Check out fiber-rich foods (soluble and insoluble)

A diet rich in fiber has many health benefits. Acquiring, through diet, the right amounts of these nutrients is a way to improve the quality of life and live preventively.

With fiber intake on a daily basis, it is possible to observe an increase in the feeling of satiety and better functioning of the intestine. Another benefit is in preventing diseases like high cholesterol.

Below we list the most fiber-rich foods and talk more about the benefits. Check out!


Fiber types

Dietary fiber, also called dietary fiber, is a compound present in plant foods. It is divided into two types: soluble and insoluble fibers. Depending on the type, the way it acts on the body is different. Understand more about this division:


Soluble fibers are those that dissolve in water, forming a kind of gel in the stomach. Due to this characteristic, they help to make the fecal cake more moist.

It provides a greater feeling of satiety, as they stay longer in the stomach and small intestine.

This characteristic of soluble fibers is one of its greatest attractions, especially for those on a diet. Because, with this effect, they help the person to eat in smaller quantities.

To add this type of fiber to the menu, it is important to include foods such as soy, cassava, beets, carrots, peas and apples.

In addition, adding foods that contain barley, rye, oats and wheat germ is also important.

Read more: Eating fruits and grains is more important than reducing fast foods


As the name might suggest, insoluble fibers are those that do not dissolve in water. On the contrary, they are able to retain the liquid, mixing with the food and increasing the volume of the fecal cake.

With this, they improve the functioning of the intestine, reducing the time of intestinal transit. That is, they work as a kind of natural laxative , as the time for elimination of feces is reduced.

Consequently, the consumption of these foods in the correct amount is related to a lower risk of problems such as constipation , colon cancer , hemorrhoids and diverticulitis .

Good sources of insoluble fiber include foods such as rice, wheat, bran, beans , leafy vegetables, peels and fruit pomace, cauliflower and broccoli.

Benefits of high fiber foods in the diet

A diet that has a good amount of fiber can bring several health benefits, whether soluble or insoluble.

These foods are essential for the intestine, acting in the reduction of the absorption of fats and sugars by the body.

They prevent constipation and diarrhea , for example, by making the fecal cake more consistent and speeding up intestinal transit.

They also help prevent and reduce the risks of diseases such as diabetes and high cholesterol, as they participate in the absorption of sugars and fats.

Fiber can also be used to lose weight or to control weight, as they also provide greater satiety, helping to regulate appetite.

Read more: Why should we prefer a nutritious diet over supplements?

List of high fiber foods

Foods rich in fiber are distributed in different groups, such as legumes, grains, cereals, vegetables, vegetables and fruits. The following foods are good options:


  • Wheat bran;
  • Rye flour;
  • Oat;
  • Whole wheat bread;
  • Granola;
  • Wholegrain cookies with rye, wholegrain or corn flour.

Vegetables, vegetables and derivatives

  • Cassava and cassava flour;
  • Kale butter;
  • Cooked broccoli;
  • Raw carrot;
  • Cooked sweet potatoes;
  • Green pepper;
  • Cress;
  • Lettuce;
  • Celery;
  • Beetroot;
  • Arugula.
  • Escarole;
  • Fennel;
  • Spinach;
  • Parsley;
  • Scallion;
  • Onion;
  • Okra;
  • Radish;
  • Pod.


  • Khaki;
  • Avocado;
  • Guava;
  • Orange;
  • Apple;
  • Prune;
  • Blackberry;
  • Banana;
  • Cashew;
  • Cherry;
  • Raw coconut;
  • Passion fruit;
  • Papaya;
  • Melon;
  • Tangerine;
  • Pear;
  • Pineapple.

Nuts and seeds

  • Linseed;
  • Almonds;
  • Chestnut of Pará;
  • Cashew nut.


  • Pea;
  • Lentil;
  • Bean;
  • Chickpea;
  • Soy.

How much fiber per day?

The ideal amount of fiber per day can vary for each person according to age, weight, sex and other factors, as each organism has specific needs. However, although there is no mandatory quantity at all, there is an estimate of what would be close to the ideal.

That amount would be 25g to 30g of fiber per day. Achieving that amount is not difficult. With a varied menu, with the presence of foods such as beans, fruits and whole grain breads, these 25g are easily reached.

What foods do not contain fiber?

Some people, on special diets, need to reduce the amount of fiber in their diet on medical advice. This is the case of people who have diarrhea, intestinal inflammation, Crohn’s disease , diverticulitis, who will undergo colonoscopy or some surgery.

In such cases, the doctor’s prescriptions must be strictly followed in relation to the amounts and time required to restrict foods rich in fiber.

Low-fiber options are foods such as milk, low-fat yogurt, turkey, chicken meat, fish, bread and toast with white flour, white rice, cooked carrots, squash and shelled fruits.

Read more: Healthy Eating: what it is, benefits, how to have it, menu, tips

How to make the best use of fibers?

Some tips on consumption and preparation of foods rich in fiber can help to improve the availability of the nutrient in the body, being better used and absorbed by our body.

  • Do not chop or process food too much, as it will break the fibers;
  • When making natural juices, prefer to consume without straining;
  • Prefer to steam the vegetables.

In addition, drinking water is essential for the fibers to have a good action in the body.

To provide greater satiety, to improve the functioning of the intestine and to preserve health in general, fibers are essential in the diet.

So try to include these nutrient-rich foods in your meals to reap all the benefits.

Thank you for reading and keep following information on health and well-being .

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