With ginger
The Ginger is a root widely used in strengthening immunity, so combined with mint, can combat symptoms of colds and flu (such as fever , cough pain and muscle head).
In addition, its properties help to increase caloric expenditure, and ginger is considered a thermogenic food. Who wants a help to lose weight can include the drink in the routine.
Another advantage of this relationship is the effects on the digestive system. Both ginger and mint are indicated to combat poor digestion, trapped intestines and abdominal pain.
What are the benefits of mint tea?
Mint has several vitamins (A, B6, C, E and K), in addition to substances that are important for the proper functioning of the organism or that prevent diseases (such as antioxidants and anti-inflammatory drugs). Therefore, it is indicated to combat digestive problems, insomnia , bad breath , liver and among others.
Learn a little more about these and other benefits of this drink:
Improves sleep
Mint is a natural tranquilizer that acts on the nervous system, leaving the person more relaxed and prone to rest.
Therefore, mint tea is recommended for people who have difficulty sleeping.
Reduces flu symptoms
Mint also has properties (like menthol) that help boost immunity and help the immune system to function properly.
Thus, it can prevent this complication or relieve some flu symptoms like cough and sore throat .
Improves breath
Yes, mint tea is good for fighting bad breath. It helps to eliminate the bacteria that cause caries and cause the unpleasant smell in the mouth.
Because of this, mint is used in the composition of various products for oral hygiene, such as toothpaste and dental floss.
Helps in liver functions
Mint tea also helps the liver to regenerate from the wrong diet and excessive alcohol consumption, in addition to helping to eliminate toxins harmful to that organ.
In the bloodstream
Mint helps to improve blood circulation, as it can decrease the amount of cholesterol and fats present in the veins.
And with blood circulating freely, the risk of cardiovascular problems (such as heart attacks, strokes and heart failure) is reduced.
In natura or in sachet?
Sachet teas are less healthy than fresh ones. This is because such products are industrialized and produced with herbs that may be old or not fresh.
In addition, the process of industrialization, roasting, handling and storage can cause box tea to lose its properties.
Therefore, if possible, the most recommended is to consume mint tea (and the others) in natura.
Has it harm?
Yes. Despite all the benefits, mint, if consumed in excess, can cause or aggravate kidney problems. Therefore, its consumption is contraindicated for those who have any complications (such as insufficiency) in the kidneys.
Who can take it?
Mint can be consumed by almost everyone, except children (under 2 years old) and those who have kidney problems.
Consumption is recommended for people who have difficulty sleeping or liver disease (such as hepatitis).