We could say that everyone, or almost everyone, has a favorite tea or medicinal plant. That home remedy passed down from generation to generation as the solution to various health problems.
With scientific proof or just as a placebo effect, they are able to ward off malaise and reduce the symptoms of a cold or flu , for example.
The success of these medicinal plants or herbal medicines is on the rise in the country. According to the Ministry of Health, during the years 2013 and 2015, the search for treatments with natural medicines more than doubled, with a growth of 161%.
We can understand these data as a characteristic very present in the culture and in the way people are prevented, as they are increasingly looking for alternative methods to keep their health up to date.
Although these plants do not have the role of replacing a traditional treatment and diagnosis made by a specialist doctor, they are interesting in helping to prevent many diseases, in addition to their use for aesthetic purposes.
The hibiscus or hibiscus flower is part of this team and is becoming increasingly popular with Brazilians. By promising to help eliminate excess fat and reduce swelling, the plant has become an indispensable ingredient for people who want to lose weight or maintain weight.
Tea is the most popular form of ingestion, which has also become a darling of some celebrities, such as Fernanda Souza and Bruna Marquezine.
Thinking about it, in the following article, we will understand how hibiscus can help people, bringing several benefits, and understand when excessive consumption is bad. Good reading!
Index – in this article you will find the following information:
- What is?
- Hibiscus flower
- What is it for?
- properties
- The benefits
- Hibiscus lose weight?
- Contraindications
- Drug interactions
- Side effects
- Hibiscus tea
- Daily amount
- Where to buy and prices
- Recipes
- Common questions
What is hibiscus?
The hibiscus, of scientific name Hibiscus sabdariffa, is a medicinal plant widely consumed by those who want to lose weight.
It has substances such as flavonoids and organic acids, which actively help health and assist in weight loss.
The used part of the plant is its chalice, which has great diuretic and antioxidant action, making hibiscus well known for helping to decrease fluid retention.
The plant can also be known by the names of hibiscus , pampola , pampulha vinegar , pimento , jamaica , sorrel and poppy . In Hindu, hibiscus can be known as Gongura , in Arabic by Pulicha Keerai .
This is a plant with an erect subshrub and a purplish stem. It is usually 80cm to 140cm tall and belongs to the Malvaceae family .
Its origin was in East Africa, being introduced in Brazil by slaves. In Europe, it was only taken in the late twentieth century, but it did not become very popular on the continent due to its strong red color.
However, it didn’t take long for Europeans to surrender to the benefits, flavor and color of hibiscus. Currently, the plant is present in the formula of most aromatic teas consumed there.
Tea, the most common form of hibiscus consumption, is given by the infusion of the flower’s dry chalice into the water. It is important to note that this is a different type of hibiscus than those normally found in gardens, which also belong to the genus Hibiscus, but which belong to different species ( Hibiscus rosa-sinensis and Hibiscus-syriacus ).
These inedible hibiscus flowers usually have a yellowish or pinkish color. The hibiscus used in teas and other dishes, on the other hand, has a vibrant red colored chalice, white flower and the plant has fruits similar to small okra.
In addition to its use to aid weight loss, hibiscus is also consumed because it contains properties that possibly lower cholesterol, improve heart, brain, kidney and intestine health.
In some cases, consumption is contraindicated. In excess, the plant can also pose health risks.
Hibiscus flower
Learn a little more about decorative (or ornamental) and edible (or medicinal) hibiscus:
The hibiscus has, among other characteristics, fast blooming and abundance of flowers. The species of ornamental use can be presented in the following types:
- Singelas: they are flowers with 5 petals that overlap;
- Semi-folded: they are 3 petals that originate from the center (core) of the plant;
- Folded: there are 5 petals that come out of the center of the plant;
- Miniatures: they can be single or folded plants, but they have a small size, about 5cm in diameter.
