Crossfit: from beginner to advanced. Meet the modality

It is difficult to find someone who has never heard of crossfit. In recent years, the sport has exploded among gym fans and among those looking for a more defined body.

Inspired by military training, the crossfit aims to improve the fitness of people of different age groups, from sedentary to professional athletes.

In the following text, we will learn a little more about this type of high-intensity physical activity. Good reading!


What is crossfit?

Crossfit is a fitness methodology created based on three pillars: functional movements, constantly varied movements and high intensity movements.

Despite the fear of some people in certain conditions, any individual can practice this type of physical activity, as the intensity of the exercises is adapted according to the needs of each practitioner.

However, before starting the crossfit, it is necessary to undergo a medical evaluation, in order to have the endorsement.

Basically, the crossfit combines in its training exercises Olympic weight lifting, gymnastic exercises, activities that help in metabolic conditioning, such as cycling, running, squats or rowing, and exercises done with the weight of the practitioner’s own body.

It also has exercises performed with ropes, ball, tires and rubber bands. It is recommended for people seeking physical endurance, cardiorespiratory endurance, balance, power, speed and muscle strength.

Contributes to weight loss or muscle growth, when training is more focused on intensity.

The name crossfit is related to the brand Crossfit inc., Which belongs to the creator of this modality, Greg Glassman.

It is a good way to get your body moving without having a monotonous routine. Whoever cannot adapt to the repetitive routine of bodybuilding or wants to go beyond aerobic exercises, crossfit can be a stimulating activity.

Because it requires a lot of resistance, the crossfit is also used in the training of professionals such as police, firefighters and army units. This practice is common, mainly, in the United States.

Crossfit classes last, on average, 1 hour and are divided into three parts: warm-up, dynamic stretching and WOD ( Workout of the Day ).

During dynamic stretching, students learn and perfect some of the exercises. In WOD, stretching exercises are performed, but more intensely and in less time.

Crossfit pillars

The crossfit is based on three exercise bases: functional movements, high intensity and constant variation.

Functional movements

Functional movements are the ones that help us on a daily basis, which is why they are based on the muscle groups we use for this.

Functional movements are those that can be transferred to everyday tasks.

The more these movements are worked on, the greater will be the day-to-day performance of these activities. With crossfit functional exercises some tasks will be easier, for example:

  • Lift and crouch to pick up objects;
  • Running for public transport and not running out of air for that;
  • Carry grocery shopping without suffering from weight;
  • Go up and down stairs quietly;
  • Being able to remove or store heavy items from high shelves;
  • Moving furniture, among others.

High intensity

High intensity, as imagined, is associated with exercises that provide greater calorie burning, designed to achieve the best physical fitness.

They will help the student to improve their skills, such as cardiac and respiratory capacity, endurance, speed, power, balance and all others.

Constant variation

The constant variation of the crossfit is related to the wide range of activities that this modality allows. It is a way to make training more intense, challenging and break the routine that other activities have, such as weight training and aerobic exercises.

High intensity, constant variation and functional movements, work together to achieve the 10 physical capacities that the crossfit seeks. Are they:

  • Coordination;
  • Balance;
  • Flexibility;
  • Agility;
  • Speed;
  • Power;
  • Precision;
  • Strength;
  • Cardiorespiratory resistance;
  • Muscular physical endurance.


The crossfit boom echoes among people who have always been fans of intensity exercise. This modality, however, is relatively new. The crossfit emerged in the 2000s, when it was created by ex-gymnast Greg Glassman.

Still in his childhood, Glassman was diagnosed with polio . In gymnastics he found a way to regain his strength and from that point on he did not give up physical exercises.

During his life, he went to several gyms, but he was never really interested in any of the methods applied until then.

From his experience as an athlete, he began to realize that the results of physical exercises with only the use of his body were not so good.

The combination of the use of barbells and dumbbells, combined with weight lifting, gymnastics, cycling and running, for him, seemed to be the best way to achieve physical endurance and muscular strength.

Dissatisfied with the routine established by the gyms and with the results for his case, he began to develop specific series of combined exercises, which today we know as the crossfit.

Greg Glassman’s influence was very important even for the name of the sport. It was he who created the brand Crossfit inc., A company that now offers courses and various information on the practice of this exercise.

