Diet to lose belly: effective feeding tips

Dieters do not always want to lose weight in general. Many are satisfied with the biotype but would like to eliminate only localized fat.

The one that most often disturbs is the famous tummy. Is it really possible to lose that localized fat with a diet?

Even those who practice physical activities regularly say that it is very difficult to reduce measures in this region. If exercise is insufficient in some cases, it may be an indication that eating is not helping.

In some cases, the size of the belly may be associated with problems such as high cholesterol, hypertension, diabetes and others. The ideal is to consult a doctor to identify whether the localized fat may or may not be associated with any health problem.

It is important to put health first and then, with the assistance of a specialist, embark on a diet with a focus on losing abdominal measurements.

Let’s find out below if it is possible to adopt a diet that helps to burn those fatty things that bother so many people.


Which diet to lose belly? Feeding Tips

There is no miracle diet to lose belly. But it is possible to adopt a diet that, combined with other practices, can assist in the loss of localized fat

In addition to a healthy eating routine, it is important to practice physical activities regularly, to avoid the consumption of alcohol and processed foods .

A diet to lose belly is nothing more than a diet focused on weight loss, which can result in the burning of belly fat as a result.

Therefore, we emphasize the importance of combining it with aerobic (walking, running, swimming) and localized physical activities (with a focus on the specific musculature you want to work on).

Here are some feeding tips that can help you lose your belly:

Prefer natural foods

It is important to eat natural and nutritious foods, such as those rich in fiber (grains, cereals, wholegrain bran, fruits and vegetables), so that the intestine works properly and helps in the diet.

Thus, the weight loss process is favored, as food usually has a direct relationship with localized fat.

Reduce simple carbohydrates

In general, the accumulation of fat results from the ingestion of simple carbohydrates , which are absorbed and digested more quickly, increasing the rate of glucose in the blood. This causes a sensation of hunger right after the meal.

Simple carbohydrates are found in breads, pasta, white rice, sugars, sweets, soft drinks and alcoholic beverages.

Consume thermogenic foods

A good tip is to add thermogenic foods to the diet, which consume enough energy to be digested. They help to speed up the metabolism and spend the fats accumulated in the body.

Some examples are: ginger , hibiscus , nuts, pepper, cinnamon, green tea and unsweetened coffee.

Drink water

It is important to drink at least 2.5 liters of water per day. This speeds up metabolism and fights fluid retention, which helps to deflate the body. It is worth saying that ice water can help even more in this process.

When we eat something cold, the body needs to balance its temperature. This process increases energy consumption and ends up promoting caloric burning.

How to put together a diet to lose belly? Do you have a menu?

There is no specific diet to lose the belly. However, it is possible to adopt healthier eating habits, which will reduce weight and help burn localized fat more quickly.

A valid tip is to eat fewer calories than your body consumes. This is so that the calorie balance is negative, resulting in weight reduction.

It is important to make it clear, that you should not adhere to any diet without medical supervision, as only specialists can indicate what is best for your body.

Reducing the consumption of some foods (such as simple carbohydrates) and prioritizing the intake of others that are more nutritious is a good start to adopting a healthier diet.

Here are some nutrient-rich foods that can be included in a balanced diet:

  • Olive oil: According to studies by the American Diabetes Association, it was found that the habit of ingesting two tablespoons of olive oil a day can prevent the accumulation of visceral fat.
  • Avocado: is a source of monounsaturated fat and helps to decrease the accumulation of fat cells in the abdomen;
  • Chia: it is rich in fibers, proteins and a great source of omega 3. It has anti-inflammatory action, helps to speed up the metabolism and facilitates the burning of fat, especially in the belly region;
  • Apple cider vinegar: it has acetic acid, which reduces hunger and avoids insulin spikes, reducing the risk of the body accumulating fat;
  • Red pepper: has thermogenic action and helps to speed up the metabolism;
  • Red fruits: Strawberry, jabuticaba, grape, cherry, blackberry and açaí are fruits rich in anthocyanin – with antioxidant function that helps in burning fat;
  •  Yogurt: the calcium present in the food interferes with the fat cells and helps to decrease the volume inside them. In addition, probiotics contribute to the proper functioning of the intestine;
  • Green vegetables: they are low in calories, high in fiber, minerals and vitamins, which help to relieve bloating and retention in the abdominal region;
  • Nuts and almonds: rich in omega 3, they are considered foods with quality fat, which increase the sensitivity of our body to insulin, helping in weight loss. They also provide us with high-level fibers and proteins;
  • Blueberry (blueberry): rich in anthocyanins, which are phytonutrients that act on the genes that regulate the metabolism of fats.

Diet to lose belly and gain muscle mass

Often times a diet to lose localized fat can backfire. This is because after burning body fat, the body also begins to burn muscle mass.

To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to practice physical activity daily, preferably those that stimulate muscle fiber such as weight training and crossfit .

Read more: What is Crossfit for?

It is also interesting to do at least 30 minutes of aerobic activities, such as walking, treadmill or bicycle, as this helps to stimulate fat burning.

It is important for a balanced diet to include some nutrient-rich foods that will assist in gaining muscle mass, such as:

  • Proteins: meat, fish, chicken, eggs and cheese;
  • Good fats: chestnuts, peanuts, tuna, sardines, salmon, chia, flaxseed, avocado and coconut;
  • Whole foods: breads, pasta, rice and whole grain cookies;
  • Fruits: banana, berries, citrus fruits, apple, watermelon, avocado, grape;
  • Vegetables: lettuce, broccoli, asparagus, cauliflower, spinach, kale, tomatoes and zucchini.

Can you lose belly in 2 weeks?

It is possible to reduce belly swelling in 2 weeks, but when it comes to weight loss, it is important to note that this does not happen overnight.

With some habits, we can help our body to deflate and burn localized fat.

Check out some tips that can help:

  • Avoid drinking water during meals, as this can dilate your stomach;
  • Swap white flour for wholegrain flour, this reduces insulin spikes and can better control hunger;
  • Consume diuretic foods (which help to deflate) like green juice and fruits like pineapple, watermelon, kiwi and melon. This helps to eliminate toxins in the urine;
  • Keep your intestines well regulated, as constipation can stimulate the urge to eat sweets. Try to ingest fibers and magnesium, which help in bowel movements.
  • Try to do physical activities. In addition to helping with weight loss and localized fat, they guarantee well-being and are essential for health.

Read more: Kiwi: what it is, how to use it and natural properties

The protruding tummy is not just an aesthetic issue. As we can see, it can be an alert for health problems.

Therefore, before embarking on a diet on your own, it is important to seek medical care and the help of a physical education professional to guide you about the most suitable activities.

A healthier diet combined with the practice of physical activities is important for a better quality of life.

Read more: Desinchá: what is it for and how to take it

Do you have any experience with diets that went super well? Tell us in the comments.

Keep following the Healthy Minute to learn more about health and nutrition !