Despite being the same plant, the medicinal hibiscus has different presentations, which can be:
- In capsules : they have a good concentration of nutrients and the way to consume is simpler;
- Dehydrated extract : usually used to make an infusion or add to recipes;
- Soluble : semi-ready, the soluble hibiscus needs to be mixed in water. It usually tastes smooth and pleasant.
What is hibiscus for?
Hibiscus promotes benefits due to its properties with a diuretic and antioxidant effect, helping to combat the action of free radicals, contributing to health and weight loss. It can be used in hot and cold drinks, in cooking, as a medicinal or ornamental plant.
The chalice, part of the plant used in the preparation of tea, can be used in several presentations. In some dishes, it takes on a more decorative role, but it is also present in the production of some sweets, syrups, jellies, vinegars, wines and other foods.
In addition to these uses, due to the anti-inflammatory and antibacterial action, the plant is used in food for therapeutic purposes, as it helps to strengthen the immune system against possible inflammation and infections.
It also has a demulcent effect, which means that it helps to protect mucous membranes, helping in cases of constipation and irritation of the airways.
Hibiscus is a plant that has properties with antioxidant, antihypertensive, diuretic, anti-inflammatory, relaxing, digestive and calming properties. When consuming tea, proteins , carbohydrates , fibers, potassium, vitamins , phosphorus, calcium, iron and magnesium can be ingested .
The antioxidant benefits of hibiscus are attributed to the presence of water-soluble, bioactive substances, anthocyanins, flavonoids, beta-carotene and phenolic acids.
Know a little more about some of the main nutrients of the plant:
Vitamin A
Like vitamin B1, vitamin A is present in hibiscus leaves. In the human body, it plays an important role in maintaining the health of the eyes, immune system, bones, skin and reproductive organs.
Vitamin B1
Vitamin B1, also known as thiamine , is part of the B vitamins , and is involved in a series of enzymatic processes. It is important for the body to be able to metabolize amino acids and carbohydrates.
This vitamin is also present influencing appetite and regulating the body’s energy expenditure.
In hibiscus, this property is in greater concentration in the leaves, which can be eaten raw or cooked, in salads or hot dishes.
Vitamin B2
Vitamin B2 ( riboflavin ), present in the hibiscus flower, is associated with benefits such as maintaining the health of bones, hair and skin. It also acts in the production of energy and in the functioning of red blood cells, responsible for the transport of oxygen.
C vitamin
Vitamin C is famous for its antioxidant action, responsible for helping to protect the body, strengthening the defense system and helping to prevent diseases related to aging, due to the inhibition of the action of free radicals.
According to some studies, hibiscus is believed to have higher concentrations of vitamin C than those found in fruits such as mango and orange.
Calcium is a fundamental mineral for the health of teeth and bones, as it helps prevent diseases such as osteoporosis .
It also plays an important role in the communication of neurons with each other, in muscle contraction and, together with the action of vitamin K , acts in the dilation of blood vessels.
It plays an important role in the transport of oxygen in the body, as it acts in the production of hemoglobins, cells responsible for this function.
Other effects associated with this mineral are the benefits it provides to muscles, brain, hair, nails and sleep.
Magnesium performs several functions in the body, being essential for nerves, muscles, bones and blood system. A diet rich in this mineral helps to prevent problems of poor digestion, heartburn , diabetes , heart disease, high blood pressure and osteoporosis.
Lycopene is a red pigment present in foods such as tomatoes and hibiscus. It has antioxidant action, helping to preserve the health of the organs and inhibiting the growth of cancer cells.
Anthocyanins are also natural plant pigments and are responsible for the red color of the hibiscus calyx.
It is an antioxidant substance, important in combating free radicals. It is associated with the prevention of chronic diseases, some types of cancer and cardiovascular problems.
They are important antioxidant substances for the prevention of degenerative diseases, caused by aging and the action of free radicals.
The consumption of foods rich in polyphenols can contribute to increased energy and disposition in everyday life.
