The organic apple cider vinegar offers more benefits than the other product types. When unfiltered, it can maintain the vitamins and substances in the fruit, as well as antioxidant and functional properties, such as pectin and fibers.
Vinegars have been used for a long time to improve health and well-being. Present in the routine of those who adopt natural therapy resources, the product arouses the interest of researchers who are currently seeking to ascertain and prove the real benefits.
Some of the properties of apple cider vinegar that arouse the interest of those who want more health are:
Has anti-inflammatory properties
As apple cider vinegar has components such as potassium, manganese and magnesium, the product can reduce inflammation and promote circulation.
Research conducted at the Federal University of Santa Maria, in Rio Grande do Sul, listed 10 foods that have great anti-inflammatory capacity and among them is the apple.
Since organic vinegar retains much of the properties of the fermented food, the anti-infectious and anti-inflammatory capabilities can be preserved.
Can reduce high blood pressure
A study published in the British Journal of Nutrition in 2006 evaluated rats and their blood pressure and cholesterol levels. The results show that the use of vinegar had a beneficial effect on the animals’ organism, reducing the risk of high blood pressure .
Aids in digestion
Anyone who has gastritis or a burning stomach problem may already experience stomach discomfort just thinking about using vinegar with meals. But people who do not suffer from stomach changes can benefit from consuming the product.
This is because vinegar stimulates salivation and causes gastric juice – which is loaded with digestive enzymes – to increase production as well.
With digestive enzymes working better and more effectively in food, the degradation process is improved and, thus, the body is able to make better use of the nutrients ingested.
In addition, apple cider vinegar can cause digestion to be slower and more balanced, if there is a good regulation of the pH of the stomach. That is, it can prevent discomfort after eating due to poor digestion or poor processing of what has been consumed.
But, opposing the information, there is research that indicates that the presence of acetic acid can cause digestive discomfort due to slow gastric emptying.
It is worth remembering that patients with digestive tract disorders can be recommended not to consume acidic foods, due to the increase in stomach acidity.
Helps in intestinal health
Organic apple cider vinegar can maintain concentrations of pectin, a substance found in fruits (especially apples).
It is a type of soluble dietary fiber, that is, when ingested, it is able to form a gel that reduces the absorption of fats. In the intestine, pectin helps regulate flow, improving bowel movement.
As the substance does not necessarily have a laxative action, people with diarrhea may also have their bowel functions regulated, as pectin helps to reduce mucosal irritation.
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Balances glucose
Research at Arizona State University indicates that vinegar’s acetic acid is able to block enzymes related to the release of sugar into the bloodstream.
It is mainly through the action of this component that glucose is regulated and insulin sensitivity is increased. Researches in animals and, more recently, in humans are beginning to investigate the use of apple cider vinegar combined with the treatment of type 2 diabetes .
Studies carried out in 2004 and published in the Jornal de Ciência Alimentar show that the product can prevent glycemic rates from rising after meals. In the digestion process, acetic acid can interfere with the way the body uses carbohydrates , slowing down the digestion of starches by the intestine.
As glucose is obtained by breaking down starches, consumption of apple cider vinegar can mean lower blood glucose levels.
A study published in the Tohoku Journal of Experimental Medicine, shows that a small group of patients with polycystic ovary syndrome showed improvements in their menstrual irregularities due to the ability of apple cider vinegar to balance blood glucose levels.
The research considered that insulin resistance may be an impacting factor in polycystic ovary syndrome and, therefore, the consumption of apple cider vinegar for glycemic stabilization may have positive effects for patients.
May improve brain functions
With intestinal regularization the whole body can benefit. This is because the intestine and the brain have a very close relationship and, therefore, any change in the functions of one, can impact the functioning of the other.
You have probably noticed that when you have constipation or diarrhea, there are feelings of fatigue , malaise and a drop in immunity. Therefore, it is necessary to take care of both.
As organic apple cider vinegar can help repair and balance the intestinal flora (especially due to the action of pectin), its consumption can promote more health, including for brain functions.
Can help with overweight and obesity
There are several mechanisms of action of vinegar to reduce the rates of obesity and overweight, but it is believed that they actually act only indirectly.
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Some studies carried out in 2009, published in the Jornal de Ciência Alimentar, point out that the monitored participants suffered lower glycemic elevations after meals and, therefore, satiety was prolonged.
This is because when the body experiences a rapid and intense rise in blood sugar, the body releases more insulin, a regulatory hormone.
However, in a short time, blood glucose is low and the amount of insulin in the blood is still high. That is, the sugar starts to go down exaggeratedly, causing the body to understand this as a warning sign and hunger to manifest itself.
In this study, satiety was possibly promoted by the lower glycemic change.
Another study, carried out in 2005, confirms the results of the weight loss action of vinegar consumption.
In the survey, patients who ingested dosages of acetic acid felt more satiated and naturally reduced their food intake by about 250 calories daily. Therefore, vinegar can stimulate satiety and promote weight reduction in a natural way.
Reduces the risk of heart disease
Apple cider vinegar can be a source of polyphenols (substances naturally contained in plants), especially chlorogenic acid, which is a regulator of liver function. There are studies that point out the action of these substances in reducing the risk of high cholesterol and cardiovascular problems.
The consumption of apple cider vinegar can inhibit the oxidation of LDL (bad cholesterol) and assist in the prevention of resulting diseases. In addition, a 2006 study points out that inserting a 0.3% concentration of acetic acid in the diet can reduce cholesterol and triglyceride rates.
Relieves heartburn
Gastric dysfunctions have been treated for centuries with vinegars. Some studies indicate that the acid can combat changes in stomach juice and balance the pH of the organ.
However, it is important to pay attention to the use, as pure, frequent or excessive intake can cause irritation of the mucous membranes.
Has antimicrobial action
The use of vinegar in the fight against microbes and bacteria is quite old, making the product still used today in the cleaning of fruits and vegetables. However, it is important to note that the Ministry of Health recommends the use of diluted bleach to properly sanitize food.
Some studies carried out in 2004 suggest that the mixture of vinegar (with 4.03% acetic acid) and lemon juice can inhibit the bacteria Salmonella typhimurium in foods. But, still in the study, it was observed that a long time of action is necessary for the bacterium to be fought.
A study published in the medical journal Scientific Reports in 2018 pointed out that apple cider vinegar can inhibit the action and proliferation of the bacterium Escherichia coli , responsible for food poisoning and diarrhea.
Despite needing to go deeper, vinegar has, according to the study, the ability to be used in clinical therapies to combat infectious agents.
An article published in the clinical journal of Brazilian Research in Pediatric Dentistry and Integrated Clinic, in 2018, pointed out that the product has antifungal capacity on Candida Spp from the oral cavity. The agent is responsible for infections of dental prostheses and parts of the internal mucosa, being able to cause complications.
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