Red spots on the face

Usually, red spots on the skin of the face are not an alarm signal and are short-lived, especially if they were provoked by emotional disagreements, such as anger.

Facial redness can also affect the neck and chest.
However, a facial redness that does not go away can be caused by a skin problem such as acne rosacea.


Causes of red facial spots

There are many causes of red spots on the face, for example:

  • emotional state
  • or eating spicy foods.

Below are some of the most common causes of redness.

What causes red spots on cheeks and cheekbones?
The face may appear red:

  • after physical exertion,
  • in case of cold,
  • due to the state of mind: anger, embarrassment,
  • Stress.

This type of facial redness comes from dilation of blood vessels due to stress hormones such as epinephrine (adrenaline) and norepinephrine, which are released in stressful situations, after physical exertion, or high heat.

fever can also cause a red face because the body tries to lose heat by dilating the superficial blood vessels on the skin.

Hot flashes Many women have hot flashes
after menopause, and when these “heat waves” arise, you see their cheeks flushed for a brief moment.

Spicy foods
Spicy foods may cause red spots on the face.
In these cases, the redness on the face and cheeks disappears after a few minutes or even hours.

Some pharmaceuticals, such as niacin, can cause red spots on the face.

Diseases that cause red cheeks

Rosacea The most common cause of constant red spots on the face is rosacea
. Rosacea is a skin disease characterized by chronic inflammation of blood vessels that dilate excessively in response to certain factors; These include:

  • Insolation
  • physical exertion,
  • certain foods.

Face and cheeks are reddened and have small pimples reminiscent of acne. In addition, one may have a feeling of burning sensation on the skin.
With rosacea, facial redness can last up to a few days.
There is no cure for this skin condition, but the symptoms can be controlled with medication and by avoiding the triggering causes.

Systemic lupus erythematosus A less common cause of facial redness is an autoimmune disease called systemic lupus erythematosus
This disease causes red spots and swelling around the nose area that spread over the cheeks (butterfly lichen).
Usually, patients who have lupus also have other symptoms such as:

Certain blood tests can be used to diagnose this disease.

Dermatitis is a skin reaction associated with inflammation and irritation.
There are several types, for example:
1. Atopic dermatitis, caused by an allergy to certain substances, which often affects children;
2. Nummular dermatitis – can provoke:

It usually affects the arms and legs;
3. Herpetiform dermatitis, a disorder associated with celiac disease that provokes skin lesions and severe itching.

Reddening of the skin (erythema) may indicate a disorder, such as:

Dehydration can cause red and dry skin and usually occurs in the summer in elderly people who do not feel thirsty.

Cirrhosis of the liver Cirrhosis
can cause various and very serious symptoms, including red spots on the face, especially around the nose area.

Other causes of facial redness
There are less common causes of red spots on the face and cheeks, including:

  • some types of malignant tumors,
  • diabetes,
  • Heart disease
  • neurological diseases such as Parkinson’s disease and multiple sclerosis.

Parkinson’s disease and diabetes can also cause heat waves.
These diseases also cause other symptoms.

Menopause is the end of women’s fertility. An important symptom of this transition is hot flashes, which are characterized by:

  • feeling of heat in the body,
  • Blush
  • Sweats.

Hyperthyroidism occurs when the thyroid gland produces too much of the hormones T3 and T4.
Symptoms of this condition include:

Panic attacks This disorder is characterized by recurrent panic attacks and anxiety.
Symptoms include:

Red spots on the face during pregnancy

Expectant mother Women can observe the appearance of red spots on the face until they give birth.
The cause is a hormonal imbalance. You just have to be patient and avoid direct sunlight, which can aggravate the redness.

Red spots on the face when drinking

A first sign of alcohol abuse is a constant red face due to dilated blood vessels (telangiectasias).
When you consume alcoholic beverages, your face turns red because the brain is unable to regulate blood circulation due to excessive drinking.

Some people may have developed an intolerance to sulfites. It therefore comes to facial redness as soon as you have drunk even a few drops of wine, beer or other drinks containing this substance.

Red spots on the face after showering

After showering, there can be various reasons for facial redness, for example:

  1. the water is too hot,
  2. substances in bath foam or shampoos,
  3. a reaction of the water jet on the skin.

Red spots on the face of infants

Causes of redness on the face in young children include:

The fifth disease (ringed rubella or erythema infectiosum) is caused by a virus that mainly affects young children. The disease is characterized by a malaise, and often followed by red and warm rash on the cheeks.

Infectious diseases
Infectious diseases that mainly affect young children and infants include:

  • Rubella
  • Measles
  • Chickenpox.