Like calcium, phosphorus is also an important nutrient for bones and teeth. Iron-rich foods help the body with cell restoration processes, increase energy and prevent degenerative diseases.
Potassium is a mineral that is present in cells and blood. It is responsible for cellular metabolism and acid-base balance (pH levels, carbon dioxide and bicarbonate in the blood), being important for the heart, nervous system and muscles.
It is a mineral that is present in the production of hormones, antioxidant enzymes and blood cells. Since it is not produced naturally by the body, it needs to be acquired through food.
In addition to hibiscus, foods such as cocoa powder, oats, almonds, broccoli and soy flour are good sources of copper. The consumption of this mineral is important for the health of the skin, the brain and to strengthen the immune system.
The benefits
Hibiscus is widely used and known for its benefits. Not only in the flower, but also in the calyx and leaves of the plant, there are several important nutrients and substances to preserve health and prevent some diseases.
Know some of the main benefits of its consumption:
When a food or drink has a diuretic action, it means that it acts directly on the kidneys, increasing the volume and urinary flow. In this way, they help eliminate sodium, potassium and chloride.
This is important for people who are looking for weight loss, as it helps to reduce fluid retention, promoting swelling.
Read more: What is Desinchá for?
According to a study published by the Journal of Ethnopharmacology , of the International Society of Ethnopharmacology, the diuretic effect of hibiscus may be related to the action of quercetin, one of the antioxidants present in the plant.
This benefit may also be associated with the interference that hibiscus tea causes in the action of aldosterone, a hormone secreted by the adrenal glands, responsible for regulating the body’s electrolyte balance.
Reduces fat accumulation
The hibiscus helps to prevent the accumulation of fat in the abdominal region and the hip, as it is related to the reduction of adipogenesis, which is a process of cell maturation, in which pre-adipose cells are converted into fat cells that can accumulate in the body. .
As a result, those who consume the tea may end up having a reduction in the volume of this accumulated fat.
However, although this relationship exists between the consumption of hibiscus and the reduction of adipogenesis, it is not known for sure which specific substance is responsible for this effect. It is believed that the presence of antioxidant substances, such as anthocyanin and quercetin, may be involved in this fat reduction process.
Antioxidant action
It is a benefit associated with the action of anthocyanins, polyphenols, vitamin C, lycopene, beta-carotene and other antioxidants.
The presence of these components makes hibiscus a strong ally in combating free radicals, molecules responsible for the development of chronic diseases, cardiovascular diseases, ophthalmic problems and heart disease.
The seeds and chalice of the hibiscus have higher amounts of antioxidant substances when compared to the flowers and the stem, with the chalice having the highest concentration of anthocyanins, responsible for the red color.
Some studies carried out from the hibiscus extract suggest that the plant also has antibacterial action. This benefit occurs due to the defense mechanisms that the plant has to protect itself from predators, insects and other microorganisms.
Therefore, hibiscus extract can help protect against some bacteria that cause hospital and urinary infections, such as Klebsiella pneumoniae , Serratia marcescens and Escherichia coli.
Helps control cholesterol
In a study done on the action of hibiscus tea, it was observed that the plant had a great influence on the reduction of bad cholesterol (LDL) levels and on the increase of good cholesterol (HDL).
The results indicated that the drink was responsible for increasing HDL by 16.7%, and reducing LDL by up to 8%.
The action of hibiscus tea, when compared to other teas that have this same benefit, such as black tea , proved to be more significant. This is because hibiscus proved to be beneficial in balancing the levels of the two types of cholesterol, while black shows action only in reducing LDL.
Thus, consumption of the plant is recommended for people who have high levels of bad cholesterol, as they can find in hibiscus a healthy way to control rates and prevent cardiovascular complications.
Contributes to blood pressure control
This benefit is related to the action of flavonoids in the body, especially due to the presence of anthocyanins, which interfere with the enzymes responsible for regulating blood pressure.
