Without adequate protection or with excessive sun exposure, this type of dark circles can get worse. However, there are peels, laser procedures and dermocosmetics that help to treat.
Deep Dark Circles
They are usually dark circles with brown or brown color, present in people who have the eyeball with a deeper cavity. Thus, the dark circles create an even deeper look, due to the shadow that is created.
The cause of this type of dark circles is genetic, as it relates to the person’s facial bone structure.
Vascular Dark Circles
They can occur as a consequence of a disturbance in the circulatory system or by fluid retention. However, they can also be related to stress, tiredness and insufficient hours of sleep.
Generally, they are dark circles that have a slightly bluish color, and may appear along with a small swelling in the region around the eyes.
Blood Dark Circles
These dark circles occur due to the accumulation of hemoglobin in the blood vessels in the region of the eyes. However, some factors can make the problem worse, such as dehydration and allergic rhinitis.
Those who have this type of dark circles, appear to have purple-colored spots around the eyes.
When to fill in dark circles?
The dark circles filling is more suitable for people who have the type of deep dark circles . That is, when the person has a depression in the groove just below the eyes, which forms a striking shadow.
Due to this characteristic, their faces are always tired.
To reduce this problem, filling is the option with the most satisfactory results.
This is because, depending on the case, neither the use of dermocosmetics or make-up can cover these shadows.
But, in general, filling in dark circles is a simple procedure to correct deep dark circles.
It is done to fill in the furrows, depressions or wrinkles present around the eye region, which can be caused by aging or by a genetic issue.
In the other types of dark circles, there are treatments that provide good results, such as the use of creams and other aesthetic procedures, because the causes are not related to a physical characteristic, as is the case of the deep dark circles.
Therefore, filling is not recommended for everyone.
Also read: How to remove dark circles: simple and quick tips to soften
How does filling with hyaluronic acid work?
Although there are other filling options, such as the one made with fat, the filling of dark circles made with hyaluronic acid is the most used option.
This acid is a substance that our body naturally produces, but that starts to produce in less quantity from the years. Thus, the skin ends up becoming more dry and with an aged aspect.
This is an option for people who have deep dark circles and who do not achieve good results with other aesthetic treatments.
Filling with hyaluronic acid helps to treat the problem by restoring elasticity and hydration to the skin .
This improvement in skin hydration happens due to the potential of hyaluronic acid to absorb water quite easily.
Therefore, it helps to smooth out wrinkles, scars and dark circles, being a substance present in several dermocosmetics.
In addition, the filling of dark circles with hyaluronic acid also provides a kind of cushioning that helps in the repair of tissues, preserving the action of elastin and collagen in the skin.
Despite being a synthetic substance, the hyaluronic acid used in filling can be used without great risks, being a safe procedure and with good results.
The important thing is to keep in mind that it is necessary to seek a competent professional to carry out the procedure in the safest way possible.
In practice, how is it done?
The filling is usually done by a dermatologist or plastic surgeon, but it can also be done by other professionals, such as the dentist or biomedical surgeon.
The professional, regardless of the area, must start the procedure by performing the proper hygiene of the region and making the appointment in which the injection of hyaluronic acid will be done.
For this marking, the professional must feel the bony edge of the eye region, to define where the acid should be injected.
Unlike other types of fillers, in the case of dark circles, you must be very careful with the density of the application, as it is a thinner skin than the lips.
For example, if the injections are very superficial, there may be an effect contrary to the purpose of the treatment, causing the appearance of bruises, swelling and lumps.
After the appointment, an anesthetic ointment is applied on the spot, so that the patient does not feel pain or discomfort during the application of the filling.
After the hyaluronic acid injection, the professional performs a massage in the region, helping to spread the applied substance better and smoothing the depressions.
This is a procedure that can be done on men and women, with local anesthesia and lasting, on average, 15 minutes.
What is the difference in the use of the cannula or needle?
The application of hyaluronic acid can be done with a cannula or with a needle, which can be a professional choice.
