Pimples: internal, in pregnancy, remedies and how to avoid

Pimples are manifestations of acne , a chronic skin disease that causes clogged pores. Very common especially among teenagers, they can cause problems with self – esteem and insecurity with their appearance.

The appearance of pimples is related to the excess production of sebum by the sebaceous glands, which clog the pores and cause inflammation in the skin characterized by small black or white dots – the known blackheads .

When these inflammations are infected by a bacterium, they become pimples: the wound becomes larger, usually red, and may or may not contain pus.

Acne is a disease that can happen at all times in life and to varying degrees. It is important to seek the diagnosis of a dermatologist who will indicate the best way to treat it.

In this text, we are going to talk about what causes pimples on the face, what other regions the condition affects and pimples in pregnancy.

In addition, we will give tips on how to get rid of pimple, what to do to avoid them and list some remedies used to treat pimples.


What causes pimples on the face?

Pimples are caused by clogged pores, due to an increase in skin oiliness and / or an accumulation of dead cells. There are several factors that can contribute to its appearance, such as hormonal changes, stress , use of drugs, genetics, use of cosmetic products, among others.

Thus, acne is caused by a sum of three main factors. The first of these is the excessive production of sebum by the sebaceous glands, which leads to an increase in the oiliness of the skin.

Hormonal variation

One of the main reasons that leads to increased sebum production is the variation in androgen and estrogen hormones (male and female sex hormones). Therefore, pimples are common in adolescence – a time when there is a large production of these hormones.

Bacteria on the skin

The second factor that contributes to the appearance of pimples is the accumulation of bacteria on the skin. This is the case of Propionibacterium acnes, which usually coexists in the dermis without causing damage, but in excess leads to inflammation.

These bacteria form colonies in the clogged pores, feeding on the sebum produced. The infection generated by them is the cause of the pimples.


The third factor that is related to the appearance of pimples is hyperkeratosis, a condition that generates a thickening of the outer layer of the skin. It prevents dead cells from being removed and ends up causing clogged pores.

Body regions affected

Acne can affect several regions of the body. Each can have related causes, especially if the pimples appear only in a specific area. Check out the most affected regions and what may be the cause:

“T” region of the face

Pimples that appear in the “T” region of the face (forehead, nose and around the mouth) are the most common. That’s because this is one of the areas with the most sebaceous glands.

Thus, problems that cause the excessive production of sebum end up causing the appearance of pimples mainly in this region.

On the chin

The pimples on the chin happen very often in adult women. They are usually related to hormonal problems or kidney imbalance.

Even in women who have no history of acne, they can appear at times of hormonal change or stress (such as PMS), and do not indicate a serious problem.

Pimples on the back

The back is also a very common place for pimples to appear. This is because it is an area where the sebaceous glands have great activity, as well as the face.

In addition, some factors can contribute to the appearance of pimples on the back, such as wearing very tight clothing, sweat and the oiliness of the hair.

What are internal pimples?

The internal pimples are those that appear in the dermis, the second layer of the skin. They are usually more painful, but less visible.

These inflammations cannot be squeezed under any circumstances, and can cause damage and scarring of the skin. Treatment with oral acne remedies is generally recommended.

Pimples in pregnancy

In early pregnancy, there is a very intense hormonal change in the woman’s body. This commonly leads to the appearance of pimples.

It is extremely important to consult obstetricians or dermatologists to indicate the correct treatment for pimples in pregnancy, as pregnant women cannot consume a series of medicines.

What is usually recommended are ways to reduce the production of oil from the skin without using acids or medications. In addition, using products that do not stimulate it is also important. In this case, neutral soaps and oil-free sunscreens should be preferred.

How to remove pimple stain?

The spots left by the pimples are also a nuisance, but there are ways to remove them.

The safest way are aesthetic procedures such as peeling or laser treatment. With a few sessions, the blemished skin is peeled / burned and renewal takes place, eliminating or softening the blemish.

In addition, some essential care can help to remove and prevent pimple spots, such as exfoliating your skin once a week, always using sunscreen and washing your face frequently.

There are still skin lightening products, which can be indicated by dermatologists.

What to do to avoid pimples on the face?

Pimples can have different causes. Still, they will always be related to the presence of bacteria and the accumulation of sebum on the skin. Therefore, to avoid pimples on the face, it is necessary to control the oiliness and keep the skin of the place clean.

For this, the recommended precautions are:

  • Wash your face twice a day, with mild soap or anti-acne;
  • Exfoliate the skin on your face once a week;
  • Always use sunscreen, preferably without oil;
  • Use moisturizers suitable for the skin type;
  • Avoid cosmetics that have oil in the composition;
  • Always remove makeup from your face before bed;
  • Avoid prolonged exposure to the sun;
  • Avoid highly glycemic foods (pasta, breads and sweets).

If the appearance of pimples on the face is recurrent, it is essential to consult a dermatologist. Each type of skin has its particularities and restrictions, and only the professional will indicate the most appropriate form of treatment.

Remedy for pimples

Depending on the severity of the inflammation, the dermatologist may recommend remedies to treat and reduce the pimples.

The duration of treatment varies depending on the cause of the pimples and the severity of the acne. In more intense cases, it can take months or years, so it is important to be patient and continue performing the treatment correctly.

Among the classes of medicines used for pimples are:

Medicines for topical use

They are medications such as creams, ointments and gels used to treat pimples (applied directly to the skin).

These products are usually composed of acids and have antibiotics in their composition. They act as anti-inflammatories and help to reduce oil production, providing skin cell renewal.

Some options for creams, ointments and gels for acne are:

  • Darrow Actine Trat Antiacne Gel (price: R $ 54.62) *;
  • Azelan Cream (price: R $ 49.90) *;
  • Acnase Cream (price: R $ 23,30) *;
  • Bactoderm (price: R $ 8.99) *;
  • Nebacimed (R $ 5.88) *.

* Values ​​consulted at Consulta Remédios. Prices may change without notice.

Medications for oral use

When topical medications have no effect on the patient, the doctor may recommend oral antibiotics to treat pimples. These drugs act on the bacteria that causes pimples, controlling the infestation.

According to the Brazilian Society of Dermatology, treatment with antibiotics should be done for a maximum of 3 months. The active ingredients of antibiotics used to treat acne are:

  • Tetracycline ;
  • Doxycycline ;
  • Erythromycin ;
  • Sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim ;
  • Minociclina;
  • Limecycline .

Isotretinoin (Roacutan)

The isotretinoin ( the active substance known as Accutane) is a powerful oral medication to treat pimples. That’s because it acts on all the factors that cause acne (sebum production, hyperkeratinization – thickening of the skin – and colonization by bacteria and inflammation).

Despite this, this is a medication that can cause unwanted side effects, such as dry skin, lips, nose and eyes. In addition, it can increase cholesterol levels.

Therefore, treatment with Roacutan should only be done when other options have not worked, being evaluated by the doctor (a) dermatologist.

Isotretinoin is proven to be harmful to fetal development, so pregnant women cannot use it.

Pimples are one of the most common skin problems, and almost all people experience inflammation and infections, especially in adolescence.

Acne is a disease that can be cured, and it takes patience to find the treatment that will work in each case.

Still, there is skin care that helps to reduce pimples and prevent the appearance of new wounds.

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