The plant can also help to lower high blood pressure rates due to its diuretic effect, since it contributes to the elimination of electrolytes such as sodium.
It’s good for the brain
Hibiscus has vitamins that are part of the B complex, such as vitamins B1 and B2.
These nutrients help the body to capture energy in the cells and maintain various functions, such as oxygen and glucose metabolism, the main sources of cellular energy.
Thus, the consumption of these vitamins ends up interfering with the action of neurons, in the communication of these cells with each other and with the rest of the body.
Contributes to heart health
Some studies show that the flavonoids present in hibiscus have cardioprotective and vasodilatory effects, which helps to prevent cardiovascular diseases, reduces LDL (bad cholesterol) and triglycerides.
Hibiscus lose weight?
One of the main attractions of hibiscus, more specifically of its tea, is in the fact that it helps to lose weight. This happens due to its antioxidant and diuretic power.
For these reasons, hibiscus helps prevent fluid retention, reducing swelling in the abdomen.
Fat reduction occurs because hibiscus is able to decrease adipogenesis, a process in which pre-adipocyte cells mature. These cells are converted into mature adipocytes capable of accumulating lipids, that is, fats.
Therefore, these mature cells are responsible for causing the famous fats located in the body.
However, it is worth remembering that for a healthy weight loss, just the consumption of hibiscus tea is not enough, as the intake of the drink is not miraculous.
It can have several health benefits, but for weight loss it is necessary to maintain a good diet and exercise regularly .
The consumption of hibiscus should not be done under some conditions, as it can cause some drug interactions or aggravate certain clinical conditions. See in which situations consumption should be avoided:
Heart diseases
People who have severe heart disease should have a more limited consumption of hibiscus, as the plant can cause the elimination of electrolytes.
Electrolytes are macrominerals that the body needs in large quantities to function perfectly, present in the bloodstream.
In the kidneys, these macrominerals are filtered, part is returned to the blood and the other part is eliminated in the urine.
Hibiscus interferes with this because it is a diuretic, so the person may end up eliminating a greater amount than necessary, causing an imbalance of electrolytes that can cause some disorders, such as heart problems, in addition to dehydration or hyper hydration, and dysfunctions in the kidney and liver. .
Pregnant and lactating women
Hibiscus should be avoided by pregnant women due to the fact that they have polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, which are associated with congenital malformations and cancer.
Another risk associated with the use of hibiscus during pregnancy is the possibility that its flowers stimulate menstruation, increasing the risk of miscarriage.
In addition, it is also not recommended for women who suffer many hormonal changes during the menstrual cycle, especially for those who have a more intense PMS, as the symptoms may be more aggravated.
People with high blood pressure or low blood pressure
Hibiscus, due to its antihypertensive effect, is able to favor, together, the diuretic action and the reduction of blood pressure. Although it is beneficial when it happens in a balanced way, it can end up causing a very big drop in people who have hypotension (low pressure).
Therefore, the use of hibiscus should be avoided by patients who have this condition.
The same goes for patients with high blood pressure (hypertension), but due to the possibility of drug interaction . For, when consuming the hibiscus together with the medicines, there may be an exaggerated pressure drop.
Drug interactions
Hibiscus can cause drug interactions, such as when consumed with acetaminophen (paracetamol). Because it is a diuretic, tea can end up eliminating the medicine from the body more quickly, impairing its action.
If consumed during treatment with antivirals, hibiscus can have an addictive effect on the person who is ingesting it.
In other cases, such as in patients being treated for malaria , hibiscus can alter the effect of the medications administered.
Faced with the use of anti-inflammatory remedies, it is recommended that the patient wait for at least 2 weeks to resume consumption of hibiscus tea, to avoid side effects.
If you are using any medication continuously or not, consult with the doctor about the possibility of continuing to consume the tea or plant. If it is necessary to discontinue use, respect the guidelines to avoid complications.