Usually, the most used option is the cannula, as it is an instrument that offers a much lower risk of trauma to the tissue (skin).
With the cannula, the chances of the procedure causing bruising or reaching a blood vessel are much less, due to the blunt (more flattened or “broken”) tip that it has.
However, filling can be done with the needle and the patient has the same results. Therefore, it is more a decision or preference of the professional.
How is filling with fat done?
Despite being more used as a treatment for wrinkles, filling with fat is also an alternative for deep dark circles.
It is recommended for helping to combat aging caused by factors such as sagging muscles, sagging skin and bone loss.
This procedure is done using the patient’s own fat , taken from another region of the body (usually from the abdominal region).
After removing this fat, it goes through a process in which it is centrifuged and separated from other fluids (such as water and blood), so that it is purified.
This done, the fat is ready to be injected into the patient’s dermis, the superficial layer of the skin, in which wrinkles, dark circles and other expression lines appear.
The procedure takes around 30 to 60 minutes and is done using a cannula and anesthesia.
Despite being a minimally invasive technique, the patient may have to spend a few days at rest.
How long does the effect last?
Filling in dark circles is not a definitive procedure. Therefore, after some time, to maintain the same results, the patient must redo it. The duration depends a lot for each person.
With hyaluronic acid , the duration on average varies between 6 months to 1 year , and can last up to 2 years in some cases.
With fat , the results tend to be even longer lasting , but the average time also depends a lot on factors like lifestyle and genetics of each person.
Do dark circles cause puffiness?
It can cause . In some patients, it is possible for the area around the eyes to become more red and swollen in the first days after the procedure.
This swelling can occur as a consequence of the action of hyaluronic acid in the body, as it is able to absorb a very large amount of water.
Therefore, the doctor may recommend the use of ice packs for 5 to 10 minutes in the region, to help soothe the swelling. The normal thing is that this swelling will disappear within a few hours after the filling or within a maximum of 2 days.
Does dark circles fill the black eye?
You can leave it . The appearance of bruises does not always happen in all patients, but in general, in the first days it is common for the region to be reddish or more purple.
Depending on the form of application (use of needles or inadequate depth), some tissue damage and the formation of bruises may occur. Therefore, the region may turn purple.
Does filling in dark circles hurt?
It shouldn’t hurt . Filling in dark circles is a procedure done using anesthesia. Therefore, it should not cause pain or discomfort to the patient while performing the technique.
However, if after the effect of the anesthesia passes, any discomfort or pain arises, talk to the professional.
Is the procedure definitive?
No . The filling, whether it is made with fat or hyaluronic acid does not last forever. For each person it can last a different time, but on average it lasts a maximum of up to 2 years.
Before and after
Whoever is in doubt between whether or not to do an aesthetic procedure, in addition to being informed about how it works, also looks for cases of “before and after” to make a decision.
In the case of dark circles filling is no different. Although for each person the results may be different, it is interesting to see some examples:
What are the risks?
The risks related to the dark circles filling are low. If done properly and by a trained professional, the risks are minimal.
However, as it is a surgical procedure, the risks of some reactions may occur. Some examples are:
- Irritation;
- Swelling;
- Redness.
- Discoloration of the skin;
- Tightness of tissues in the region;
- Bruises;
- Intravascular injection;
- Inflammation;
- Irregularity in the skin;
- Nodules.
Usually, when the patient has some of these reactions, it is usually mild, disappearing within 2 to 3 days after completing the filling.
Contraindications: who should not do it?
Filling in dark circles is a safe technique, but it is not recommended in specific cases.
Contraindications include people with the following conditions:
- Pregnant and lactating women;
- Allergic to the components of filling or anesthesia;
- People with skin wounds or inflammation;
- Lupus patients.
Price: what is the value of filling?
The value of filling in dark circles depends on several factors, such as the region of the country where it is made, the professional, the clinic and the type of filling (hyaluronic acid or fat).
In general, it is not such a cheap procedure, ranging from R $ 1,000 to over R $ 2,000.