Saturated fat is that usually related to bad cholesterol (LDL).
It is predominant in foods of animal origin and its derivatives, mainly in those of animal origin, such as meat (beef, pork, poultry and sheep) and dairy products (cheese, butter, yogurt).
In vegetable products it is less common, but it can be found in oils (coconut and palm oil) and industrialized products that use these ingredients.
As it is more associated with health risks, and it is not difficult to exaggerate consumption, many people pay attention to packaging and nutritional tables.
This is because, although it is important for the body, as it helps in the maintenance of cell membranes and in the storage of vitamins , saturated fat can bring health problems, such as cardiac complications.
Read more: Healthy Eating: what it is, benefits, how to have it, menu, tips
Industrialized foods high in saturated fat: what are they?
The processed foods are generally high in saturated fats. For this reason, we have separated some with high levels, which should therefore be consumed sparingly.
On average, the amount of trans fat in each food portion (100g) is:
- Chocolate: 32,4g;
- Sour cream: 23g;
- Snack (package): 12.4 g;
- Sausage: 8.4 g;
- Stuffed cookie: 6g;
- Bolognese lasagna: 3.38g;
Natural foods that have saturated fat
Natural foods can also have saturated fat in their composition. Most are of animal origin, but some of plant origin can also be a source of trans fats:
Check out the foods below (100g portion):
- Coconut pulp: 30g;
- Red meat: 5g;
- Nuts: 9g;
- Whole milk: 0.9g.
It is important to note that it is not necessary to remove these foods from the diet at all, since saturated fats are also important for the proper functioning of the human body.
Attention should be paid to the amount consumed .
What is the ideal amount of saturated fat per day?
The recommendation is that consumption is only 10% of the total daily calorie value. For example, if you consume a total of 2000 calories, ideally, you should not eat more than 22g of saturated fat.
But the amount can still change. If there is a cardiac risk factor, the recommendation is that the consumption of fats is lower, being able to ingest only 7% of the total value of calories (14g).
Therefore, it is essential to check the label and be attentive to the nutritional tables.
Read more: What you need to know to eat well
Saturated fats, despite being important for the proper functioning of the human body , in excess can lead to health complications, such as high cholesterol .
Therefore, it is important to always maintain a balance when planning your diet. In addition, being well informed is a good way to make healthier choices and have a more balanced life.
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