On its website, it is even possible to find guidance on the exercises of the day in the Workout Of the Day (WOD) session , where the rest days and the series are established.

Known as “king of crossfit”, Glassman has conquered a huge space in the fitness world. His invention spread quickly and became a form of enterprise. You can find manuals on how to set up your own space to start taking crossfit classes, due to the high demand of recent years.

These spaces are different from a conventional gym. Usually, these are large, airy and very spacious warehouses. The trainings are fast and varied.

The objects used are also different. In some crossfit boxes, as the spaces are known, they offer climbing places, in addition to spaces with tires and hanging rings, common in gymnastics.

What is it for?

The main objective of crossfit, as in other physical activities, is the search for a healthier body and a higher quality of life.

It serves several purposes and the student determines it. Some people seek crossfit for a physical activity that provides them with well-being, physical endurance, power, speed, respiratory and cardiovascular resistance and other benefits.

Crossfit can be an ally to help treat some diseases, such as high cholesterol and obesity , which improve when combined with a less sedentary lifestyle.

It can also be practiced by people who want to lose weight, as it is a more intense activity and with functional exercises, which speeds up the burning of calories, in addition to contributing to muscle strengthening.

One of the goals placed within the crossfit is to strengthen and condition the core, the muscles that form the center of gravity of our body.

These are the muscles of the abdominal, lumbar, pelvis and hip regions. They are responsible for much of the support and stabilization of our body movements.

How to begin?

Crossfit can be practiced by any type of person, but before starting training, it is recommended that they undergo a medical evaluation and a physical education professional .

Certainly, people who already practice some sport or physical activity, and consequently have greater resistance, demonstrate a greater adaptation to the routine of the crossfit. However, this does not exclude people who are sedentary or beginners.

So, to start, first know a little more about how crossfit works and the results you can have with these workouts.

It is important to know your body and its limits before starting and talk to the instructors about your difficulties, clarifying any doubts.

In most places, it is possible to schedule an experimental training. If you are curious to know how you will do in the crossfit, try to take a class and learn about the dynamics of the exercises and the teachers.

It is also very important to pay attention to the assistance of the instructors, so that you do not get hurt with the exercises. Always have the supervision of one of the teachers.

Finally, respect your limits and understand that the results are achieved little by little. It is essential not to have a competitive or comparative spirit with other practitioners when it comes to high intensity physical exercises like crossfit. Each person has their time.

Can anyone practice?

According to what is mentioned in the manuals made available by the creators of the crossfit, this is a modality that can be practiced by any type of person, of different ages and physical conditioning.

The needs of an ordinary person, in this way, are placed alongside the needs of Olympic athletes, with the main difference being only the degree of difficulty of the exercises.

All people need physical exercise to have a healthier life and crossfit is a way to put the body in motion, gaining resistance, muscle strength, balance and other benefits.

However, it is necessary to understand that an athlete will have greater loads than a beginner person or a person who suffers from some major physical limitations.

To start practicing crossfit, as well as other activities, you must first undergo a medical evaluation.

Who can be a crossfit coach?

To be a crossfit trainer, or crossfit coach, you need a kind of specialization about the method.

The courses are offered by Crossfit Inc., a company created by Greg Glassman, and are designed to empower anyone who wants to teach.

In Brazil, to be a crossfit coach it is necessary to have training in physical education . This requirement is essential to ensure that students have specialized support during training, because when performed improperly and without supervision, exercises can cause serious injuries.

The course to be a crossfit coach is divided into 2 levels, but you may have heard of a level 3 or 4 coach. In the latter cases, it is not necessarily about levels, but titles that instructors receive after go through some steps.

The higher the level, the more experienced this coach is, which guarantees greater credibility in his work.

To take these courses, it is necessary to dedicate a little to the studies and requirements required by Crossfit inc. In addition, it is necessary to prepare the pocket as well, as each course costs 1000 dollars.

Crossfit levels

To be a crossfit coach, certified by the creative company of the brand, the physical education professional must go through some levels:

Level 1

Level 1 is an introduction to the methods established for Crossfit. The instructor needs to learn about all the fundamental movements. During the course, you will have classes and activities in small groups to start training movements.

It is necessary for the coach to know how to recognize and correct when the student is doing the movements inappropriately or forcing his limits. It should, therefore, prevent them from suffering any type of injury and make them feel motivated during training.

