Oily hair: how to reduce the oiliness of the strands?

Excessive greasy hair is a problem that affects some people and can even lead to hair loss. Thus, the question that arises is: what to do to reduce the negative effects of oiliness and have cleaner and healthier hair?

In this text, the Healthy Minute explains to you what are the causes of the accumulation of oil in your hair and gives you tips on how to solve this troublesome problem. Check out!


What makes hair greasy?

The reasons that cause the increase in greasiness in the hair vary a lot from person to person, since there are those who are more likely to have oily hair, due to genetic factors and others who have harmful habits that induce the accumulation of oil in the hair.

The production and release of this oily substance, also called sebum or fat, occurs through the sebaceous glands that are located under the skin and scalp.

It is worth mentioning that the presence of oil in the hair is common and, at appropriate levels, it is beneficial for it, as it promotes hydration of the hair and protects the scalp.

However, when in excess, the oil affects the health of the locks, damaging them and causing destruction and fall.

In general, the situations that usually increase the secretion of this oil are:

  • Hormonal changes: the hormonal imbalance that occurs during some periods such as adolescence, menstrual cycle and pregnancy can increase sebum production and, consequently, increase the oiliness of the hair.
  • Stress: situations that cause excessive worry and stress, can trigger, as one of the symptoms, the oiliness of the wires. This is due to our nervous system.
  • Use of unsuitable products: those who have a tendency to capillary oil should be careful with the products they apply to the locks, since the substances present in the formulation can induce extra oil production, especially those that are indicated for dry hair.   
  • Fat consumption: it is necessary to pay attention to the foods eaten on a daily basis, as they influence the appearance and health of the hair. Therefore, those who have a diet rich in fried foods and fatty foods, are more susceptible to a greater release of sebum and, consequently, more oily and heavier hair.
  • Wash your hair with hot water: in addition to affecting the structure of the hair from the root,  the high temperature of the water during hair cleaning causes an increase in oiliness. Therefore, it is recommended to wash the locks with warm or cold water and also to reduce the use of equipment such as flat iron and dryer.
  • Hair accessories: the use of caps, hats, scarves and other accessories muffles the scalp and reduces ventilation at the root of the hair, leading to the accumulation of sebum and sticky appearance of the hair. Therefore, it is recommended to leave your hair always free and loose.
  • Friction in the hair: the habit of running fingers through the hair, throwing the strands from side to side, is also a factor that influences oiliness. In addition, all the dirt and micro-organisms found on the fingers are deposited at the root, leaving the locks heavy and dirty.

In addition to these situations, the accumulation of oiliness in the hair can occur due to a skin disease called seborrheic dermatitis , which is when areas such as eyebrows, sides of the nose, ears, beard and scalp have flaking. So it is important to be aware, especially if the hair root has particles of dandruff.

In any case, it is always valid to consult a professional to answer questions and start the most appropriate treatment.

How to remove oil from your hair at home?

The use of specific products for oily hair helps to control oiliness and make hair healthier.

The best way to remove excess oil from your hair at home is to opt for hair cosmetics developed with substances that promote this effect and are beneficial for oily hair.

However, it is always important to consult a professional in dermatology, to avoid allergic reactions to any component present in the formulation.

In addition, it is worth mentioning that homemade recipes are not appropriate and recommended because they can affect the health of the scalp and damage the root of the hair.

Dry shampoo

Indicated for days when there is no time to wash the locks, dry shampoo is an excellent way to soothe excess oil from the hair, as the product formulation acts in absorbing and removing sebum from the hair.

In general, to use dry shampoo, just shake the bottle, then point to the hair root, with an average distance of 1.0cm to 15cm, and squeeze the bottle by releasing short jets. After application, it is important to massage the scalp with your fingertips.

Some dry shampoo options are:

  • Pantene Dry Shampoo
  • Above coconut dry shampoo
  • Dry Shampoo Karina volume and freshness
  • Dove Care On Day 2 Dry Shampoo
  • Needs Hair Dry Shampoo without perfume
  • L’Oréal Professionnel Tecni Art Fresh Dust Dry Shampoo

It is worth mentioning that dry shampoo should not be used frequently and, much less, replace normal washing (with water and appropriate hair products).

Anti-oil shampoo and conditioner

Those who suffer from constant oiliness should prioritize and invest in products specially formulated for this situation, such as shampoos and anti-oil conditioners.

The products with this title (anti-oil) promise to clean, moisturize and restore the hair, without causing the famous rebound effect, which is when there is an increase in sebum to replace what was lost after washing.

Some options for shampoos and conditioners for oily hair are:

  • Head & Shoulders Oil Removal Kit
  • Elseve Hydra Detox Kit
  • BioHair Anti-Dandruff Kit
  • Kit Anti-grease Green Tea + Mint
  • Daily Detox Clear Detox Kit
  • 7 Fashion High Detox Treatment Herbs Kit

Remember to read the product label and check if you are not allergic to any substance in the formulation.

Hair scrub

Hair exfoliation has the purpose of removing residues that accumulate at the root of the hair due to the action of external agents such as sun, rain and wind, or chemical agents such as dye and progressive, which end up damaging the hair.

The scrub acts on the scalp promoting intense cleaning and restoration of the capillary surface, allowing healthier and less oily hair.

In general, the scrub should be applied during hair washing, before shampoo.

Then, it is necessary to make a light massage all over the hair leather, let it act for a few minutes (the time is usually indicated on the product label). After this process, just continue washing the hair with shampoo and conditioner.

Some scrubs available are:

  • Hair Scrub and Novex My Curls Treatment Mask
  • Monange Boost Growth Hair Scrub
  • Vichy Dercos Micro Peel Anti-Dandruff Shampoo
  • Phytoervas Detox Exfoliating Shampoo

The application of the product should be avoided in case of head injuries or irritation of the scalp.

Tips to reduce hair greasiness

Washing your hair every other day and with a warm or cold temperature helps to control oiliness.

To control the oiliness of the hair, some precautions can be taken on a daily basis since bad habits may be causing this problem. So, check out tips to soften the oily aspect of the hair:

Use correct hair products

Certain substances present in hair products may be contributing to the increase of sebum production and, consequently, to the excess oiliness in the locks.

Therefore, it is important to be aware of the capillary cosmetics applied daily on the strands, checking if they are recommended for those with oily hair. Therefore, reading the product label is essential to avoid problems.

Do not wash your hair daily

Alternating the days destined (skip 1-2 days) to clean the hair is also a way to reduce the extra dose of oil on the hair, because if the hair is washed frequently, you run the risk of the body understanding that it is necessary to enlarge the production of tallow to replace what was removed.

In addition, to maintain the capillary structure and soft texture of the strands, it is indicated to massage the hair gently, do not rub the scalp hard and rinse with warm or cold water.

Maintain a healthy diet

Having a balanced and healthy diet can be a great way to control excess oil in the hair, since what is consumed daily interferes with the health of the hair.

Thus, moderating the intake of refined sugar, carbohydrates , fried foods, processed foods and prioritizing the consumption of fruits, vegetables, oilseeds, among other items rich in nutrients, helps to strengthen the locks and prevent the unregulated production of sebum by the sebaceous glands.

Among the most important nutrients are vitamins , especially vitamin A, E and those of the B complex , which act on healthy hair growth, help to prevent hair loss and control the oily and sticky aspect of the hair.
