quick look at the markets to find different flavors. In fact, there is so much diversity that there are, increasingly, stores specializing only in infusions.
Aromatic herbs that transform water into a tasty and also functional liquid, as it can perform beneficial actions to the body.
And among these many options, there is hibiscus tea , a drink of marked color and marked flavor that has stood out for its properties and actions in the body.
What is hibiscus tea?
Place a portion of dried leaves from the chalice of Hibiscus sabdariffa or Hibiscus acetosella – or, to make it easier, just hibiscus – in the hot water.
Leave to infuse for a few minutes and notice the gradual change in the liquid, which begins to acquire a reddish pink hue. The hibiscus tea is ready!
The drink has gained space especially among those who want to lose weight, as there is a big bet on its reducing power of measures. But it is also a great antioxidant and diuretic source, in addition to having a taste that is, in general, more pleasant than green and black teas, for example.
Quite consumed in Brazil, the plant is known by different names, such as vinagreira, rosela, caruru-sour, sorrel, guinea caruru, guinea sorrel, sour okra, pink okra, purple okra, rosella, roselia, currant, angola okra and gooseberry.
The first mention of the hibiscus was in 1668, and in Brazil, the first seedlings arrived brought by enslaved Africans. In the beginning, the popularization of the drink occurred due to the use of the plant in the paper and fabric industries (as it is a great natural dye), in addition to its use in cooking and therapeutic treatments.
Today, hibiscus tea can be purchased in different presentations. According to nutritionists, for those who want to make better use of medicinal properties, the ideal is to opt for the plant in natura or dehydrated, usually found in herbal pharmacies or stores of natural products for sale in bulk.
There are also sachet teas, sold in supermarkets and convenience stores. Despite being a practical option, processing tends to affect the properties and reduce the action of the plant. Thus, this type is more suitable for those who just want to enjoy the taste of the drink.
There are also soluble options, usually added with other components to enhance the effects of the drink. The advantage is that the ready-made teas offer a more sweet and pleasant flavor, in addition to the practicality in the preparation (just add cold water).
However, the product undergoes several industrial processes and may have nutritional values altered (less nutrients and more calories, for example).
There are also supplements or optimized soluble teas. In general, they are products added with other herbs or substances to enhance the weight loss effects.
The decorative and medicinal hibiscus plant
If you are not a very tea-loving person, you may only be able to associate hibiscus with gardens and flower arrangements. But in fact, hibiscus is the generic name for the more than 200 types of flowers of the Malvaceae species.
Among this variety, there are the most suitable species for gardening and decoration, and others for human consumption.
Although relatively similar, the ornamental hibiscus – Hibiscus rosa-sinensis – is not the same plant used in teas and edible recipes. The decorative type has a more intense, vibrant and purplish color, but should only be used to beautify the home.
The strong colors and delicate shapes of the flower make it very attractive to arrange the environments, being widely used in gardens, offices and internal rooms.
In general, the plants of the Malvaceae family have variable size, being less than 1 meter and reaching 4 meters in height. Native to Southwest Asia, it is one of the most cultivated in the world, mainly due to its easy adaptation in different soils and climates.
As the hibiscus generates a lot of flower throughout the year, whoever owns the plant will have a decorated and flowery environment at all times.
In addition, the species is resistant to lack of water and, therefore, it is easy to be cared for. These aspects, together with its beauty, make it a frequent choice among flower lovers.
Whoever wants to grow ornamental hibiscus at home will not have many difficulties to maintain a healthy and beautiful plant. The indication is that you place the flowers in the sun at least once a day, when possible, and watering should be controlled and without exaggeration, being carried out when the soil is dry. Generally speaking, the more sun, the more water.
If the choice is to cultivate the edible species, care for the soil and watering must be increased so that it maintains its nutritional properties.
By drinking hibiscus tea, you are ingesting a number of properties that are very beneficial to the functioning of the body.
