Headache in pregnancy: see the causes and what to do

In general, it tends to appear more frequently and intensely in the first trimester of pregnancy, and may raise concerns for the mother about her and the baby’s health.

However, headache is a very common symptom in many people. That is, headache may or may not be related to pregnancy.

In addition, the headache for being related to some complications in pregnancy. Therefore, it is important to understand the cause, observe the intensity, frequency and other possible symptoms that accompany headache.

In this text, we will explain about the headache in pregnancy, the possible causes, what the pregnant woman can take and some homemade methods to relieve it. Come on?


Is headache in pregnancy normal?

Yes. Especially in the first three months of pregnancy , headache is a very common symptom.

In that first trimester, many women may experience migraines . It is a type of headache that causes severe pain in a specific region of the head. It usually appears with other symptoms, such as nausea, vomiting and sensitivity to light and sound.

Migraine is inherited genetically, but pregnancy can trigger this condition. Some factors such as intense hormonal production, stress and diet can be related to the condition.

Other types of headache are also normal in this early period of pregnancy. If it appears very often or is very intense, it is essential to consult the obstetrician to identify possible risks.

After the first three months, the tendency is for the pain to subside naturally. This is due to the stabilization of the level of estrogen (the female hormone responsible for ovulation) and the increase in the production of endorphins (the hormone responsible for well-being).

What can cause headache in pregnancy?

One of the main causes for headache in pregnancy is hormonal change. Stress and tiredness combined with changes in hormone levels can lead to headaches and migraines. The symptoms may seem more intense than they were before pregnancy, and there are some factors that contribute to this happening.

Habit changes

First, pregnancy causes the woman to make some changes in habit. For example, if a woman smokes and drinks coffee very often, quitting and decreasing the use of caffeine can contribute to the onset of headache, such as withdrawal symptoms.

High pressure

Another possible cause for headache in pregnancy is high blood pressure . Usually, this pain is constant and can be accompanied by pain in the stomach and blurred vision.

These are indications of pre-eclampsia , a hypertensive disease specific to pregnancy. In addition to the headache, there may be swelling and fluid retention.

In the suspicion of preeclampsia , it is necessary to consult an obstetrician to determine the correct treatment and the pregnant woman is not at risk or has complications.

Other factors

It is important to remember that headache during pregnancy is not necessarily related to pregnancy. Headache is a very common symptom and can be related to several causes.

So, if a woman has chronic headache or migraine symptoms, it is important to take preventive treatment before pregnancy. If possible, this is one of the ways to reduce headaches during pregnancy.

What to take?

Pregnant women should only take medication with professional guidance, indicated only in necessary cases. The improper use of medicines can harm both the mother and the baby.

The aspirin , for example, is a drug whose risk to the fetus is proven. Anti-inflammatory drugs in general are also not indicated for pregnant women.

If the pain is very severe and no home method works to reduce it, the most common remedy indicated by obstetricians is paracetamol .

Home remedies

With the possibility of medications very restricted, pregnant women usually look for other alternatives to reduce headache. For example:

Teas and drinks

A well-known home remedy to combat headaches is chamomile tea. It has relaxing properties and can help to relieve symptoms. Lemon grass tea can also work.

Ginger water is also a well-known homemade recipe. It is a thermogenic ingredient and has anti-inflammatory properties, which makes it a good natural ingredient for reducing pain.

Rest and relaxation

Some other natural methods may work for this purpose. First of all, it is always important to rest and relax. If the pain is very severe, a cold compress on the forehead can help relieve it.

A foot bath can also help with headaches, even if it doesn’t seem to be related. Hot water stimulates blood circulation in the feet and ends up decreasing circulation in the cranial arteries. With this, the pressure exerted is reduced and the pain relieves.

Massages at the temples – the region between the eyes and the ears – are also a good option to relieve symptoms. Using your fingers, a force should be applied through circular movements. This helps to reduce the flow of blood in the extracranial vessels.

Headache is a very common symptom in early pregnancy.

However, over time, the tendency is for the pain to decrease. The important thing for the pregnant woman who is in this phase and is in constant pain is to be responsible with the use of medications, always consulting the obstetrician before taking medication.

In this text, we present some possible causes of headache in pregnancy, and show some suggestions of homemade methods to relieve the symptom.

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