Symptoms labyrinthitis: how to identify inflammation?

The labyrinthitis is characterized by symptoms such as dizziness and ringing in the ears. However, the disease can manifest itself in other ways as well. Check out:


Visual changes

  • See everything running around you;
  • Difficulty fixing the eyes at a single point;
  • Involuntary eye movements;
  • Blurry sight;
  • Darkened view;
  • Photophobia;
  • Eyelid shakes alone.

Changes in the perception of head and / or body movement

  • Difficulty walking in a straight line;
  • Dizziness when driving a car, looking sideways or upwards, crouching and getting up quickly;
  • Feeling of being stepping on false;
  • Body instability;
  • Sensations of fainting.

Ear problems

  • Auditory sensitivity;
  • Buzz;
  • Difficulty in listening.

Postural problems

  • The head and neck are placed in an incorrect way more often, due to the presence of symptoms constantly;
  • This incorrect position can cause pain in the neck, pain or cracking in the neck, shoulders, chest and arms and tingling in the fingertips.

Other symptoms

  • Headaches or a feeling of heaviness / pressure on her;
  • Difficulty concentrating;
  • Affected memory;
  • Constant clearing;
  • Lack of air.

A patient may have only one of these symptoms described or more than one, associated. The acute phase of the disease can appear suddenly and last for minutes, hours or even days. Labyrinthitis does not usually cause people to faint , but it is advisable not to keep the body in a horizontal position so that the dizziness is not aggravated.

Learn more about labyrinthitis:
