Double Tips: what are the causes and how to take care of the wires?

Dryness, breakage and fragility. This is the result of some of the damage suffered by hair, whether due to chemical procedures or external factors such as pollution.

When not properly treated, these damages can lead to the appearance of a problem called Tricoptilose, popularly known as the (feared) split ends!

They are the ones that usually cause the appearance of “straw” in the strands, promoting an appearance of unhealthy and lifeless hair.

To end the problem, there are some precautions that can be taken in the hair care routine.

Keep reading and learn more about the topic!


What are split ends?

The split ends are the result of the detachment and opening of the layers of the capillary fiber and can occur over the entire length of the wire. They occur when the cuticle (the outer part of the wire) opens, causing the same wire to divide into 2 or more parts. This provides a brittle appearance and even the well-known “straw effect” at the end of the hair.

Oh, and the split ends can have several shapes, not only that forked appearance at the end of the wire:

The problem affects the health of the locks, as it leaves the cortex exposed. The cortex is the middle part of the wire. It is there that the absorbed nutrients are stored and it is also the one that provides strength to the hair.

It is protected by the cuticle, which regulates the entry and exit of substances. When this external part of the wire opens, it leaves the cortex exposed.

Thus, it ends up allowing greater contact of the site with aggressive substances, such as pollution and thermal variations, which can weaken and weaken the wires.

Despite the name, it is worth mentioning that split ends do not occur specifically only at the ends of the hair, but may also be present in length.

Causes: what causes split ends to appear in the hair?

Split ends can have different causes. In general, they are caused by the wear and tear of the hair fiber, caused by chemical procedures such as straightening and dyeing, the use of hot water, flat iron and dryers without thermal protection and even exposure to the sun or sea water.

Board and dryer

Appliances such as the hairdryer and the flat iron, if used improperly, can be great villains for the health of hair.

This is because the high level of heat conferred by this equipment damages the wire in the long run, causing it to dry out and, therefore, causing the appearance of split ends.

Thermal hair protector: 7 products to protect the hair

So it is important to always use thermal protectors before using the dryer, for example.

These products seal the region, forming a barrier around the wire, thus helping to protect them from heat.

Hot water

Washing your hair in hot water is not a good attitude for the health of the locks.

The elevated temperature leaves them sensitized, causing a dry and porous aspect, which can later culminate in the appearance of split ends.

So that this does not happen, it is always recommended to use water in warm to cold temperature, which, in addition to maintaining healthier hair, provides shine.


Capillary chemical procedures can sometimes be harmful to the hair fiber.

This, because they are generally aggressive and damage the wires, leading to the appearance of split ends.

So it is important to take some precautions such as moisturizing and nourishing before and after the procedure!

Sea water

Different substances are present in seawater, including sodium chloride (known as table salt).

When the hair comes into contact with sea water for a long period of time, the salt stimulates the loss of water by the hair, causing it to become dehydrated.

This causes the hair to dry out, making it brittle and boosting the appearance of the dreaded split ends.


Exposure to the sun is a factor that can influence the appearance of split ends, as the sun’s rays can damage the hair-forming proteins .

These substances hold the layers of the strands together and, if damaged, leave the hair susceptible to the appearance of the problem.

How to end the split ends?

The split ends are the result of the detachment and opening of the capillary fiber layers. Once separated, there is no way to put them back together. Thus, the dreaded scissors must take action! The cut of the split ends must be done so that, afterwards, the hair is treated, with the objective of avoiding the reappearance of the problem.

Despite this, there are some tips to reduce the effects caused by split ends. Check out some care for each type of hair:

Blond hair

Hair that is chemically dyed blond, in general, is more sensitive than hair without chemistry. So they need special attention to stay healthy.

To end the split ends in blond hair it is important to always keep nutrition – also called moistening – up to date. Since, when discoloring the hair, the hair loses several natural nutrients, replacement is necessary.

It can be made with vegetable oils, such as coconut, which help to strengthen the hair, making it more resistant against chemical damage and improving the dry aspect caused by split ends.

In addition, this care helps to prevent the problem from reappearing.

Dry hair

Dry hair can suffer even more from the effects of split ends. This, because they are, in general, more likely to dry out, because they have little oil.

Hydration for dry hair: more health and less hair loss!

To do away with split ends in this type of yarn, it is important to keep them hydrated.

Therefore, hydrating at least once a week can help to reduce the appearance of the problem.

Hydration can be done in several ways. An example is using natural products, such as aloe vera, or applying moisturizing masks to the hair.

Cream for curly hair: products for the health of hair

Brittle Hair

Hair, when damaged, can be brittle and, in general, have split ends.

To reduce this problem, the cause of the brittle aspect must be treated. Doing a reconstruction, in this case, can be a good option, since it is a treatment that aims to recover weakened hair.

The frequency of performance can vary according to the health level of the hair, but, in general, it can be done every 15 days. It can be made at home, with specific products, or in the salon.

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Does embroidered cutting work for split ends?

-Yeah . Embroidered cutting is a technique to remove split ends without affecting the length of the hair. It is ideal for those who want to end the problem, but do not give up the long wires.

In general, it consists of separating the hair strand by strand and passing it slowly through a specialized cutting machine.

This machine selects and removes only the split ends that promote the “spiky” aspect in the strands, since (despite the name) the split ends do not occur only at the ends, but over the entire length of the hair.

There is also the option of making the cut embroidered with scissors, in which the hairdresser will manually remove each tip that is different from the others.

In this way, the length is maintained and the split ends removed. The professional can also advise to cut a small piece of the ends, however, the difference is usually almost imperceptible.

Treatments: which products to hydrate the hair?

There are different types of treatments for hydrating the hair. There are homemade recipes, oils, hair masks and even the hydration done in the salon.