Food allergies
Red spots on the face of infants are often caused by dermatitis due to a food allergy.

Toxic neonatal erythema Toxic erythema
is a disorder with redness on the body of the newborn in the first weeks after birth.
It is a harmless disorder that passes spontaneously.
The newborn may get red spots with yellowish dots in the center.

Scarlet fever scarlet
fever is an infection that usually occurs along with a sore throat.
The symptoms are:

  • Fever
  • skin rash that appears similar to a burn,
  • reddened face,
  • Strawberry tongue.

Septicemia is a blood infection caused by bacteria.
If it is not treated, it can lead to a dangerous inflammation of the entire organism.
The main symptoms are rashes that present themselves as a variety of bruises.

Cluster headache Cluster headache is a very painful headache
that occurs periodically.
It starts suddenly and affects only one side of the head at a time.
Other symptoms include:

  • Nausea
  • red and sudden spots on the face and eyes (bursting of the capillaries).

Agoraphobia is an anxiety disorder caused by situations that make a person feel trapped, helpless, anxious, or embarrassed.
Symptoms include:

Epilepsy Epilepsy
is a chronic condition that causes seizures.
Some signs of epileptic attacks include:

  • muscle spasms,
  • increased heart rate,
  • mental confusion,
  • Flushing.

Yellow fever
Yellow fever is a serious and potentially fatal condition spread by a mosquito.
It is mainly found in Africa and South America.
Symptoms of advanced yellow fever:

Differential diagnosis
The doctor must exclude:

Are red spots on the face a symptom of high blood pressure?
The redness is caused by increased blood flow in the veins.
However, high blood pressure (hypertension) means an increase in blood pressure in the arteries.
So there is no reason to see facial redness associated with blood pressure.
High blood pressure is also a disease that sometimes shows no symptoms.

What to do in case of red face? Therapy

Applying non-comedogenic moisturizer often helps the skin heal from red spots that appear in winter due to the cold.
Non-comedogenic products do not contain oil, do not clog pores and do not cause irritation.

Usually, products containing coconut oil or diluted olive oil are used for eczema.

Treatment of rosacea The first step in treatment for rosacea
is to avoid the causative factors.
The most common triggers are listed below.

  • Sun exposure: Before going outside, protect your face with a sunscreen.
    Choose a high sun protection factor of good quality and skin compatibility. Staying in the sun must be restricted. Solariums are also discouraged because they can cause skin diseases.
  • Stress: Redness increases with stress. Learn relaxing techniques such as deep breathing and exercise regularly.
  • Alcohol: Alcohol does not cause rosacea, but it dilates the blood vessels on the face, making pre-existing symptoms of rosacea worse.
  • Spicy foods and sausages: very spicy foods cause hot flashes and worsen rosacea.
    Redness may increase after eating salami, sausage and pork.
  • Cosmetics: Make-up, cleansers, lotions and some moisturizers can irritate the skin.
    Only use products that are non-irritating, non-allergic and non-comedogenic.
  • Chlorine in the swimming pool: Chlorine, which is used in swimming pools for hygienic reasons, aggravates red facial spots.

Medications to treat rosacea Those who suffer from rosacea
are usually prescribed oils or creams by the doctor that contain antibiotics, such as:

  • clindamycin,
  • Metronidazole
  • Erythromycin.

Rozex and Rosiced are the most commonly prescribed skin care products in the treatment of rosacea.
With severe rosacea course, antibiotics are taken in tablet form, such as:

  • Doxycycline
  • azithromycin,
  • Minocycline.

Other topical medicines also include:

  • Vitamin C,
  • retinoic acid,
  • Azelaic acid.

In advanced cases and when antibiotics are not effective, doctors prescribe a mite-killing cream (ivermectin).

Among other therapies, there are laser-pulsed light and surgical treatments to remove visible vein markings and skin redness.

Natural remedies for red spots on the face

Chamomile chamomile
is a soothing medicinal herb that can be helpful against facial redness in rosacea.

  • Pour three bags of chamomile tea in a cup with hot water.
  • Let the tea bags steep for 10 minutes and then remove and discard.
  • Store the chamomile tea in the refrigerator.
  • Once the chamomile is cold, moisten a cloth with it and apply to the reddened areas of the face.

Aloe vera Aloe vera
has a cooling effect on the skin, which helps to reduce facial redness.
To obtain the extract from a plant, remove a leaf from it.
Cut the leaf and apply the yellow gel from it to the red skin areas.

Herbal remedies
Plant products, such as licorice root and burdock, can help alleviate the symptoms of rosacea.

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