Asthma: what is it, symptoms, treatment, remedies, is it curable?

According to data from the Ministry of Health and the World Health Organization (WHO), asthma is the 4th leading cause of hospitalizations in Brazil, with around 150 million people worldwide suffering from the disease.

More than 2 million visits to pediatricians each year are due to asthma.

And, considering adults and children, 12% of the population lives with the risk of crises.


What is asthma?

Asthma, also called bronchial asthma, is a very common chronic inflammatory disease – along with it, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and allergic rhinitis are the most recurrent.

Its origin stems from genetic and / or environmental factors.

In fact, there is a joint occurrence of genetic factors – such as family history of asthma or rhinitis or predisposition – in addition to the patient’s exposure to allergenic elements – such as dust, fungi, mites, viral infections.

When it manifests, the asthma attack causes difficulty in breathing, coughing , tightness in the chest and a noise similar to wheezing when the patient inhales.

The mechanism of asthma consists of an exaggerated response from the body, or hyperresponsiveness of the lower airways, causing a reduction in the flow of air that reaches the lungs.

Therefore, it is common for there to be an acceleration of breathing in the midst of the crisis, making the patient still feel that the inspired air is not enough.

The condition is common and has an impact on public health, and it is important to note that the inflammation of the airways is chronic, but the crises occur by episodes.

That is, they only happen when there are triggers.

Although there are risks to life – it is estimated that between 5% and 10% of deaths due to respiratory conditions result from asthma attacks – episodes can be alleviated, treated and avoided, ensuring more health and well-being.

In ICD-10 , the disease is listed under the codes:

  • J45.0 : Asthma predominantly allergic;
  • J45.1 : Non-allergic asthma;
  • J45.8 : Mixed asthma.

What are bronchi?

The bronchi are part of the respiratory tract and are flexible tubes that carry air from the trachea to the lungs. The trachea comprises a single tube in the throat region.

From it, the right and left bronchi (called primary or first order) branch.

This primary part gives rise to the lobar or second order bronchi, which supply the respiratory needs of each lung (left and right).

The bronchi are lined with smooth muscles and, therefore, can contract. That is, when the patient with asthma is in crisis, these muscular parts are responsible for blocking or obstructing the air.

What is an asthma attack?

An asthma attack or episode occurs when the patient is exposed to an allergenic agent and inflammation of the airways occurs.

With it, characteristic symptoms are manifested, such as narrowing of the airways, reduced airflow, coughing and wheezing when inhaling.

This means that crises occur at different intervals (they can be frequent or very rare) and include those moments when the patient is symptomatic.

After controlling the situation, the crisis ceases.

Pathophysiology of asthma

The mechanism of manifestation of asthma results from the hypersensitivity of the bronchi in the presence of allergenic agents or triggering conditions.

When the patient inhales or comes into contact with allergenic substances or not (such as viruses or toxic gases ), the release of mediating cells on the surface of the airways occurs, which causes changes in permeability.

As the tissue becomes infiltrable (permeability decreases), irritants reach the innermost tissues of the airways more easily.

At the same time, a series of activations and immune responses occur, causing the body to start producing antibodies of the IgE type.

Due to the invasion of agents to the internal mucous membranes, the body protects itself by promoting muscle contraction and secreting mucus.

That is, there is a constriction or narrowing of the airways, causing the breathing to be affected.

At this time, the body has reduced oxygen rates and increased carbon dioxide, making the patient feel asphyxiated and speeding up breathing.

How to identify an asthma attack?

The patient himself can do some simple tests to assess whether asthma symptoms are starting to manifest:

  • Check if the body temperature is high;
  • Check if your heart rate is faster;
  • Try to speak an entire sentence without feeling breathless or needing to inhale oxygen.

These small tests may indicate that the episode is going to get worse.

Close people should be aware if the patient exhibits certain behaviors, such as:

  • Accelerated and short breathing;
  • Paleness or cyanosis (bluish skin);
  • Dizziness or difficulty maintaining balance;
  • Difficulty speaking;
  • Intense contraction of the abdomen muscles to inhale air.

