36 weeks of gestation: tips and care

Upon reaching the 36th week of pregnancy, the woman and the baby are already beginning to prepare for birth.

Mom should try to control her anxiety and enjoy the moment. The practice of hobbies and light activities, such as drawing, reading or movies should be exercised, as it can help pregnant women to be distracted.

Professionally guided physical exercises are also good options for maintaining well-being and health in this final phase.

Read more: What is not normal during pregnancy?


36 weeks of gestation is how many months?

The 36th week of gestation approaches the middle of the 8th month. The baby is fully formed, but it still needs to gain weight and grow a little more, since it measures between 40cm and 45cm, and weighs almost 3kG, on average.

He spends most of his time sleeping. But when he is awake, he keeps his eyes open and reacts to the shadows he perceives inside his belly.

The baby can also hear outside sounds and recognize the voice of the mother, father and close people.

At 36 weeks, the child already has enough fat to survive outside the belly. Temperature control, memory and levels of consciousness are also ready to go into action when he starts to breathe.

Signs and symptoms at 36 weeks of gestation 

As the day of birth is closer, the mother’s body prepares for delivery. Therefore, some symptoms are common for this stage of pregnancy:


The woman may experience cramps in the final stretch of pregnancy. If they are not intense or accompanied by fever or bleeding, they are not warning signs.

The discomforts are caused by the movements of the uterus that is preparing for childbirth.

Hard Belly

The feeling of a hard belly is caused by the contractions of training of the pregnant woman. Also known as Braxton Hicks contractions , they are a training of the uterus for the moment of delivery.

Therefore, it is common for the feeling of belly to occur more frequently in the final stage of pregnancy. But it is usually transient and should not cause severe pain or bleeding.

To relieve discomfort, the woman may try to breathe deeply and calmly. Lying on the left side also usually relieves the pain.


It is normal that from the 36th week of pregnancy, the woman begins to feel small contractions that are caused by hormonal stimuli.

Its main function is to prepare the uterus for delivery, that is, it helps this organ to push the baby out.

In this phase, they should be fast (less than 1 minute) and without bleeding or fever. Otherwise, the woman must be taken to a maternity hospital.

The woman goes into labor if she has 3 contractions in less than 10 minutes, which happens between 38 and 42 weeks, on average.

Mucous plug

The woman, when she becomes pregnant, undergoes several changes in the body.

One of them is the production of a substance that accumulates at the entrance of the uterus to prevent fungi and bacteria from having contact with the baby, called a mucous plug .

This time remains at the beginning of the vaginal canal, most of the time, until the woman is approximately 8 months old .

After that time, it is expelled so that the baby can be born.

The elimination of the mucous plug is characterized by a whitish, yellow or even brown discharge that can be expelled gradually or at once. Remembering that the plug outlet does not hurt.

His departure also does not mean that the baby is being born, but that the body is preparing for delivery, which is approaching and should happen within 15 days.

Therefore, the pregnant woman should be aware of other signs of labor, such as the rupture of the water bag or various contractions in short periods of time.

Read more: Mucous plug: what is it, how is it and when does it come out?

What are the precautions at this stage of pregnancy?

Throughout pregnancy, some precautions are essential, such as banning alcohol consumption and smoking .

But there are some conditions that deserve more attention in this final period. Because with 35 weeks of gestation, the day of birth is approaching:

Prenatal examinations

Prenatal examinations can be more and more frequent from now on. It is normal that the obstetrician who accompanies the pregnancy wanted to make appointments all week.

Measuring the pressure and analyzing the urine are routine and fundamental procedures.

To have a healthy pregnancy and delivery, it is extremely important that mommy goes to these appointments and follow all medical recommendations. 

But other tips also include:


From now on, the pregnant woman should give priority to rest and relaxation.

It is recommended that the woman lie down (at least for a few minutes) throughout the day, in addition to avoiding great physical efforts.

Read more: Exercises for pregnant women (pre-delivery): swimming, breathing and more


Food is important at any stage of life. In pregnancy, it must be rich in iron and protein .

For this reason, women should eat fruits and vegetables, as well as fish, lean meats, grains, cereals and whole grains.

Avoiding the consumption of fried foods and fatty pastas, in addition to excess caffeine and sweets is important for a balanced diet.

Alcoholic beverages should be banned from the menu of pregnant women, as these substances are related to the delay in the development of the baby. But water consumption is essential.

Natural teas and juices, in addition to coconut water, can complement the menu giving more flavor and nutrients to the body.

Read more: Pregnant wishes: what they mean

The great moment of childbirth is getting closer every day. Anxiety and nervousness are feelings that can become more intense in this final stretch. It is important that the pregnant woman tries to relax and rest as much as she can.

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