Side effects
Hibiscus can end up causing some side effects when consumed excessively, by contraindicated groups and even when used in the recommended dose or by people who are not among the contraindicated, but have some sensitivity to the substances of the plant
Some of the known adverse effects are:
Due to its diuretic action, when consumed in excess, hibiscus can end up causing dehydration. Thus, what would be a benefit can end up becoming a side effect.
The diuresis caused by hibiscus is always considered a benefit, because it helps to decrease fluid retention. However, when it is exaggerated, it causes dehydration and excessive loss of electrolytes, such as sodium and potassium.
In addition to malaise, it can end up causing problems such as dizziness , weakness, fainting and problems with muscle contraction.
Continuous consumption in large quantities can cause some interference in the levels of estrogen, the hormone responsible for ovulation. In the long run, hibiscus may end up interfering with a woman’s fertility, in a temporary way.
Abortive effect
Hibiscus tea, when consumed in excess, can end up causing hormonal and uterine muscle changes. Therefore, it is contraindicated for pregnant women, as it can cause spontaneous abortions, causing risks to the mother or baby.
Hibiscus tea
Hibiscus tea is the most famous form of consumption of this plant, and can be prepared and consumed in different ways.
The purpose of people when drinking hibiscus tea has changed over time, being different also in each region. For example, when used by Egyptian pharaohs, hibiscus tea served to cool and control body temperature. In Iran, the plant is mostly used as a tranquilizer and to improve sleep disorders.
Currently, hibiscus is used more for its antioxidant and diuretic benefits, consumed more for aesthetic purposes, such as weight loss and swelling reduction.
The drink can be made with the plant in natura, found in health food stores, but also with tea bags, sold in convenience stores, pharmacies and supermarkets.
Read more: Green Tea: what is it for, benefits, how to do it, lose weight?
Preparation Tips
A few simple tips can make your hibiscus tea more enjoyable, making the absorption of its benefits even greater. For example, the proportion of the plant’s dry extract and the amount of water are important.
The recommended serving is 1 tablespoon for every 1 liter of water. It is important to be careful with the temperature, as the hibiscus should preferably not be placed in the boiling water.
So, after boiling the water, turn off the heat and then add the hibiscus. Some people prefer to follow a different order, placing the hibiscus in a container and on top of the water, which is optional and has little effect on the result of the tea.
Leave for 5 minutes in infusion and, to consume, it is recommended to strain, being the choice of each one to sweeten or not.
For those who want to lose weight, the ideal is not to add sugar, but if there is no custom of drinking unsweetened tea, the sweetener or honey are better options.
It is not necessary to consume the drink on the spot, as it can be taken throughout the day, within 24 hours of preparation. It can be taken cold or with other juices and ingredients, such as cinnamon and ginger .
Hibiscus tea with ginger
Hibiscus tea with ginger is a very functional drink, as it unites two important ingredients for disease prevention and health maintenance.
Ginger is thermogenic, which can contribute even more to those who want to lose weight, as it helps to burn more calories. In addition, ginger is also anti-inflammatory, bactericidal and antioxidant.
To make this tea it is necessary:
- 2 tablespoons of hibiscus;
- 2 tablespoons of grated ginger;
- 1 liter of water;
- Honey to sweeten.
To prepare, first heat the water for 8 to 10 minutes, being careful not to let it boil. When it is hot, add the ginger, cover and leave for 5 minutes.
Then place the hibiscus and leave for another 5 minutes. Then just strain and serve with the honey, in enough quantity to sweeten.
Hibiscus tea with cinnamon
Like ginger hibiscus tea, the cinnamon version is also diuretic and thermogenic. In this way it helps to deflate and speed up the metabolism, effects desired by those on a diet. The ingredients are:
- 200ml of water;
- 1 dessert spoon of dry hibiscus flower;
- Cinnamon sticks to taste.