What is bronchial hyperresponsiveness?

When an external, irritating or allergenic element comes into contact with the organism, there is a natural and expected defense response.

However, patients with asthma have a very sensitive bronchial region and when irritating substances reach the region, an exaggerated response occurs – which is the same mechanism as any allergy , in which the body generates a much greater action than it should.

The body’s reaction generates lesions and changes in the bronchial mucosa (epithelial tissue), causing the tone and normal control to be modified.

Increased mucus secretion and changes in tissue permeability begin to occur. The air passage is reduced and the symptoms start to manifest with more intensity.

Types of asthma

There is no consensus between the types of asthma, as there have been several attempts to standardize or define a way to classify the manifestations.

Authors and professionals can use the triggering factors, the mechanism of manifestation, the degree of involvement of the patient and even the type of therapy used to typify asthma.

However, among the most accepted or used classifications is that which separates the disease between extrinsic and intrinsic asthma.

Some professionals even use more specific categories to classify non-allergic asthma. That is, all manifestations that result from hypersensitivity to common allergens (dust, mites, pollen) are also considered as allergic or intrinsic asthma.

Allergic (extrinsic) asthma

The patient has factors or genetic predisposition, in which exposure to allergenic factors trigger responses of the organism – called type I response or immediate hypersensitivity.

In this case, the agent that triggers the allergy varies in each patient, and there are numerous environmental allergenic agents – chemicals, dust or fungi.

It is the most common type and usually begins in childhood. Family history or the presence of other pathologies is common (such as allergic rhinitis, eczema or allergies).

Intrinsic asthma (cryptogenetics)

Also called cryptogenetic asthma, the non-allergic or intrinsic type is not triggered by substances present in the environment, but usually by conditions such as climatic changes (dry, cold weather), emotional factors ( stress , anxiety ) and body conditions (response physical exercises).

Therefore, when performing blood tests, for example, the patient does not change the normal rates of specific antibodies (ie, it is not an allergy).

The condition is, in general, more common in adulthood, manifesting after 25 years of age.

Professional asthma

Crises result from constant exposure to certain products, such as flour, chemicals, paints or animal hair.

In general, asthma occurs when people are constantly exposed to the agents and develop hyperreaction late.

The type is quite common among complaints related to worker health, and up to 25% of adult patients with asthma may have developed the condition due to frequent exposure to products and substances in the environment in which they work.

Asthma due to medications

Asthmatic attacks occur after ingesting certain active ingredients, such as aspirin or anti-inflammatory drugs.

Exercise-induced asthma

It occurs after the moderate or intense practice of physical activities, manifesting the common symptoms of asthma.

Asthma by climate

Climatic variations, especially dry and cold air, can trigger asthma symptoms.

Causes or triggers

The cause of asthma is an association between the organism’s predisposition and exposure to the triggering agent.

It is not known, for sure, what makes the patient susceptible to inflammation, but among the environmental and external agents, the most common are:


These are elements that are closely related to common allergies, such as dust, pollen, animal hair, fungi, insects, food, drugs or medications.


This group includes products that, in general, are not present in the daily lives of most people. Between them:

  • Organic dust;
  • Aldehydes;
  • Isocyanates;
  • Anhydrides;
  • Dyes;
  • Resins;
  • Welds and wood;
  • Pesticides;
  • Plastics;
  • Paints;
  • Latex;
  • Metals;
  • Flours and grains.


Among the most common medications are:

  • Propranolol and other beta-blockers;
  • Methacholine;
  • Isoproterenol metabolites;
  • Reserpine;
  • Narcotics;
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • ACE inhibitors;
  • Food additives (metabisulfite, tartrazine and monosodium glutamate).

Physical exercises

In general, patients with non-allergic asthma due to exercise experience crises when they practice moderate or intense activity, such as sports, due to hyperventilation.


Elements such as smoke and chemical odors, pollutants (carbon monoxide or ozone), cigarette smoke, cold air, perfumes, dust, cosmetics and climate change can trigger crises.


