Insulin application simulator helps in diabetes education

Living with diabetes requires care such as exercising, having a good diet and, in some cases, giving insulin injections daily.

In general, it does not take long for the patient, when receiving the diagnosis, to start making his own applications. But this requires some training, which should be done with mannequins or human simulators.

Some insulin applicators are already on the market. Even so, they are little used because they have a high cost (about R $ 4,700.00).

These simulators would help in the training of the patient, indicating the correct way to make the injection, as well as the locations indicated.

But a group of Brazilian researchers developed an insulin applicator mannequin that will cost approximately R $ 400.00, that is, 15 times less than the value of those available on the market.

This mannequin, made of silicone, has indications of foam in the places where insulin can be applied (thighs, abdomen, buttocks and arms).

In addition to patients, the model can be used to help nursing and medical students to “train” the application correctly.

According to experts, if the injection is given in the wrong place, the patient may have lesions and nodules, causing incorrect absorption of the medication.

The applicator was produced by the Ribeirão Preto College of Nursing (EERP), which belongs to the University of São Paulo (USP).

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Insulin application

Here are some steps for the correct insulin application:

  • Separate everything beforehand: in order to correctly apply the insulin, you need 70% alcohol, cotton and a syringe or pen;
  • Application site: rotate and avoid injections close to the last application;
  • Hygiene: wash your hands (before and after) and pass a cotton swab with alcohol in the place where the application will be made;
  • Watch out for the needle: make sure the needle is securely attached to the syringe or pen. Do not put any kind of cream, liquid or medication on the needle;
  • Disposal: after using the needle, place it inside a bottle (pet, for example) preventing others from getting hurt. If the bottle is full, take it to a basic health unit.

Read more: What are the symptoms of diabetes? Pre, type 1, type 2, gestational and more

With a more affordable applicator, more people will be able to learn the correct way to apply insulin, which can facilitate diabetes education.