The nutritional components can vary according to the type of hibiscus, planting location and even the grinding process, but, in general, 1 cup of 200mL, with 4g of hibiscus , has about 40 calories, 1.3g of fat, 14.8g of carbohydrates , 0.9g of proteins and 0.6g of dietary fiber.
Despite having a slightly higher caloric value compared to other teas ( black or chamomile tea has approximately 2 calories per cup), hibiscus tea provides very beneficial functional properties for the body and food.
Check out the main ones:
Vitamin B1
Hibiscus tea has about 2.6 mg of vitamin B1 every 200mL. The substance is also called thiamine, one of the 8 vitamins that make up the B complex .
Among the main functions of the nutrient are the regulation of energy expenditure, participation in the metabolism of carbohydrates and metabolization of fats and proteins.
The liver, nails, skin and hair are greatly benefited by the correct intake of B1, in addition, studies indicate that the nutrient has an important role in maintaining memory and ease of concentration.
Vitamin B2
Hibiscus tea has approximately 0.2mg of B2, which is also called riboflavin. Like other B vitamins, it participates in the metabolization of proteins, carbohydrates and fats, helping the process of obtaining energy.
In addition, the nutrient assists in the correct functioning and growth of the organism’s cells and favors the repair of DNA, that is, it prevents errors in the structure from occurring and, therefore, genetic problems develop.
C vitamin
The average daily recommendation for vitamin C is approximately 45mg, according to ANVISA’s recommendations. The nutrient is essential for the functioning of the body, helps in strengthening the immune system, acts as an antioxidant and improves the absorption of some nutrients, such as iron.
Each cup of hibiscus tea has about 36.8mg of the vitamin. That is, almost 50% of the recommended daily amount for a woman.
For adult people, under 50 years old and without health problems, an average intake of 1000mcg of calcium per day is recommended.
Even though hibiscus tea has relatively low concentrations of the nutrient, the drink can help increase your daily intake, as each 200mL cup contains 2.0mg of calcium.
The mineral is essential for bone health, preventing tissue degeneration, erosion and reducing the risk of fractures. But calcium also acts in the circulation and blood clotting.
As the presence of the mineral promotes the correct contraction of the heart, it acts in maintaining cardiac health as well.
Hibiscus tea has about 0.1mg of copper every 200mL, a mineral that participates in several functions in the body, including the formation of connective tissues, participation in the synthesis of elastin and collagen, in addition to promoting antioxidant action.
However, it is necessary to have moderation in the intake of the mineral, as the excess can cause less absorption of zinc, as soon as they are competing nutrients.
The average daily iron recommendation for healthy adults is 10mg to 15mg. Each cup of hibiscus tea contains about 17.3mg of iron, that is, enough to supply the ideal dosage.
Among the functions performed by the mineral, are participation in DNA synthesis and energy metabolism, acting in the formation of myoglobins (proteins present in skeletal and cardiac muscles).
Myoglobins are responsible for adequate oxygenation of the heart and fixation of oxygen in skeletal muscle fibers (which prevents tissue damage and necrosis).
If there is a lack of iron or malabsorption by the body, iron deficiency anemia can occur , causing severe dysfunctions in the body.
Magnesium performs several functions in the body, such as maintaining muscles, bones and nerves, controlling cardiac function, helping to regulate blood pressure and the immune system.
In addition, the substance acts in the prevention of oxidative stress , which causes inflammatory processes and is associated with several diseases, such as Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease.
Low magnesium intake can cause chronic pain due to inflammation, which can cause arteriosclerosis (the blockage of arteries due to its hardening), high blood pressure, heart attack and osteoporosis (loss of bone mass), for example.
Hibiscus tea contains about 2.0mg of magnesium every 200mL and, therefore, collaborates with obtaining the nutrient through a natural diet.
After calcium, phosphorus is the most common nutrient in our body. According to the recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO), the ideal average intake of the nutrient is 700mg per day, for healthy adults.
When properly consumed, the substance participates in the health of cellular metabolism, the nervous system and bone maintenance.
Each cup of hibiscus tea contains 6.0mg of the nutrient.