Viruses, such as influenza, rhinovirus and respiratory syncytial, and bacteria, such as Chlamydia pneumoniae and Staphylococcus , are associated with asthmatic attacks.


Punctual or prolonged emotional factors can trigger crises.

That is, if the patient is experiencing emotional problems (anxiety or depression ) or specific situations (agitation, stress, acute fatigue ), asthmatic conditions may occur.

Simultaneous conditions

There are still conditions that are associated and can favor or trigger asthma episodes, such as premenstrual periods, sinusitis, obesity and thyroid dysregulation.

Risk factors

The risk factors for developing asthma are varied, including genetic and environmental aspects. That is, inherited and acquired, respectively.


Boys, according to the studies, have greater risks in relation to the manifestation of asthma, due to the anatomical constitution of the lungs, in which there is, in general, less air flow and greater bronchial musculature, favoring the blockage of the air passage.

Maternal behavior

Children of mothers who smoked during pregnancy are more susceptible to asthma, especially up to the first year of life.

In general, inflammatory processes may still occur in the child’s intrauterine development, affecting respiratory capacity after birth.

Family history

People who have close relatives with asthma or diseases related to the respiratory tract (chronic lung disease and allergic rhinitis) are more likely to also be affected by asthma.

Exposure to allergenic agents

Children exposed to irritants, allergens or related to asthma attacks may be at greater risk of suffering from the disease in the future.

In general, the elements most associated with the development of the disease are viral infections (respiratory syncytial virus and Chlamydia pneumoniae ) and pollutants.


People with obesity have high levels of fat, causing the body to suffer from constant inflammatory processes and facilitate or favor the occurrence of crises or the development of asthma.

Premature or underweight babies

Although there is no complete consensus between the baby’s low weight, there are studies that relate premature birth or malnutrition during intrauterine development as a risk agent for asthma.

Gastroesophageal reflux

Reflux or gastroesophageal reflux disease is characterized by the return of stomach contents towards the esophagus and mouth. As this reflex is quite acidic, due to the digestive process, the mucous membranes suffer irritation.

If aspiration occurs, reflux can reach the lungs and cause damage to the tissues of the organs, causing asthma, pneumonia and bronchitis.

Asthma symptoms

Asthma usually manifests symptoms during attacks, which can be controlled and prevented.

At the onset of the crisis, the patient may experience a difficulty in inhaling that gets worse, as if inhaling the air was not enough to carry it to the lung.

Symptoms include:

  • Difficulty breathing;
  • Wheezing when breathing;
  • Cough;
  • Short, rapid breathing (dyspnoea);
  • Fast heartbeat;
  • Pain in the chest and chest area;
  • Agitation;

Symptoms of severe asthma attacks

In severe crises, patients with asthma may have some more severe and life-threatening symptoms, such as:

  • Purplish or bluish lips;
  • Euphoria and anxiety attacks;
  • Intense and cold sweat;
  • Dizziness and loss of consciousness;
  • Mental confusion, difficulty locating or communicating.

How is asthma diagnosed?

The diagnosis of asthma consists of an assessment of the patient’s symptoms and family history. The doctors most qualified to assess, monitor and treat asthma are the general practitioner, the pediatrician and the pulmonologist .

For the clinical diagnosis, the professional must raise suspicions of asthma when there is at least one of these symptoms:

  • Dyspnea (shortness of breath);
  • Chronic cough;
  • Tightness or discomfort in the chest and chest, continuously.

That is, even when there are no asthma attacks, the patient has some of these signs.

In addition, there are episodic manifestations, in which the difficulty in breathing is accentuated, especially in the presence of allergenic agents (animals, climate change or dust).


To confirm the diagnosis of asthma, the professional can order tests such as:


The examination consists of assessing the arrival of air to the lungs through the respiratory volumes. The exam is quick and non-invasive, lasting approximately 20 minutes.

For the examination, the patient must blow, with the greatest possible strength, an apparatus connected to computers and meters.

The test may be repeated after certain conditions, such as the use of medications that facilitate the passage of air (bronchodilators).

