Infant: what it is, baby’s age, tips and formula options

According to the Ministry of Health, breast milk helps the child’s development and protects his health.

It is the ideal food for infants, as it contains all the nutrients necessary for their development.

The recommendation is that exclusive breastfeeding (milk only) is done for six months and supplemented (with other liquids and some solid foods) up to two years or more.


What is an infant?

Infant is the term used by pediatrics to characterize the child from the 28th day after birth until the age of 24 months. This phase is also known as early childhood, in which the biggest changes in the child’s development occur.

The predominant physical changes are related to motor development. In this phase, she begins to take the first steps, to hold and manipulate objects, to bite and use her arms and legs to discover and explore new games.

Another important change is cognitive development, which starts the process of language acquisition. This leads the child to pay attention to the mother’s speech and to better understand the environment that surrounds her.

What is the difference between lactating and breastfeeding?

The term lactating refers to those who produce milk and breastfeed, in this case the mother. Already infant is the term used to indicate the child who is breastfed by this milk. Both are terms most commonly used in pediatrics.

What does wheezing infant mean?

The wheezing infant is a child up to 2 years old who has persistent wheezing (wheezing). This should occur for at least one month or at least three recurring episodes for about two consecutive months.

The coughing and wheezing (wheezing), are common symptoms in children and may be associated with various respiratory problems such as bronchitis , asthma , emphysema, among others, the ICD-10, are part of the J40 group to J47 – chronic diseases of the lower airways.

It is estimated that about 20% of children under two years of age have isolated episodes of wheezing, for reasons of airway anatomy, genetic factors, viral infections and passive exposure to cigarettes.

The wheezing infants show symptoms such as airway obstruction, dry cough or secretion and effort to breathe. Such manifestations can have variable frequency and intensity.

It is important to seek medical advice in cases of wheezing, especially if it occurs in children in the first year of life.

The condition may not seem serious, but it should be investigated by a specialist to exclude possible associated diseases.

Some warning signs should also be observed and, if detected, it is advisable to take the baby or promptly to a pediatrician:

  • Symptom onset in the neonatal period (between birth and 28 days of life);
  • Vomiting associated with respiratory symptoms;
  • Persistent symptoms, with daily occurrence;
  • Low oxygen concentration in arterial blood (hypoxemia), caused by reduced oxygen inspiration;
  • Pulmonary sounds or altered heartbeat;
  • Increased fingertips and toes (clubbing or clubbing).

How old is an infant?

The infant’s age, according to the Ministry of Health (MS), comprises the period from the 28th day of pregnancy to 24 months of age (2 years). This period is also called by the early childhood MS, in which the biggest and fastest changes in the child’s development occur.

Until the 28th day of life the baby is considered a newborn and after 2 years of age (24 months) he is considered a child.

Infant formula for infant

Some women are unable or unable to breastfeed. The reasons can be diverse, such as HIV infection , use of drugs to treat cancer or simply because you feel a lot of pain in the breasts when breastfeeding.

In these cases, if the mother is unable to breastfeed and does not have access to the human milk bank, it is recommended to use infant formulas, made with cow’s milk or soy and are an option to nourish the newborns.

Infant formula (or artificial milk) is a processed food that is usually prepared to be administered by bottle and sold in powder or liquid form.

To choose which infant formula to use, it is important to have a pediatric consultation and seek medical advice. It is not recommended to choose on your own and not to follow the guidance of other mothers.

Considering that this is the only food that the baby will eat, any nutritional difference can have an impact on his health.

In addition to the composition of the formula, it is important to observe the indications of quantity to be ingested by the child.

Most manufacturers indicate the amount to be consumed based on the child’s age and not weight. This ends up making preparation difficult, as weight can vary regardless of age.

When feeding directly from the mother’s breast, the baby controls the rhythm and the amount of milk ingested, stopping when it is satiated.

The formula given on the bottle, on the other hand, is more difficult to control, as it is the responsible person who conducts the feeding when the child is very young. This can end up causing overdoses or drowning.

Check below the correct way to prepare the infant formula, according to the guidelines of the World Health Organization:

  1. Wash your hands with soap and water;
  2. Then, boil the drinking water that will be used in the bottle (70ºC);
  3. Read the package instructions carefully. Adding more or less powder than indicated may end up harming the child;
  4. Pour the correct amount of water (stipulated by the formula manufacturer) into the clean and sterilized bottle;
  5. Add the powder and stir gently;
  6. Place the bottle under the sink or in a container with water to help cool;
  7. Drop a few drops of milk on your wrist to check the temperature. It must be warm;
  8. If the baby does not take all the contents of the bottle, throw away the remaining contents within 2 hours.

Formula and pricing options

Infant formulas can be found in pharmacies and supermarkets. Check out some options and average prices below:

  • NAN Sensitive Infant Formula – 800g can: from R $ 87.68 to R $ 94.49;
  • Infantile Formula Enfamil Premium 1 – 800g can : from R $ 53.13 to R $ 73.90;
  • Infantile Formula Enfamil Premium 2 – 800g can : from R $ 54.46 to R $ 74.45;
  • Aptamil Premium Infant Formula 1 – 800g can : from R $ 32.54 to R $ 55.99.

* Prices consulted at Consulta Remédios in September 2019. Prices may change.

Also called early childhood, the period when babies are infants comprises a time of important changes and child development .

Knowing about children’s food, changes and needs at this time is very important for mother and baby to strengthen their emotional bonds and live healthier!

To learn more about women’s health , pregnancy and child development , follow the Healthy Minute!