The dynamics of how to teach this type of training is also within what the course seeks to teach.

The instructor must also learn to adapt the training to the needs of each student and know how to measure the intensity according to the individual progress.

The course booklet is available on the website of Crossfit inc., But to reach level 1 you must pass tests.

Level 2

To take the level 2 course, it is mandatory that the instructor has already completed level 1, in addition to 6 months of crossfit class before starting the next specialization.

It is a continuation of level 1. It also works on more general aspects of the practice. In the other courses offered by the company Crossfit inc., The subjects are more specific.

Level 3

Level 3 is not necessarily an extra course. Being a level 3 coach means that the instructor has the previous two levels and is certified by Crossfit inc .. To be classified in this way, the coach also needs to have at least 750 hours of class given in the modality.

It is a title that needs to be renewed, as the instructor must pass exams and obtain continuing education credits. For that, you need to continue taking the courses.

Level 4

To receive the level 4 coach certificate, the instructor needs to pass a full-day exam, where other instructors assess your skills as a crossfit trainer. This is the highest level that Crossfit inc. has for your coaches.

In addition to being a way of stimulating learning and updating on training, these levels allow the recognition of coaches more qualified for this activity, which can give greater confidence to students.

Crossfit for beginners

Beginners to crossfit must go through an adaptation training period. Two factors must be adjusted to the conditioning of these people: intensity and volume.

These adaptations make it possible for beginners to continue in the crossfit without much suffering to accompany the exercises and to gradually gain physical resistance.

It is recommended that the instructors reduce the intensity and quantity of the exercises in half, for at least two weeks. Depending on the student’s progress, the intensity and volume can be increased gradually over the next few weeks of training. And so it goes on for the next few months and years.

Thus, at the beginning, coaches should have a greater focus on correct movement practice before thinking about the speed and weight being used.

Training should be adapted periodically, with a change in exercises, varying in intensity, according to the evolution of each student.

It is important that the student discuss their limitations with the instructor when they feel that the intensity of the exercises is exceeding their physical conditioning.

Crossfit lose weight?

Crossfit, being a high intensity modality, which includes metabolic conditioning exercises, is an activity that helps the student to lose weight.

This is because the exercises have a much more intense rhythm than other isolated activities, such as just running or weight training.

The crossfit works with strength, speed, endurance and flexibility with a series capable of stimulating all the muscles of the body. This way, you can strengthen your bodybuilding, which also contributes to weight loss.

On average, a class of 30 minutes is able to eliminate approximately 800 calories, this being for more advanced students. Crossfit also helps to speed up the metabolism and promotes the increase of lean mass .

It is considered an interesting activity both for people who want to lose weight and gain definition and for those looking for hypertrophy.

In addition, crossfit can help in the process called after burn, the caloric burning after exercise. This period, in which calories are burned at rest, can last from 12 to 24 hours.

For those who want to start the activity thinking about these results, it is important to remember that, although the crossfit is an exercise that burns a lot of calories, it can take a few months for this to be visible in the measurements and on the scale.

Like any activity, crossfit is not capable of doing miracles alone. With him, the student who wants to lose weight needs to maintain a healthy diet, sleep well and stay hydrated.

Crossfit benefits

The benefits of crossfit aim at a better quality of life and, mainly, a good physical conditioning. From this, other health benefits are added to the practice of crossfit.

Stress reduction

Stressful routines can be relieved when you have some physical activity as an ally. When we practice an exercise, substances that provide pleasure and well-being, such as endorphins, are released.

Endorphin is considered a natural pain reliever and helps to reduce stress as well as anxiety . After a day full of tension, training can be the best medicine to empty your mind for a moment and reap the benefits that the activity brings.

Muscle definition and toning

The crossfit helps the muscles to become more defined, so they are more visible. In addition, it works to tone the muscle fiber, which means that they are also firmer.

Toning workouts usually work with repetition movements and medium loads.

For the muscles to be defined, there needs to be a reduction in the percentage of fat between the muscle and the skin, which is also one of the results of crossfit.

Increase in lean mass

The increase in muscle mass, or lean mass , is important for all people and interferes with even the simplest daily activities. Our muscles protect our body from injury, help us lose weight and provide healthier aging.

When thinking about muscle growth it is common to associate hypertrophy, however, it is not necessary to be an athlete to start worrying about it, because we all need it. Physical activity is the best way to achieve this benefit.