In general, the recommendation is that the patient does not smoke hours before the exam, does not drink for at least 24 hours after the exam and does not eat heavy meals before the exam.

The results demonstrate the forced expiratory volume (FEV1 or FEV1), which refers to the amount of air exhaled per second, and the forced vital capacity (VCF or FVC), which is the total amount of breathed out (released) in a given time.

Peak expiratory flow (PEF)

The test is used for both diagnosis and patient follow-up, and is very similar to the spirometry test .

The main difference is the meter used in the PEF, which is more compact and portable, similar to a breathalyzer, allowing the patient to have it at home and be able to follow the evolution of the treatment.

Allergy test

Allergy tests are auxiliary to the treatment, as they allow, in some cases, to identify the triggering agent of the crises.

In general, the patient is exposed to small fragments or particles of the allergens, and is then evaluated.

If the factor generates cutaneous or symptomatic manifestations, it is easier for the patient to prevent crises, as it can eliminate or reduce contact with the substance.

Chest X-ray

Imaging tests are also aids to diagnosis and allow to identify if there are any anatomical changes in the lungs that may cause or worsen asthma.

IgE measurement

The test that measures IgE antibodies, or immunoglobulin E, is generally recommended only as a control of the disease, using common blood samples.

Values ​​are affected when there are allergic reactions occurring in the body and serve to assist in the adequacy of medications, especially in patients who have difficult control of asthma attacks.


Also called the cardiopulmonary test, ergospirometry is an association between the pulmonary capacity measurement test and the conventional stress test.

For this, the patient performs physical activities indicated by the responsible professional so that the amount of exhaled air, oxygen consumption, carbon dioxide production, respiratory rate and pulmonary ventilation are evaluated.

Has asthma cured?

No . The patient with asthma will live with the disease for life, even if the symptoms are no longer present.

It is important to emphasize that there are different intensities and frequency of symptoms, making, in some cases, the treatments consisted only of avoiding contact with a certain substance.

Degree of asthma

Assessing the degree of asthma is essential to determine drug treatment and effectively control the disease.

In general, about 60% of patients fall under intermittent or mild persistent asthma, between 25% and 30% in moderate conditions and between 5% and 10% in severe cases.

Check out the grades below:

Intermittent asthma

Symptoms of shortness of breath, wheezing and coughing occur once a week, without causing major damage to the routine (need to miss work or school).

When seizures occur, they are usually mild and can be controlled with the use of bronchodilators, without having to go to the hospital.

Nocturnal crises can occur, in which the patient wakes up at night due to coughing or wheezing, but they are rare (usually less than 2 times a month).

Bronchodilator drugs are used once a week or less.

Briefly, the characteristics of intermittent asthma include:

  • Symptoms 1 to 2 times a week;
  • Night awakenings up to 2 times a month;
  • Use of beta-2 adrenergic at most 2 times a month;
  • No activity limitation.

Persistent mild

The most characteristic symptoms, such as coughing and wheezing, usually occur between 1 and 7 times a week (1 crisis per day), with the patient’s activities and routine being more compromised.

Asthmatic attacks are usually more intense, but they are still frequent – it may be necessary to use corticosteroids to relieve them.

Night symptoms can occur between 2 and 4 times a month (ie, at most 1 time a week).

The patient uses bronchodilators to relieve symptoms at least 2 times a week.

Briefly, the characteristics of mild persistent asthma include:

  • Symptoms 2 to 7 times a week;
  • Night awakenings 2 to 4 times a month;
  • Beta-2 adrenergic use up to 2 times a week;
  • Small activity limitation.

Moderate persistent

The characteristic symptoms are daily, but do not appear continuously. Activities are severely affected, with routine and the performance of professional or leisure tasks being compromised.

In such cases, short walks or stair climbs can cause wear and shortness of breath. Asthmatic crises are more frequent, requiring in some cases emergency care.

The nocturnal symptoms occur about 1 time a week and the use of bronchodilators is between 2 and 14 uses per week.