Hibiscus tea contains about 18mg of potassium every 200mL and each cup represents about 0.4% of the recommended daily amount.
Highly present in our organisms, potassium is behind phosphorus and calcium, being the 3rd most present nutrient in the human body. In foods, the nutrient is found in most products, but has higher concentrations in those of plant origin.
Potassium acts in muscle relaxation, participates in the release of the hormone insulin (for the regulation of blood glucose), in addition to being essential to maintain the blood pH balance.
When there are changes in the nutrient in the body, heart rate and muscle difficulties or changes are the main signs.
Among the factors that can change the amount of sodium in the body are vomiting or diarrhea. In such cases, it is necessary to supply it again.
With about 0.2 mg of zinc, each cup of hibiscus tea provides the body with a key nutrient for strengthening immunity and with antioxidant functions.
Zinc acts in the regulation of dozens of enzymes in the body, in addition to acting as a free radical fighter, improving immunity and the circulatory system.
Anthocyanins are vegetable pigments, that is, they are responsible for the different colors of flowers, fruits, some leaves, stems and roots of plants. These substances are water-soluble (water-soluble) and, in the human body, they are allies of health.
Through the antioxidant action, which fights free radicals, anthocyanins act in the prevention or reduction of cardiovascular diseases, cancer and neurodegenerative diseases.
Beta carotene
When we ingest beta-carotene, the substance can act in the body as an antioxidant and protect cells from the effects of free radicals, or be converted into vitamin A.
Approximately 50% of the vitamin A present in our body comes from the intake of beta-carotene.
It is recommended to consume about 3000mcg of vitamin A per day and each cup of hibiscus tea contains approximately 30mcg of beta-carotene.
Lycopene is associated with the prevention of heart disease (such as atherosclerosis ), with better responses in the treatment of HPV infection and possible actions against cataracts and asthma . In addition, the substance acts as a preventive agent for several types of cancer, such as that of the pancreas, colon, lung, breast and prostate.
Polyphenols are substances naturally present in plants and that can prevent several diseases, such as cardiovascular and cancer. Studies point to the action of the substance in the control of type 2 diabetes , and reduction of the symptoms of osteoporosis and Alzheimer’s disease.
Benefits: what is hibiscus tea for?
Imagine a product that protects the heart, improves digestive actions and helps with weight reduction, all without chemical components or industrialization processes?
And if the product has a pleasant taste and can be prepared and consumed at home, it gets even better. Because hibiscus tea has all these advantages and a few more.
In general, the property most attributed to the hibiscus drink is the slimming action, however there are other benefits to the body.
Learn more about the health benefits of drinking 1 or more cups of hibiscus tea:
Has diuretic effect
The diuretic effects of hibiscus tea are well known and widely used. Daily consumption of the drink can reduce or avoid fluid retention, reducing swelling caused by medications, PMS and poor circulation, for example.
According to an analysis of the properties of hibiscus, published in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology, the diuretic action is caused mainly by the flavonoid nutrient quercetin.
Improves cardiovascular health
Combining drinking with healthy habits strengthens cardiovascular health. Research published in the journal Jornal de Nutrição points out that consuming tea can often lower levels of triglycerides, cholesterol and lower blood pressure due to flavonoids, causing heart health to be favored.
Assists in glycemic control
In addition to reducing fat, hibiscus tea can decrease carbohydrate absorption and decrease hunger.
Type 2 diabetes patients can find benefits by combining drinking with medical treatment. With less carbohydrate absorption, blood sugar spikes are reduced and glycemic control is facilitated.
In addition, those who want to lose some measures find in the ability to stabilize the glycemia of hibiscus an ally, because by prolonging satiety, the tendency is for there to be a reduction in food intake and, consequently, weight reduction occurs.
Aids in digestion
The taste of the drink may resemble a diluted, slightly acidic vinegar. This characteristic of hibiscus tea stimulates the production of gastric juice, responsible for digestion.
As there is an increase in stomach acid production, the digestion and absorption of nutrients can be favored, as it improves the degradation of food.