Injury prevention

The crossfit is able to prevent injuries as it is associated with increased muscle mass. Thus, people who practice become more resistant to injuries caused by falls, for example.

For crossfit to be a form of prevention and not the cause of injuries, it is necessary to practice properly, with qualified professionals and respecting your limits.

Improved self-confidence

Being able to practice crossfit can be a challenge with each workout, as it involves overcoming your own limits. It is an intense and stimulating activity.

Students can feel more confident overcoming these limitations and this will end up being reflected in other areas of their lives.

Providing team spirit

Crossfit workouts usually take place in small groups. It can be a way for the student to stimulate his team spirit, encouraging his colleagues and being encouraged.

Fitness for athletes

The crossfit is capable of providing a high level of physical conditioning, something necessary for the extremely demanding routine of athletes. With workouts that can take hours on end, it is necessary to have resistance and this can be worked out in the crossfit with adapted workouts.

By working on speed, cardiorespiratory capacity, power and other factors, the crossfit helps with performance in long and short distance runs.

Accessibility: can be practiced by anyone

No prerequisites are required to start the crossfit. It is indicated for people of any age group, even when they have specific physical needs, as in the case of elderly people, sedentary or with some illness.


Crossfit, while being considered an exercise in fashion and dragging new followers to the training pits, also has many critics.

One of the negative points mentioned is the possibility that crossfit is a dangerous modality, which increases the risk of injury.

Some studies and speeches by physical education professionals show that crossfit provides the same chance of injury as any other sport.

On the other hand, other experts argue that the intensity of training, when combined with an absence of good instructors and the inadequate practice of movements, increase the chances of injuries.

The damages listed include joint damage and muscle damage caused by exhaustion from physical exercise.

There is also a concern that crossfit may cause rhabdomyolysis, a disease where muscle cells are damaged by the high volume and intensity of exercise.

In this condition, the tissues rupture and there is a release of the content of muscle cells in the bloodstream.

How to avoid injuries?

The fear of suffering crossfit injuries is understandable, but it shouldn’t be frequent. As in other activities, the risk of students suffering an injury exists, but it can be prevented.

For this, it is necessary to pay attention to some factors considered the main causes of crossfit injuries:

High intensity of unprepared exercises

When the student performs a high intensity training without being prepared for that load of exercises, the chances of suffering an injury are greater. Therefore, the coach needs to adapt the training to the student.

Beginning students need to progress little by little. During the first few weeks, the intensity should be reduced and the instructor’s supervision needs to be done with greater attention.

Exercises performed without proper technique

Many injuries suffered during the practice of crossfit are due to the lack of proper technique during the exercises. In crossfit, what counts is not only the intensity of the movements and the load.

There is no point in performing an intense and heavy series of exercises and performing them inappropriately, as the chances of getting hurt are great.

To prevent this from happening, ask for help from the coach. He’s there to help you, so don’t be ashamed to ask for guidance.

In the same way, the coach needs to be attentive to the students and see if they are doing the movements correctly. A problem with large crossfit classes is at this point, as the instructor’s attention needs to be divided among many people.

Before you start, research about it and see if you will have the help you need to do this activity safely.

Training performed under a state of fatigue or without adequate recovery

When the student is in a state of fatigue , he may be more susceptible to injury. This happens because of the body in a condition of exhaustion, so to speak.

Tired, the student may not be able to perform all movements properly and end up getting hurt.

It is also important that the student knows and that the coach reinforces the importance of rest days.

How to reduce the risks of rhabdomyolysis?

Rhabdomyolysis is a rare disease, where muscle cells are damaged. It can happen from high intensity physical exercises, as is the crossfit.

Such damage can cause muscle tissue to rupture and end up releasing material from cells in the blood.

In diagnosis, it is possible to find a high amount of creatine kinase in the bloodstream, known as CK or CPK. It is not common, but this disease can cause kidney failure and even lead to death.

To prevent this from happening to people who practice crossfit, some guidelines are given:

  • The coach must follow the training intensity guidelines according to the physical condition of each student;
  • The coach needs to be aware of which movements may have a higher incidence rate of rhabdomyolysis and be aware of the intensity of these exercises scheduled during training;
  • The instructor needs to know how to adapt the training so as not to overload the student;
  • It is important to inform students about the risks of rhabdomyolysis and guide them to learn more about this disease;
  • Students should seek medical help and know their limits.