By keeping the hair hydrated, the strands recover nutrients and vitality, preventing dryness and, consequently, reducing the chances of the appearance of split ends.

Know some of the options to do on your own:


Moisturizing masks are a good option for those who want to hydrate their hair without leaving the house. It is worth remembering that although they do not eliminate existing split ends, investing in hydration strengthens the strands and improves the hair as a whole.

They replenish the natural moisture lost by the strands, making them brighter and softer.

In general, they are composed of vitamins , proteins and lubricating actives!

Check out some options:

  • L’Oréal Professionnel Absolut Repair Post-Chemistry Treatment Mask ;
  • Seduction Treatment Mask SOS Intense Hydration ;
  • Garbus Hair Hydration Mask Faints Hair ;
  • Treatment Mask Silk Boom Moisturizes ;
  • Capicilin Hairpantol Hydration Mask .

Some mask options are ideal for those who don’t have time to go to the salon or even stop for hours to moisturize their hair.

Generally, it is enough to apply them for about 5 to 10 minutes (in the same bath) for the hair to be soft and healthy.


Oils play an important role in the treatment of hair. In general, they replenish nutrients such as lipids and proteins in the hair, promoting alignment and vitality.

Some oil options are:

  • Extraordinary Oil Elseve Gota ;
  • Organic Copra Coconut Oil ;
  • Capita Oil Vita Capili ;
  • Salon Line Tô de Cacho Moisturizing Oil ;
  • Farmax Hair and Body Oil .

In general, they can be used neat, applied directly to the hair, or together with hair masks, to enhance the result.

Reparative Recipes

For those who are adept at homemade recipes, there are different ways to moisturize your hair using home products.

Some beneficial options for hair are:

With aloe vera

Aloe Vera – also known as Aloe Vera – is a plant widely used in hair treatment.

Its properties promote shine and softness to the strands, leaving the strands loose and healthy.

A simple way to use it is:

  1. Separate a piece of aloe vera (approximately 1 leaf) and remove the peel;
  2.  With the aid of a spoon, remove the gel present inside the plant and pour it into a container;
  3. Heat 200mL of water, leaving it at a warm temperature;
  4. Add the water to the container with the aloe and mix;
  5. After reaching a homogeneous consistency, apply the liquid on the length of the hair, strand by strand;
  6. Let it act for approximately 30 minutes;
  7. Wash your hair normally.

With Maisena

Cornstarch, also known as Maisena, can be a good ally when it comes to moisturizing your hair.

One way to use the ingredient is:

  1. Place 1 cup of water (approximately 240mL) in a container;
  2. Add 2 tablespoons of cornstarch to the container;
  3. Mix to remove and pour the liquid into a pan;
  4. Bring it to a low heat and mix – without stopping – until it forms a paste;
  5. When the consistency is firm, remove from heat and let it warm;
  6. After lowering the temperature, add 2 tablespoons of your preferred moisturizing hair mask;
  7. Apply strand by strand to the length of the hair;
  8. Let it act for approximately 40 minutes;
  9. Wash your hair normally.

An option for those who want to enhance the effects of the mask is to add a few drops of vegetable oil (such as coconut or argan) to the mixture, before applying.

Care: how to prevent double tip from appearing in the hair?

To avoid the appearance of split ends, some precautions can be taken. One of these precautions is the completion of the capillary schedule or the haircut itself, for example.

Check out some ways to take care of locks:

Capillary schedule

The capillary schedule consists of making a treatment schedule to restore the health of the hair . If the person washes their hair 3 times a week, one way to do it is, for example:

  • Monday: hydration;
  • Wednesday: nutrition;
  • Friday: reconstruction.

Hydration treats the inner part of the hair, acting directly on the hair fiber. It aims to return moisture to the hair.

Nutrition acts on the outside of the hair, providing lipids and nutrients that are lost due to chemical processes or even damage such as pollution. It helps in closing the cuticles and protecting the hair.

The reconstruction works by restoring the vitality and health of the threads. It returns proteins and amino acids that form keratin, a substance that forms 70% of hair.

It is worth remembering that the order must not necessarily be the one listed above. Each hair has specific needs and the steps must be assembled in a personalized way for each person.

What is the best hair mask? 8 options for you to test

Have a haircut

Who has never heard that hair should be cut every 3 months?

One of the precautions that must be taken when dealing with the hair is to keep the cut up to date. And this is not just for aesthetic reasons, right?

Performing the removal of the tips every 2 or 3 months (even for those who are growing their hair) is important, as it is usually the region that is most damaged.

Thus, when cutting the affected fragment, in general, only the strongest part of the hair remains.

This provides a healthier appearance and growth and prevents the appearance of split ends, since the fragile part of the hair that could normally provide the problem is removed!

Tip Repairer

The use of tip repair products is important to maintain health and avoid split ends.

They are, generally, products based on silicone and mineral oils, and promote, as the name says, the repair of the tips.

When the product is ironed, the cuticle is sealed, softening the worn aspect of the hair and promoting shine. It also maintains moisture in the strands, helping to prevent the appearance of the problem.

However, it is worth mentioning that the repairer’s operation is temporary. Its effect is only maintained until washing, being necessary to apply it again afterwards.

Therefore, for those who already have split ends, the product will not bring treatment results.

As already mentioned in the previous topic, once opened in split ends, there is no way to close the cuticle again.

What the repairman does is to join them together, like a glue, (which provides the sensation of “problem of split ends solved”), however, when removing it through washing, they come off again.

Split ends are very feared by some people, but if they do appear, there is no reason to despair.

With specific care, it is possible to end the problem and restore health to the hair!

Want more complete hair care content ? Continue reading the Minute Healthy texts and learn more about how to keep your locks healthy!