Increases immunity
Due to the presence of vitamin C, hibiscus tea can strengthen immunity and reduce the risk of inflammation and infections. The vitamin is still associated with skin, vision and bone health.
Antibacterial action
The antibacterial action of hibiscus is pointed out, in which the plant is capable of combating different microorganisms harmful to health.
A study published in the Revista Instituto Adolfo Lutz, in 2014, points out that the plant has an inhibitory action by some infectious agents, such as Salmonella sp ., Bacillus subtilis and Escherichia coli.
In addition, the plant still demonstrates the ability to stop the growth or proliferation of Micrococcus luteus, Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosas , which can cause otitis , folliculitis , urinary infections, respiratory infections and other diseases.
Intestinal transit action
Some studies point out that hibiscus tea has anti-inflammatory properties and can reduce inflammation and irritation of mucous membranes. In addition, it is pointed out that the presence of fibers is responsible for the increase in bowel movements.
Therefore, regular consumption is associated with improvement in symptoms of constipation, being used as a mild laxative .
However, there are people who report decreased intestinal transit due to tea consumption. Some literature suggests that hibiscus can reduce intestinal contractions, aggravating constipation.
Fights high blood pressure
The hibiscus can have a relaxing action on smooth muscles, promoting a peripheral and cardioprotective vasodilator effect. That is, with the dilation of veins and arteries, blood pressure is reduced and complications from hypertension are also minimized.
Improves breathing problems
Some studies point out the beneficial action of hibiscus in cases of bronchitis , asthma, flu and colds. Due to the anti-inflammatory action, the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract are better protected, reducing the damage from infections and allergies.
Reduces cholesterol
A study published in the Journal of Hypertension Studies in 2007 found that regular consumption of hibiscus tea can lower LDL – which is bad cholesterol – and increase HDL – good cholesterol.
Another study published in 2009, also in the Journal of Studies in Hypertension , corroborates the results presented on the antihypertensive effects.
In this research, patients with type 2 diabetes and mild high blood pressure were taken to daily consumption of hibiscus tea. In the end, the total cholesterol levels were reduced.
Another research published in the medical journal Jornal de Medicina Alternativa e Complementar pointed out that hibiscus tea has more potent and effective cholesterol control properties than black tea .
Protects the liver
Patients who have liver damage resulting from the use of medications (such as paracetamol), may benefit from the consumption of hibiscus tea.
In addition, the liver is indirectly benefited if tea is combined with healthy habits. This is because with the possible help in weight reduction, the risks of steatosis are reduced.
Steatosis is popularly known as fat in the liver. The condition can be caused by obesity or high concentrations of body fat, type 2 diabetes and frequent and excessive alcohol consumption.
Soothing effect
Teas, in general, have caffeine. The substance is great for those who need to scare off sleep for a few hours, but it can be quite bad for those who have trouble sleeping.
Although natural drinks have normally lower concentrations of caffeine than coffees and soda, the amount can still affect the quality of sleep, generating stress, anxiety and aggravating irritability.
Hibiscus tea contains smaller amounts of the stimulant compared to other teas with similar properties, such as green tea.
In addition, there are herbal indications of hibiscus as calming, relaxing and sleep aid. Although tea has no sleeping properties, its ability to calm the nervous system can help to reduce agitation and, consequently, improve the quality of sleep.
Improves skin
With great antioxidant capacity, hibiscus tea can also have a beneficial effect on aesthetics, as the fight against free radicals reduces premature aging and provides more resistance to the skin.
In addition, a study carried out in 2016, with rats, points out that the plant improves wound healing, accelerating the recovery of the surface.
Eliminate uric acid
The drop occurs when there is an accumulation of uric acid in the body. The substance affects the joints and causes severe pain.
The consumption of hibiscus tea favors the elimination of uric acid and, consequently, reduces the risks of gouty rheumatism .
Helps the menstrual cycle
That grandma’s tip for a cup of tea when menstruation is very irregular is well-founded, as drinking can have a regulating effect on the menstrual cycle.
