The labyrinthitis is a misnomer, but often used by people to designate an inflammation in an ear canal – the maze, consisting of the cochlea and the hall – and that compromises both the equity and the hearing of the individual. The disease usually manifests itself after 40 or 50 years of age, due to metabolic changes in the body.
Labyrinthitis is mainly characterized by symptoms such as dizziness, imbalance, deafness or tinnitus. They occur because of the simple fact that if the cochlea or vestibule does not function properly, the brain receives erroneous information regarding the position of someone’s body in space, which can give the sensation of rotation, fall or fluctuation.
Learn more about labyrinthitis:
- Know the causes of viral, bacterial and emotional labyrinthitis
- Symptoms labyrinthitis: how to identify inflammation?
- Exams: how is the diagnosis of labyrinthitis made?
- Find out how labyrinthitis treatment works
- Remedies to cure and relieve the symptoms of labyrinthitis
- Living with labyrinthitis: tips to relieve crises
- Discover possible complications of labyrinthitis
- Prevention: know what to do to avoid labyrinthitis