Crossfit exercises

The crossfit has a very wide range of exercises. Some are common in other sports, others are more specific to this modality.

Several exercises are known by their name in English, for the sake of standardization of the creators of the crossfit.

The exercises are divided into three main bases, which are the functional movements, movements that are constantly varied and of high intensity.

Some exercises present involve the following instruments:

  • Bicycle;
  • Mats;
  • Washers and dumbbells;
  • Parallel bars;
  • Free exercise mats;
  • Rings;
  • Ropes;
  • Plyometric boxes or jump box;
  • Tires;
  • Oar ergometers etc.

Know the main movements of the crossfit:

Air squat (free squat)

Air squat is a basic exercise for other crossfit exercises. It is similar to the movement of the simple squat, but in this case, the arms remain raised and stretched.

The correct movement must follow the following steps:

  1. Align feet to shoulders;
  2. Align your knees to your toes;
  3. Stay with your heels on the floor while performing the squat movement with your hips;
  4. Lower your hips to the line below your knees. Pay attention to the curvature of the lumbar while doing the squats;
  5. Complete the exercise with your knees and hips in full extension.

Common mistakes

  • Flexion of the lumbar spine;
  • Support the weight on the tip of the foot or move the body towards the point of the foot during the movement;
  • Do not go down far enough during the squat;
  • Do not move your hips back or move your knees too far forward;
  • Misalign your knees, which should be in line with your toes. Usually this error causes the feet to rotate inward.

Front squat

The front squat is very similar to the air squat, mentioned earlier. Performance mode, fixes and common mistakes are also similar. What is new in the front squat is the use of the bar.

It is used in a frontal movement. The student should support it on the trunk in the front rack position, a common exercise in weight training.

The steps of the squat are the same as in the air squat, the added guidelines refer to the use of the bar:

  1. Support the bar on the trunk;
  2. Hold the bar with your fingers loose;
  3. Keep your hands a little further apart, just beyond the width of your shoulders;
  4. Keep your elbows up and keep your arms parallel to the floor;
  5. Keep your heels flat on the floor during the squat;
  6. Flex your hips up to the knee line;
  7. Keep the knees in line with the feet and pay attention to the lumbar curvature during the movement;
  8. Complete the exercise with your hips and knees extended.

Common mistakes

  • Incorrect position of the bar or away from the body;
  • Elbows directed downwards.

The instructor should encourage the student to remain with the elbows up and the chest raised, in addition to paying attention to the position of the lumbar spine and knees.

Overhead squat (squat with the bar above the head)

The overhead squat is also a variation of the air squat, but in this movement the student must do it with a high load above the head. To do this, you must make use of the bar used in the front squat.

To perform the overhead squat, the student must follow the following steps:

  1. Keep the base shoulder-width apart;
  2. Hold the bar with your hands farther apart, with an opening above the shoulder line;
  3. Push the bar with your shoulders;
  4. Keep the armpits facing forward;
  5. Keep your arms extended during the squat;
  6. Perform the squat according to the air squat guidelines.

Common mistakes

  • Elbow flexion;
  • Inactive shoulders;
  • Move the bar forward in the front plane.

Shoulder press

The shoulder press exercise is done with the use of the bar with extension above the head, but without the squat. To perform this movement it is necessary to keep the spine in a neutral position, in addition to moving the bar in a straight path and above the head.

To make this move properly, you need to follow a few steps:

  1. Keep your feet hip-width apart;
  2. Keep legs extended during the movement;
  3. Leave your heels fixed on the floor;
  4. Keep your hands apart, beyond the shoulder line;
  5. Leave your hand completely closed on the bar (complete grip);
  6. Support the bar against the trunk;
  7. Make the shoulders push the bar;
  8. Perform full extension of the arms when lifting it. Pay attention to your elbows, which should remain a little bit further in front of the bar.

Common mistakes

  • Extend the spine too far, moving the ribs forward;
  • Final position of the bar in front of the frontal plane, instead of being directed straight upwards;
  • Flexion of inactive elbows and shoulders;
  • Raise the bar in an arc and not straight.

Push press

The push press is an exercise developed from the shoulder press, being very similar in execution and in the most common mistakes.

