Anembryonic pregnancy happens when, due to errors in the chromosomes, an embryo is not formed. This condition is characterized by the fertilization of sperm in the egg and the formation of the gestational sac, but without an embryo . The duration of this pregnancy is up to the 8th week, on average.
After that time, the woman’s body eliminates the gestational sac through a small amount of bleeding, considered as spontaneous abortion.
In a normal pregnancy, the embryo can be seen from the 6th week.
But, when doing an image exam during an anembryonic pregnancy, you cannot see the embryo inside the belly.
When this happens, it is recommended that the woman undergo further tests within a few days.
If again it is not possible to see the embryo, at an expected gestational age for embryo visualization, and an empty gestational sac that reaches 20mm, the doctor can advise:
- Wait for the elimination of the gestational sac for expectant conduct;
- Use of medications to open the cervix;
- Emptying the uterus by aspiration or uterine curettage.
It is worth remembering that the procedures for emptying the uterus must be done at the hospital, with medical monitoring.
How to identify anembryonic pregnancy?
The best way to confirm an anembryonic pregnancy is by means of an image exam, ultrasound. However, some symptoms, such as fever and minor bleeding, may be indicative of this condition. For this reason, it is always important for the pregnant woman to seek an obstetrician who will be able to make evaluations and answer questions.