In addition to organizing the menstruation calendar, hibiscus tea can reduce cramps and PMS symptoms, as it also promotes hormonal balance.
Indirectly, drinking can decrease PMS symptoms, as regular tea consumption helps the nervous system, reducing irritability and anxiety, which are usually high in premenstrual periods.
But it is important to be aware, as the hibiscus can stimulate the release of menstruation and, therefore, cause abortion in pregnant women.
Inhibits cancer
Starting from the antioxidant and free radical fighting actions, hibiscus tea can inhibit or decrease the proliferation of cancer cells, preventing the disease from getting worse.
A research presented at the National Congress of the Brazilian Society of Food and Nutrition, in 2015, indicates the anti-cancer action of the plant.
The study was conducted with mice to check the action of hibiscus in colon cancer and the results show inhibition in the proliferation of the disease, as the hibiscus reduced the changes in the cell’s DNA and also minimized the amount of mutant cells.
Anti-thermal action
In mild fevers, the ingestion of hibiscus tea is effective in reducing the symptom due to the antipyretic action.
Hibiscus tea slims?
Research published in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology, of the International Society of Ethnopharmacology, points out that the daily consumption of hibiscus tea favors the elimination of fats and the consequent weight loss.
According to research, the drink can reduce adipogenesis, which is the conversion of cells capable of accumulating fats. That is, the body tends to store less lipid cells in the regions of the hip and abdomen.
A review study published in the Brazilian Journal of Obesity, Nutrition and Weight Loss, in 2017, points out agreement on the diuretic and slimming effect of hibiscus in patients who use corticosteroid medications.
In a recent survey, patients who started using hibiscus tea in order to monitor the weight-reducing action of the drink were evaluated. The result showed that after 14 weeks, there was a significant decrease in the abdominal circumference and in the weight of the majority of the candidates followed up.
Thus, one of the most sought after functions in hibiscus tea is weight reduction and measures. Due to the diuretic action, appetite suppressant, thermogenic and aiding digestion, the drink has already been tested and approved by celebrities.
Fernanda Souza and Bruna Marquezine have already announced that they are adept at hibiscus combined with good food and physical activity to maintain good shape. In fact, in 2014 Fernanda Souza bet on the plant to help define the silhouette.
There are several ways to include the drink in your daily life, either following a more restricted menu or consuming it frequently throughout the day.
It is worth remembering that diets and dietary changes must always be indicated and monitored by a nutritionist or nutrologist, especially if there is a restriction in food intake.
How much to consume
There is no ideal amount to consume hibiscus tea, nor is there a consensus among researchers. But, in general, it is recommended that the intake be daily, in the minimum amount of 1 cup of 200mL and maximum of 5 cups (1 liter).
In addition to the quantity, the time of consumption may also vary depending on your goals. If the idea is to drink just to enjoy the flavor and receive nutritional benefits, consumption can be throughout the day, between meals. But if the goal is to lose weight, it is recommended to drink half an hour before the main meals.
How to make hibiscus tea
Hibiscus has culinary use in addition to teas. It is worth remembering that the Hibiscus sabdariffa type is, in general, used only in cooking, while the Hibiscus acetosella type has ornamental and edible uses, but has a more pronounced flavor.
Among the possible preparations, you can use hibiscus in salads, make jellies and jams, in addition to adding drinks and sweets.
To make the tea without the properties being altered or affected, it must be prepared through infusion, as the plant’s boiling (decoction) can leave the taste very bitter and unpleasant.
Then just put 1 liter of water to warm up and pay attention to the appearance of the first bubbles of air. At that point, the water is approximately 70 ºC.
A few more seconds, the air bubbles rise (about 80 ºC if you have a culinary thermometer) and it’s time to turn off the water. Place 2 tablespoons of dried or dried hibiscus (about 10g each spoon), cover the container and let it steep for 5 to 10 minutes.
Then just strain and ingest.
You can put the drink in a jar or bottle with a lid and keep it in the refrigerator for up to 24 hours without changing its properties.
