The most recurrent complication of labyrinthitis is permanent hearing loss, especially in children who developed the disease from a bacterial infection, such as meningitis . It is estimated that out of five children, at least one will develop some type of hearing loss, which can be partial or complete.
If hearing is severely affected, cochlear implants may be necessary. These devices are inserted into the ears to help improve the patient’s hearing.
Learn more about labyrinthitis:
- Understand what is labyrinthitis and its effects on the body
- Know the causes of viral, bacterial and emotional labyrinthitis
- Symptoms labyrinthitis: how to identify inflammation?
- Exams: how is the diagnosis of labyrinthitis made?
- Find out how labyrinthitis treatment works
- Remedies to cure and relieve the symptoms of labyrinthitis
- Living with labyrinthitis: tips to relieve crises
- Prevention: know what to do to avoid labyrinthitis