Briefly, the characteristics of moderate persistent asthma include:

  • Daily symptoms;
  • Night awakenings up to 1 time per week;
  • Beta-2 adrenergic use 2 to 14 times a week;
  • Moderation of activities limitation to discharge.

Serious persistent

Symptoms are continuous and daily, with the patient constantly coughing, wheezing and shortness of breath.

Therefore, there is a high impact on routine and activities, interfering in the execution of various demands of daily life, such as going to school, walking in a straight line.

Seizures are frequent and often severe, requiring the use of corticosteroids in a systemic manner and hospitalizations.

Night episodes occur intensely, becoming almost daily, and the use of bronchodilators is more than 2 times a day.

Briefly, the characteristics of severe persistent asthma include:

  • Daily and continuous symptoms;
  • Almost daily nighttime awakenings;
  • Use of beta-2 adrenergic frequently and daily;
  • High activity limitation.

What is the treatment for asthma?

Asthma treatment consists of controlling the symptoms and improving the patient’s quality of life, by stabilizing the routine.

Therapeutic management depends on the manifestation of symptoms and aims at the systematic control of the disease.

Non-drug treatment

The patient must avoid allergenic factors that can trigger or aggravate asthma attacks.

It is not always possible to identify the causative agent, therefore, measures for allergic precautions include care with the maximum reduction of episode facilitators.

Drug treatment

The patient can use anti-inflammatory drugs, inhaled corticosteroids and bronchodilators that can be recommended continuously or in cases of crisis.

It is important that all patients have, in an accessible way, medications for acute episodes of symptoms, even if they are infrequent.

According to the Clinical Protocols adopted by the Ministry of Health, control drugs include:

  • Inhaled corticosteroids (IC) : anti-inflammatory drugs widely used for patients with chronic asthma, whether adults or children;
  • Systemic corticosteroids (CS) : used, in general, for cases of severe asthma and are used for a limited time;
  • Long-acting beta-2 adrenergic agonists (B2LA) : with a bronchodilator effect, the drug’s action can last for up to 12 hours.

Relief medication, according to the Ministry of Health guidelines for the management of asthma, includes short-acting beta-2 adrenergic antagonists (B2CA).

In cases of asthmatic crisis, Beta-2 are able to quickly reverse bronchial spasms. The use is through inhalation (aerosol or nebulization).

Asthma medications

Inhaled corticosteroid, adrenocorticoid and glucocorticoid remedies include:

  • Beclomethasone ;
  • Budesonide ;
  • Ciclesonide ;
  • Flunisolide;
  • Fluticasone ;
  • Mometasone ;
  • Triamcinolone.

Oral options include:

  • Methylprednisolone;
  • Prednisone ;
  • Prednisolone .

The most common drugs with bronchodilator effect (inhaled or tablets) are:

  • Formoterol;
  • Formoterol Fumarate Dihydrate + Budesonide;
  • Formoterol + Salmeterol.


NEVER self-medicate or stop using a medication without first consulting a doctor. Only he will be able to tell which medication, dosage and duration of treatment is the most suitable for his specific case. The information contained on this site is only intended to inform, not in any way intended to replace the guidance of a specialist or serve as a recommendation for any type of treatment. Always follow the instructions on the package insert and, if symptoms persist, seek medical or pharmaceutical advice.

What are firecrackers?

In general, one of the first things people think about when they hear about asthma are inhales, which refer to the inhaled drugs used to control the disease.

The pump itself is the device or device that the patient uses to inhale the medicine.

Currently, doctors and health professionals prefer to use the term “device”, “inhaler” or “equipment”, as the use of “Bombinha” sometimes refers to negative aspects in relation to asthma, causing some old-fashioned ideas persist and hinder the understanding of the disease.

Addictive firecracker?

No. Many conceptions – somewhat wrong – are part of the idea of ​​the bombinha, as a possible addiction when using them.

It happens that many patients do not make the correct treatment of the disease and resort to inhalant medications only in crises.

Although they are, in general, quite effective in relieving symptoms and controlling the crisis, some of these patients need continued treatment, outside of asthmatic episodes.