In addition, you can enhance the effects and add more nutrients to the drink, in addition to varying the flavor, adding other ingredients to the preparation. Check out some recipes to test the flavors below:
Hibiscus tea with ginger and lemon
Whoever wants to increase the thermogenic effects, accelerating the burning of fat, can invest in the union of ginger and lemon with tea. In addition to helping to raise the metabolic rate, the ingredients add an even more refreshing taste to the drink.
To do this, you need:
- 1 tablespoon of dried hibiscus petals;
- 1 tablespoon of mate tea;
- 1 piece of grated or sliced ginger;
- The juice of 1/2 a lemon;
Put 250mL of water and the grated or cut ginger in a pan, taking to the fire. After the boil starts, leave for 5 to 8 minutes and turn off. Add the hibiscus and mate herbs, cover and leave to infuse for 5 minutes.
Just strain and, before drinking, add the lemon juice. In general, it is preferable not to sweeten or, if necessary, to use honey.
Hibiscus tea with cinnamon and ginger
The cinnamon is generally used in menstrual regulation and stimulation. Therefore, women who have severe cramps, intense blood flow or are pregnant should not ingest.
However, the properties of cinnamon optimize the action of hibiscus, and can function as a bactericide, cholesterol-lowering and blood circulation aid.
To prepare the drink, you need:
- 1 cup (200mL) of tea of water;
- 2 teaspoons of hibiscus;
- 1 cinnamon stick unit;
- 1 teaspoon of grated or sliced ginger.
Put the water to heat and turn off the heat as soon as it starts to boil. Add the ingredients and let it steep for 5 minutes. Just strain and, if necessary, preferably sweeten with honey.
How to take
The consumption of 1 cup of tea a day is already able to increase metabolism, promote diuretic action and reduce body swelling. In addition, you can combine other herbs and ingredients in the preparation, enhancing the effects. For example, ginger and lemon optimize thermogenic action.
But for those who want to lose weight, it is essential to maintain a regulated diet and practice physical activities. As the drink has thermogenic action, the caloric expenditure during exercises is considerably high. That is, those extra pounds on the scale are eliminated more easily.
If you consume 1 cup a day, you can drink tea in the morning or between meals, at the time that best suits your routine, or – if your consumption is higher – you can drink it during the day, at different times (remembering that the maximum recommended intake is 5 cups or 1 liter).
Hibiscus tea diet
It is never too much to emphasize that diets should be monitored by a nutrition professional , as any dietary change can cause health risks if it is not supervised.
In general, diets promote a restriction of caloric intake that must be combined with other weight loss activities. In the hibiscus tea diet, the drink is inserted between meals in order to increase thermogenesis (fat burning) and provide the other benefits of the plant.
Below you will find a menu suggestion that can help you eliminate a few pounds in 15 days, emphasizing that this is the maximum time for making the menu, as prolonging the routine can cause nutritional deficiencies and harm the body. However, tea consumption can be continued even after completing the diet.
To make breakfast, half an hour before breakfast, consume 1 glass of detoxifying juice. There are several recipes, for example:
- 1 orange + 1 kale leaf + 100mL of cold water;
- 1 apple + slices of ginger + juice of 1 lemon + 1 slice of pineapple + 200mL of cold water;
- 1 carrot + 2 slices of pineapple + 1 small cucumber with peel +1 small lemon + 200mL of water.
For breakfast, the ideal is to choose a source of vitamins, such as soy milk or 1 fruit, a source of protein, such as turkey breast or white cheese, and a good carbohydrate, such as whole grain bread or oats.
Between breakfast and lunch, have a small snack – which may include 1 fruit + 2 nuts, for example – and consume the first cup of hibiscus tea.
Half an hour before lunch, drink 1 more cup of hibiscus tea. And, for lunch, prioritize raw salads – like lettuce, watercress, arugula – choose a lean protein source – it can be a grilled chicken fillet or tuna – and another source of carbohydrates – for example, sweet potatoes , brown rice or lentils.
