33 weeks of gestation: baby’s development and movements

The 33rd week of gestation is the stage when the baby is almost formed and is even positioning for birth. He continues to gain weight and accumulate fat, which will keep his body temperature regulated after birth.

The senses are greatly improved. In fact, he already recognizes the mother’s voice and is able to distinguish sounds. Your hands and fingers are already strong enough to move around in the womb.

The digestive system awaits birth. If delivery is close, the baby is ready to digest breast milk.

In addition, at this stage the amount of amniotic fluid (which surrounds the embryo) reaches its limit.

During the 33rd week, the baby moves more restraintly, as there is less and less space in the uterus.


33 weeks of gestation is how many months?

The 33 weeks of gestation is equivalent to 8 months of pregnancy . It is the period when the child is almost formed and the mother begins to prepare for childbirth. The last trimester is a time of great anxiety , so medical monitoring is essential.

Read more: Eighth month of pregnancy: know about the contractions of the final stretch

What is the weight and size of the 33-week-old baby?

At 33 weeks, the baby may weigh from 1.4 kg to 2 kg. Its size, on the other hand, is between 42.4 cm, more or less the same as that of a large cabbage. However, if they are twins, the babies’ individual weight may be less than 1kG.

What are the symptoms?

In this period, some common symptoms of pregnancy still occur, but they may be more or less frequently than before.

So, we put together the main symptoms of this stage of pregnancy:

Hard Belly

It is common that in this final period of pregnancy many mothers feel the belly more rigid.

It basically happens when the muscles in your uterus contract, making the area harder. This is a natural process of the body, such as training for labor.

It is what doctors call Braxton Hicks Contractions and can happen a few times a day, lasting 30 to 60 seconds.

White discharge

The white discharge is common throughout pregnancy. Therefore, it can also occur in the 33rd week.

It is possible that it intensifies due to the physiological and hormonal changes of that period.

But it is important to warn that if accompanied by itching, bad smell, pus and also abdominal pain, the recommendation is to see a doctor, as they may be signs of inflammation or infection.

Back pain

Due to the baby’s development, back pain is quite common. This is because, with the increase of the belly, the lumbar region suffers more pressure, due to the weight of the belly that forces the nerves of the spine.

To alleviate this discomfort, the ideal is to pay attention to the position of sleeping or sitting. Using pillows or supports, in addition to using hot baths and massages in the region are great ways to avoid back pain.


In the 33rd week of pregnancy, drowsiness also becomes a symptom that accompanies the woman.

This occurs, for example, because the weight of the belly makes women uncomfortable at night, causing sleep to be affected.

In addition, walking or doing simple activities can be more difficult due to the extra weight.

Thus, both tiredness and sleepless nights can cause drowsiness during the day.

Read more: Natural sleep remedy: 6 home treatment options


Throughout pregnancy, cramps are normal and at this stage, it is no different. They can be caused by an enlarged fetus, which consequently causes uterine pressure.

In addition, they can also occur due to hormonal changes, which are normal in pregnancy.

However, it is important to be aware of regularity. If cramps are very frequent and also very intense, it is advisable to see a doctor.

Baby movements at 33 weeks gestation

With the end of the pregnancy approaching, the baby’s movement tends to decrease, because the space in the uterus is smaller. But it is important to signal that the fetus is healthy, receiving oxygen and necessary nutrients.

It is worth mentioning that the baby’s movement does not follow a regularity, that is, it can happen at different times. This also varies with each pregnancy.

In other words, the important thing is that the mother is attentive to the changes in movement that occur throughout pregnancy.