As there is no use of maintenance medications, crises become more frequent, and may even worsen. Thus, the patient increasingly uses the inhaler.

Bombinha affects the heart?

No. The myth that the use of the devices can possibly damage the heart stems from the side effects experienced by patients in the past.

This is because, in general, the bronchodilators used in inhalers caused an acceleration of the heartbeat (tachycardia), causing the discomfort to be associated with damage to the heart.

Over the years, more modern and safer medications started to be used in the treatment, causing many side effects to be eliminated or, at least, significantly reduced.

Today, in general, bronchodilators have almost no more uncomfortable effects since they are used in the correct dosages, prescribed by the doctor.

Living with asthma

Most asthma patients have a normal routine, with no major impact on physical or behavioral activities (such as work or school).

But from the diagnosis of asthma, it is important for the patient to keep in mind that health care is a way to reduce the risks of crises and help health in general. Some measures include:

Reduce triggers

Staying away from the triggering agents is the main way to live better with asthma, even if the patient does not know exactly what the allergenic factor is.

Dust, cigarettes, animal hair, pollen, polluting fumes, perfumes and chemicals are some of the products most associated with crises.

Although not everyone can be absolutely avoided, reducing contact or using protective measures is ideal. For this it is important:

  • Wear protective masks when cleaning the house and handling cleaning products;
  • Avoid the accumulation of dust in the rooms of the house;
  • Keep the environments well ventilated;
  • Avoid places with strong odors;
  • Clean every avoiding molds and mites.

Get medical follow-up

In some cases, patients diagnosed with asthma drop out of treatment or do not follow up properly.

As with any health condition, asthma requires regular visits to the doctor and constant evaluation of the effectiveness of the treatment.

It is important to always evaluate the effectiveness of the medications and the need to modify the treatment.

Often, the continued use of medicines is necessary, but only the doctor will be able to evaluate.

Always carry your medications

It is not possible to predict when a crisis will occur, so the ideal is to always keep inhalation devices close at hand.

Asthma attacks can be quite severe and rapidly evolve if medication is not administered.

In addition, it is important that people close to you and those who are part of the coexistence know about asthma and how it should be managed during a crisis.

Control the emotional

Asthma is not caused by emotional factors, but it can be aggravated or triggered by them. Situations of stress, anxiety, sadness or intense euphoria can trigger asthmatic manifestations.

Therefore, in order to achieve a more effective control of the disease, it is also necessary to control the emotional.

Slowing down the routine, paying attention to exaggerated tiredness or dissatisfaction with the routine are important to assist in the treatment.

Small changes in life help to maintain mental health , such as relaxing activities, reading, physical exercise, integrated and natural therapies.

Take care of the food

Eating habits are related to health and well-being. Therefore, maintaining care with food is essential for the body to perform its functions correctly and react in the best possible way to treatments.

In general, it is those foods that are naturally antioxidant and with anti-inflammatory properties that should be consumed more, such as fish, flaxseed (rich in omega 3), garlic and onion (with anti-inflammatory properties).

Although there are no specific dietary restrictions, there are some food groups that can be avoided or reduced in consumption to alleviate symptoms or crises.

Those that should be reduced include milk and dairy products, sugars, fried foods and processed foods, as soon as they stimulate the production of mucus and can obstruct the passage of air.

In addition, a study published by the scientific platform European Respiratory Journa l, in 2018, points out that a diet rich in fiber from fruits, vegetables, vegetables and grains helps in the control of asthma symptoms.

Practice physical activities

Physical activities are generally feared by those with asthma. Shortness of breath due to bodily exertion is generally associated with the triggering factors of the crises.

But in fact, doing some aerobic exercise frequently (approximately 3 times a week) can be quite effective in improving symptoms and reducing seizures.

This is because the activities promote the muscular strengthening of the chest and make lung ventilation more efficient.

The ideal is always to seek medical advice and a physical education professional, starting activities properly and gradually increasing the frequency.


The prognosis of asthma depends a lot on the degree of manifestation and the therapeutic approach adopted.