Bring the water to a boil and when it is very hot, turn it off. Then add the hibiscus flower, the cinnamon stick and leave it covered for 5 minutes in infusion. Then just strain and consume, hot or lukewarm.
Daily amount
The daily dosage of hibiscus can vary according to each person and depends on the purpose of consumption.
The amount may also vary according to how the hibiscus is consumed. For infusion of dry flower, for example, it is recommended 1 dessert spoon per day, somewhere between 4g to 6g, for a 200ml glass. Considering sachet tea, that would be the equivalent of 2 or 3 sachets a day.
When it comes to the dry extract in capsules, the dosage should be from 1g to 4g, ingesting a maximum of 3 times a day, before the main meals.
Powdered hibiscus can be consumed in the amount of 1g to 6g, 1 to 3 times a day, also before main meals.
Certainly, these quantities are generic and do not apply to special cases, especially in groups that are most contraindicated. Therefore, to know the ideal dosage for each person, the most recommended is to seek medical advice or a nutritionist.
Where to buy and prices
The dry extract of the hibiscus flower can be found in health food stores, sold in bulk or in closed packages. The price can vary according to the quantity and the region where it was purchased, usually between R $ 15 and R $ 20.
When sold in ready-made teas, it can be found in supermarkets and physical pharmacies and online – compare prices at Consulta Remédios !
It is the most practical form of consumption, but it is not the one with the highest concentrations of nutrients. In these cases, the price per box starts at R $ 4.
In addition to these pure hibiscus options, you can find teas that mix more than one ingredient. Some product options are as follows:
- Hibiscus Sanavita tea ;
- Cha Sanitas ;
- Hibiscus Tea Fito Foods Teas and Herbs;
- Zentage Cranberry and Hibiscus, 60 Lozenges.
NEVER self-medicate or stop using a medication without first consulting a doctor. Only he will be able to tell which medication, dosage and duration of treatment is the most suitable for his specific case. The information contained in this website is only intended to inform, not in any way intended to replace the guidance of a specialist or serve as a recommendation for any type of treatment. Always follow the instructions on the package insert and, if symptoms persist, seek medical or pharmaceutical advice.
Recipes with hibiscus flower
There are other ways to consume hibiscus, in addition to tea. For those who want to vary the plant’s intake a little, some recipes can be interesting:
Hibiscus mousse
Hibiscus can also be present in desserts, as in this mousse recipe. To prepare you need the following ingredients:
- 2 cups of boiling water;
- ¼ cup dehydrated hibiscus flowers;
- ½ cup demerara sugar;
- 1 envelope of unflavored white powdered gelatin.
- 3 clear;
- ¾ cup of sour cream.
To make this mousse, put the hibiscus and boiling water in a bowl. Let stand for about 20 minutes, covered. After that time, strain and sweeten with 3 tablespoons of demerara sugar, and let it cool.
In another container, dissolve and hydrate the gelatin according to the instructions on the package. In sequence, mix the gelatin with the hibiscus infusion and freeze for 40 minutes.
During this time, take the mixture out of the refrigerator a few times and stir it a little, until the consistency approaches the appearance of raw egg white.
In an electric mixer, beat the egg whites and sugar until they become snowy. In another container, beat the cream until it looks like the egg whites.
Then, just mix the cream with the meringue of egg whites. Then add the hibiscus gelatin, reserving ½ cup of the gelatin.
In 8 cups, distribute the reserved gelatin and place the mousse on top. Freeze for 3 hours and then it will be ready to serve.
Hibiscus shake with blackberry
It is a simpler and more practical recipe to make, and it can be an option to consume for breakfast or before exercising. The necessary ingredients are as follows:
- 1 teaspoon of hibiscus flower;
- ½ cup of blackberry;
- ½ banana;
- Ginger zest.
To prepare, it is necessary to add the spoon of hibiscus flower in 1 liter of water and leave overnight. After that, just put a cup of this water in a blender with the other ingredients and beat. The shake should be consumed afterwards, preferably.
