14 weeks of gestation and changes in the body of the pregnant woman

After 14 weeks of gestation, the risks of spontaneous abortion are very low and the mother in general is already able to be safer. It is time to relax and focus on what is to come.

At this stage, the baby begins to take shape and has the structure of its organs fully formed. Soon it will be possible to see the face and know the sex of the baby.

How good it is to be able to follow the step by step of his development. Every day there are new discoveries about the baby and about herself. Make the most of this moment.


14 weeks of gestation is how many months?

With 14 weeks of gestation, the mother is already in the fourth month of pregnancy . It is the beginning of the second trimester of pregnancy.

It is in the second trimester that changes in the body begin to appear. In general, until 14 weeks the belly is almost imperceptible. The breasts are starting to prepare for breastfeeding and the hips are starting to get a little wider.

Not only does your body change, but so does the baby’s body. It is already possible to notice the first movements inside your belly, still very subtle.

Baby development

When the mother arrives at the 14th week of pregnancy, the structure of the baby’s internal organs is already formed. The umbilical cord is already well developed, giving the baby the oxygen and food it needs to grow healthy.

The baby’s kidneys are already developed, as well as the esophagus, trachea, larynx and vocal cords. The first strands of hair also appear, which are, in fact, a very fine down throughout the body.

Respiratory movements are also starting to happen. The baby’s mouth is already making movements of opening and closing, exercising the muscles of the face and also of the hands, making movements of “catching”.

Since we are talking about his face, it is at this stage that the eyes move to the upper part of the face and the ears to the sides of the head.

Everything is in its proper place and soon it will be possible to see it through ultrasound. In addition, it is also possible to identify the baby’s sexual organs through ultrasound examination.

And speaking of an exam, the 14th week of gestation is the maximum limit to perform the nuchal translucency (NT) exam , which is important to identify possible anomalies in the chromosomes, such as Down’s Syndrome, for example.

What is the size and weight of the baby?

Although the fetus has its organs formed, it is still quite small. At 14 weeks of gestation he is about the size of an orange.

In this step, the baby is measuring between 8cm and 9.5 cm (from head to buttocks) and weighs between 40g to 60g approximately.

This is the stage when he starts to gain weight and grow at an accelerated rate. From now on, it will be easier to see the baby more clearly on the ultrasound exam.

It is worth remembering that each baby develops at a different pace, whether inside or outside the womb. This will vary according to the parents’ biotype and the child’s organism.

How is the pregnant woman at 14 weeks of gestation?

The annoyances of the first months start to disappear. Sickness usually subsides, as does the urge to urinate all the time.

It is very important not only to be concerned with the baby’s development, but also to be aware of changes in the mother’s body.

With everything happening too fast, it is normal for some changes to happen in the woman’s body.

Some events are common at this stage, such as:

Body changes

The breasts start to grow more and more and it is possible to notice the gradual change in the areolas, which increase in diameter and become more pigmented due to the increase in the production of melanin.

There may also be the appearance of the “black line”, the well-known dark line that appears in the middle of the belly and that will only disappear after some time of childbirth. It is not a rule, but in general when it happens it is during this period.


The high level of progesterone decreases the performance of the intestinal muscles, which can lead to constipation . It is recommended to drink a lot of water and eat fruits and vegetables rich in fiber to help the bowel function.

Nasal congestion

Progesterone can also cause so-called ” gestational rhinitis “. It increases circulation to the mucous membranes in the nose, causing them to become congested.

In addition to nasal obstruction, in some cases episodes of epistaxis (nosebleeds) may also occur. A room humidifier can help with nasal clearance.

How big is the belly at 14 weeks of gestation?

It is in the second trimester that changes in the body begin to appear. In general, before the 14th week of pregnancy, the belly is almost imperceptible.

From now on, the uterus begins to increase in size. What used to be just a “pouch” at the height of the navel, begins to take on a more rounded shape, gradually getting higher.

It is worth remembering that the time of appearance of the tummy may vary from woman to woman, since each one has a biotype. But it is important to note that the size of the belly does not define the size of the baby.