In general, patients who undergo adequate treatment and follow-up have good results and live with asthma without major impacts or limitations.

As for medications, current options usually show good results, with side effects becoming less and less and the effectiveness of the action is usually very good, in which few patients do not respond to the stipulated drug treatment.


Complications are mainly related to cases in which the treatment is not properly performed, which can damage the respiratory system and health as a whole. The following may occur:

  • Respiratory infection;
  • Dehydration;
  • Pulmonary obstructions due to excess mucus;
  • Persistent and severe cough;
  • Permanent changes in lung function;
  • Changes in cardiac functioning (acute cor pulmonale);
  • Pneumothorax (air infiltration between lung tissues);
  • Respiratory failure;
  • Drop in blood oxygenation (hypoxemia);
  • Cardiorespiratory arrest and death.

How to prevent asthma

There are no ways to prevent the onset of asthma as soon as the disease is due to a combination of genetic and environmental factors. In general, it is preventive measures that help health as a whole.

Among them, pregnant women should:

  • Avoid smoking or being exposed to smoke, chemicals or intense pollution;
  • Maintain an adequate diet and follow prenatal care, so that the baby develops properly;
  • Avoid prolonged contact with irritating and chemical products that may affect gestational development.

Other methods of prevention include:

Adequate eating habits

A good diet ensures that the whole organism functions properly.

It is important to remember that a balanced and natural diet helps prevent various diseases, strengthens immunity and reduces the risk of allergies due to chemicals.

In addition, some foods have anti-inflammatory properties and can help reduce health risks.

Maintain adequate hydration

It is recommended to drink at least 2 liters of water per day to maintain the proper functioning of the organism. The lack of hydration can be quite harmful, making the most balanced diets have no effect.

Pay attention to weight and health in general

Asthma can be related to obesity, causing excess weight to become a risk factor or an aggravating factor for the health of the respiratory tract.

In addition to the direct relationship, maintaining control of the balance and keeping an eye on the health of the body in general is essential.

Practice physical activities

Maintaining an adequate and frequent exercise routine helps in the functioning of the body’s systems, brings more well-being, promotes weight control or reduction, in addition to providing mental health benefits.

Clean the environment

Keeping the environments well ventilated and clean, avoiding the accumulation of dust, mites and the occurrence of mold, helps to eliminate triggering agents.

It is worth remembering that even people without asthma must wear protective equipment and avoid exposure to chemicals, reducing airway aggression.

Avoid pets or keep them in the yard

Pets can cause allergies and irritations, but it is not always possible or necessary to avoid contact with them.

People without a diagnosis of asthma can enjoy the company of pets, but they should preferably keep them outside the house and always keep regular baths and visits to the vet.

But it is worth remembering that depending on the degree of asthma, the most recommended is to restrict contact with the animal.

Keep vaccination up to date

Vaccination helps the body to defend itself against various diseases. As some people may experience asthma attacks in the face of an infection, having an immune system can prevent the reaction.

In addition, it is worth remembering that vaccines are safe and reduce the risk of various diseases.

Do not smoke

Cigarettes contain hundreds of substances harmful to health and are associated with a series of harms. Not smoking and not living with cigarette smoke (passive smokers) reduces the risk of discomfort and changes in the airway.

Treating other health problems or illnesses

To keep the body strengthened, whether you have asthma or not, keeping your health up to date is essential.

It is worth remembering that the organism is a joint system and that, therefore, an untreated disease or condition can affect the functioning of the other systems.

People who are allergic, with dietary restrictions, with chronic illnesses or who need any kind of medical follow-up need to keep their care up to date.

Properly use protective equipment when handling chemicals

Cleaning the house is essential, but it is always necessary to pay attention to the use of masks and gloves. Thus, skin irritation, mucous membranes and intoxications are avoided.

It is important to always read the labels on the packaging and follow the recommendation for use for all products, even aesthetic ones (such as hair dyes), which can also cause allergies.

Companies should always provide appropriate equipment to professionals, reducing the risk of allergies, for example.