Between 2 and 3 hours after lunch, the first afternoon snack should be made, preferably with 1 fruit or 1 natural yogurt, along with 1 cup of hibiscus tea.
About 2 or 3 hours after snack 1, you can consume another small meal, avoiding long periods without eating. It can be 1 fruit smoothie, 1 fruit or a mixed juice (for example, papaya, banana and apple). Together, you should have another 1 cup of hibiscus tea.
Half an hour before dinner, you should have another cup of hibiscus tea (remember to allow at least 2 hours between the second afternoon snack and dinner).
For dinner, opt for a light soup (like a green broth, soup or pumpkin cream ) and 1 other fruit of your choice, such as a banana or apple.
Other uses of hibiscus tea
In addition to tea, hibiscus has a great culinary versatility. Fresh goblets can be added to the green leafy salad, making it look and taste much more attractive and appetizing.
If you grow the plant at home or buy fresh leaves, it is possible to prepare hibiscus juice by blending the leaves with water and straining before consuming. To vary the flavors, add fruit, mint or other infusions to the juice.
Sounds strange with hibiscus desserts? Because several professionals and establishments have invested in the plant to flavor and color the preparations, giving more nutrients to the food.
In fact, the cuisine and the food industry itself have resorted to the use of natural products, herbs and other components that are not always associated with tasty meals.
At home, with the crushed goblets left over from the preparation of juices or teas, you can prepare jams, desserts (like gelatin and sago), increase sautéed cakes and vegetables.
In alternative therapy
Hibiscus is used in alternative medicine for therapeutic purposes. In the use of florals, the plant is indicated to improve apathy and stimulate sexual health, promoting increased pleasure.
In Ayurveda medicine, food has a very important role, being used not only to supply the body nutritionally, but to rebalance or treat body and mind.
To make Ayurveda therapy and obtain better results, foods and teas are indicated according to the condition of each patient. Hibiscus is recommended for those who want to relax and calm down, as it is considered a cold plant or able to cool the blood.
But hibiscus can also be used in order to improve sexual stimuli, using aphrodisiac.
Risks of hibiscus tea
That teas are natural drinks and generally beneficial to the body, most people already know. But it is important to remember that consumption must be moderate and it is necessary to be attentive to the body’s signals.
Although the consumption of the drink is well tolerated by most people, some may have allergies or sensitivity to the plant, causing different reactions, from the mildest to the most intense – such as itchy skin until the airway is blocked.
However, even when there are no allergic signs present, it is necessary to take care with the amount of tea ingested, as any product consumed in excess can bring risks and cause damage to health.
In guided studies, it is pointed out that the daily consumption of up to 10g of hibiscus does not offer risks of mild or intense toxicity. But it is still possible for adverse symptoms to occur. Below are some of the reactions to hibiscus tea:
In the liver
Excessive and prolonged consumption of the drink can trigger liver dysfunction.
In the stomach
The drink can aggravate the symptoms of gastritis and reflux, intensifying the burning or stomach discomfort, especially because it contains xanthine, a substance that tends to irritate the stomach mucous membranes of sensitive people.
In fertility
The consumption of hibiscus tea can hinder the plans of those who want to have children. In women, drinking can interfere with estrogen levels and alter ovulation processes.
Men with low sperm production should avoid high tea consumption, as hibiscus can interfere and further reduce spermatogenesis, that is, sperm production.
In the pressure
The properties of hibiscus can assist in the control and reduction of blood pressure. Therefore, people who have low blood pressure or tend to severe pressure drops should avoid consumption.
Abortive effect
Due to the action on the uterine muscles, hibiscus tea can cause changes in pregnancy and promote abortion.
Other effects
In general, the drink is safe and there are not many reports of toxicity, but high consumption can be harmful to the body.
As the drink has a diuretic effect, electrolyte decomposition, such as calcium, potassium, sodium and magnesium, can occur in the body (as soon as they are eliminated in the urine).