Hibiscus cake
For those who are looking for a recipe to use as an afternoon snack, for example, this cake can be a good option. The following ingredients are required:
For mass
- 1 and ⅓ cup of wheat flour (whole or not);
- ¼ cup of crushed dry hibiscus;
- ¼ cup of rolled oats;
- 1 cup of organic sugar;
- 1 cup of water;
- 1 orange;
- 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil;
- 1 dessert spoon of flaxseed;
- 1 tablespoon of baking powder.
For the syrup
- ½ cup of orange juice;
- 3 tablespoons of organic sugar;
- 1 dessert spoon of wheat flour, corn starch or arrowroot;
- 1 dessert spoon of vegetable oil;
- 3 tablespoons of water.
For the dough, it is necessary to first chop the orange with the peel and beat in the blender together with the water. In sequence, strain.
After straining, take this juice to the blender and add flaxseed, sugar, vegetable oil and hibiscus. Beat all these ingredients well and, in another bowl, place the flour and yeast. Pour the liquid over and mix well.
Grease and flour a pan with a hole in the middle and pour the dough. Bake in medium oven, preheated, for approximately 30 minutes or until a toothpick is inserted and it comes out clean from the cake.
For the syrup, mix the orange juice and sugar in a pan and cook for 5 minutes over low heat. Meanwhile, dilute the wheat flour in 3 tablespoons of water, add the oil and place in the pan, mixing until thick. After cooling, spread the syrup over the cake and serve.
Hibiscus mulled wine without alcohol
For cold days, hibiscus mulled wine can be a pleasant drink option. Since it does not contain alcohol, it can be consumed without great risks.
The ingredients are:
- 1 cup of dehydrated hibiscus;
- 2 tablespoons of ginger;
- 2 tablespoons of dehydrated apple;
- Half orange peel;
- Cloves and cinnamon to taste;
- 1 spoon of stevia (natural sweetener;
- 2 liters of water.
To prepare, simply add the ingredients to the boiling water and leave for 15 minutes.
Common questions
Can pregnant women and nursing mothers consume hibiscus?
The use of hibiscus is contraindicated during pregnancy, as it contains substances that can be harmful to the baby. During breastfeeding, it should also be avoided, as little is known about the effects it causes during this period.
To clarify the risks of this and other plants during breastfeeding, the most recommended is to talk to the doctor or a nutritionist.
Can I consume any hibiscus?
No! There are several species of plants belonging to the genus Hibiscus L . and, in a generic way, most are called hibiscus. However, this does not mean that they are all edible.
The species used to make tea is Hibiscus sabdariffa . To make sure you are consuming the right plant, it is best to look for hibiscus in stores specializing in natural products.
Some common hibiscus in gardens are not edible and therefore can cause serious adverse effects, due to the little-known toxicity.
Can I have hibiscus at home?
-Yeah . Planting the hibiscus at home is possible, but it requires certain conditions. This is a plant that adapts well in warmer places, where temperatures remain above 20ºC.
In regions where the cold is more intense, the chances of the species growing are less.
Other care that the plant needs are sun exposure, irrigation and fertile soil.
Hibiscus can be planted by seed or by planting the stem, leaves or roots, a method called cuttings.
Hibiscus tea cuts the effect of contraceptives?
There is no consensus on this. It is known that the plant can increase the diuretic effect of certain drugs, it can affect the absorption and action of the medicine.
However, there is no scientific evidence to say that the plant causes interaction with this contraceptive method. In any case, it is always worth talking to a specialist doctor to check the risks.
Because it is antioxidant and diuretic, hibiscus ends up being a plant full of attractions for health and aesthetics. Your tea, therefore, in addition to presenting an attractive color and flavor to drink fans, also promotes benefits such as swelling and fat burning.
How do you consume hibiscus and how does it help you in your health? Tell us in our comment space. Thanks for reading !.