At 16 weeks of gestation, the woman is in the 4th month.
This is a period in which the baby’s growth occurs at an accelerated rate, when he begins to develop important functions such as sensitivity to touch and auditory perception.
In this phase, the child already has defined joints and has a lot of space to move around. It is from this stage that the mother can feel the baby moving.
In this text, we are going to talk about the size of the baby in the 16th week of pregnancy, as well as the symptoms that the pregnant woman may encounter during this period. Read on!
How big is the baby?
At the 16th week of gestation, the baby is about the size of a pear. It weighs approximately 80g and is about 12cm long.
This week, the child is already making several movements inside the belly. Some mothers can already feel the baby moving, but others may take a little longer to identify this.
It is at this moment that the baby’s facial features are being more defined, such as the eyebrows and lips. In addition, he already has his organs formed, and it is usually from the 16th week of gestation that it becomes possible to identify the sex of the child.
What are the symptoms at 16 weeks of gestation?
At 16 weeks of gestation, one of the main symptoms for women is a high sensitivity in the breasts accompanied by an increase in their volume.