In addition to low blood pressure, unpleasant symptoms and malaise can manifest, such as nausea, dizziness , weakness, blurred vision and even fainting.
The indication is that pregnant and lactating women, people who are trying to have children, with low blood pressure and women with intense PMS symptoms should avoid consumption.
Patients who use high blood pressure medications, pain relievers, antifebrile drugs or diuretics should avoid consumption because tea can accentuate the action.
In addition, patients with chronic diseases or under treatment for any disease or condition should only consume the drink with the knowledge of the doctor.
Interaction with medicines
Some authors and herbal materials indicate that there are no determinations about the interaction of hibiscus tea with medicines. However, there are studies and recent publications indicating that the consumption of the plant may interfere with the action of some medicines.
A 2007 study, published in the scientific journal Pesquisa Fitoterápica , observed a reduction in the effect of diclofenac and, in 2004, another study published in the journal European Journal of Metabolism and Pharmacokinetics of Medicines , pointed out that if the patient ingests paracetamol and, in up to 4 hours, drinking tea, the medicinal effects can be reduced or inhibited.
Patients who use chloroquine , a medicine to treat malaria , should not ingest hibiscus tea, because, according to an article published in the Brazilian Journal of Obesity, Nutrition and Weight Loss, in 2017, there may be inhibition of the medication action.
Medicines used to lower blood glucose and hypertension can have elevated effects when combined with hibiscus tea. Therefore, the patient who undergoes any continuous or punctual treatment should inform the doctor before consuming the tea.
Price and where to buy
Dried goblets for making hibiscus tea can be found in health food stores, sold in bulk or in closed packages, such as Fito Hibiscus Tea. On average, the kilo or the closed packages can be found between R $ 15 and R $ 20.
In pharmacies and supermarkets, it is possible to find the sachet versions, sold in traditional boxes that start at R $ 4.
If it is not possible to find the dehydrated plant or you prefer the practicality of soluble teas, such as Hibiscus Sanavita Tea , it is possible to find industrialized versions in natural houses, commercial pharmacies and handling pharmacies. The price is around R $ 20.
There are versions like Maxx Tea Hibisco Sempree and X Tea, which offer formulations supplemented with other ingredients in order to increase the thermogenic action of the hibiscus. These supplements are found from R $ 90.
Those who want to include the functional properties of hibiscus in their diet, but are unable to drink tea or prefer to opt for the encapsulated ones, there are hibiscus supplements such as Zentage Cranberry and Hibiscus, which can be recommended to supply food deficiencies.
But it is noteworthy that the consumption of supplements with hibiscus extracts should not be done indiscriminately, since the plant, in this case, is only one of the components. Supplements or multivitamins should also be prescribed by a doctor or nutritionist.
NEVER self-medicate or stop using a medication without first consulting a doctor. Only he will be able to tell which medication, dosage and duration of treatment is the most suitable for his specific case. The information contained in this website is only intended to inform, not in any way intended to replace the guidance of a specialist or serve as a recommendation for any type of treatment. Always follow the instructions on the package insert and, if symptoms persist, seek medical or pharmaceutical advice.
Common questions
I have the plant at home. Can I make tea with her?
If the species is edible, yes. But in general, the types most used for decoration and ornamentation ( Hibiscus rosa-sinensis ) are not edible.
The species that can be consumed are Hibiscus acetosella and Hibiscus sabdariffa .
Can people who have hypertension drink hibiscus tea?
Although hibiscus tea promotes a reduction in blood pressure, the drink should only be ingested by patients who suffer or treat high blood pressure under the guidance of a doctor or nutritionist.
Once ready, how long should I consume the tea?
If properly stored in the refrigerator, in a covered container, you can drink within 24 hours without losing properties.
Teas have been consumed for centuries, either for their medicinal properties or just for the pleasure of ingesting a tasty drink.
Drinking at least 1 cup of hibiscus tea every day can be enough to provide several benefits to the body through a natural method. By combining a balanced diet and healthy habits, you achieve a better quality of life.
Take care of your body with the tips and information of the Healthy Minute.