What changes from the shoulder press to the push press is that before lifting the bar, the student must slightly flex the knees to perform the pressure. This movement is called the vertical trunk dip.

The same orientations of the shoulder press remain here in this movement, with different steps:

  1. Perform the vertical dip of the trunk, with flexion of the knees;
  2. Quickly extend your hips to gain speed in the movement of lifting the bar above your head;
  3. Keep your heels on the floor;
  4. Fully extend arms, hips and knees at the end of the movement.

Common mistakes

  • Chest tilted forward during the dip;
  • Hip tilted forward during the dip;
  • Perform the pressure (raise the bar) before having the hip extended.

Push jerk

The push jerk is similar to the previous movements, shoulder and push press. What is different is the press-under, that is, the movement of flexing the hips slightly downwards while the arms are extended with the bar above the head.

Execution errors fall within the errors listed in the other exercises.

Push jerk progression

The progression of the push jerk is made with a jump between movements, it can be done with the use or not of the bar.


The deadlift (deadlift) is a movement that must be done with great care and with appropriate technique, so as not to harm the spine or cause any other type of injury, as well as all others.

The spine must be neutral, at all times, and the bar must remain close to the student’s body. The other guidelines involve:

  • Base with hips (feet and knees) shoulder width;
  • Hands farther apart, beyond the hip line;
  • Lumbar curvature must be maintained;
  • Arms outstretched;
  • Bar in contact with shins;
  • Complete footprint on the bar;
  • Eyes on the horizon;
  • The shoulders and hips should be raised in the same proportion until the bar passes the knee;
  • Heels remain in contact with the floor.

Common mistakes

  • Support the weight of the body on the toes;
  • Shoulders behind the bar during the starting position;
  • Bar away from the legs;
  • Compromised lumbar curvature;
  • Elevated hips before the chest;
  • Raised shoulders without the accompaniment of the hips;
  • Bars moved around the knees instead of being raised in line.

High pull deadlift juice

This exercise is similar to the deadlift, but the student must keep the legs farther apart (base) and a more closed grip on the bar.

It also requires more speed and greater range of motion than the previous exercise. The bar must be accelerated by a force applied to the hips and legs before the arms enter the movement to complete the pull. The guidelines are the same for this exercise as well.

Common mistakes

  • Pull the bar ahead of time;
  • Shrug your shoulders;
  • Flex your arms before your hips are extended;
  • Rotate your shoulders forward in the starting position or while pulling the bar;
  • Leave your elbows down and inward.


Pull-up with the jump is a standard crossfit exercise, where the athlete can do more work in less time and with more power. It is an exercise that works on the strength of the hips and upper limbs. It should be performed as follows:

  1. Keep hands slightly apart, beyond shoulder width;
  2. Hang with arms outstretched;
  3. Pull the body until the chin is above the line of the bar;
  4. Push the body away from the bar to descend;
  5. Perform the swing with the shoulders;
  6. As your feet are swinging, push the bar down using your arms;
  7. Keep your eyes on the horizon and your chest lifted.

Common mistakes

  • Do not push the body away from the bar when making the descent, which causes the student to descend in a straight line;
  • Loss of stabilization due to exaggerated balance or exaggerated spine extension;
  • Start the swing using your legs.

Clean with med ball

The clean with the med ball is similar to the deadlift and the high pull deadlift juice, but it is performed with a ball and not with the bar.

The student should start the exercise with the med ball in a position between the feet and with the palm of the hand in contact with it. The feet should remain in line with the shoulders and the knees should be in line with the feet.

During the survey, the student must keep his eyes on the horizon. In movement, you should maintain your lumbar curvature and quickly flex your hips.

The other steps include:

  1. Keep your shoulders on the med ball;
  2. Shrug your shoulders during hip extension;
  3. Support your heels on the floor until your hips and knees are extended;
  4. Pull the body under the med ball to perform the squat;
  5. Keep the med ball close to the body;
  6. Conclude the exercise with the med ball in the rack position, that is, supported on the trunk.

Common mistakes

  • Do not extend the hips;
  • Lift the med ball as in the screw movement;
  • Lose the posture of the lumbar spine;
  • Lower the med ball before standing completely.

Rest day : rest day

Crossfit can be an addictive activity for practitioners. Training can be much more than a physical activity for people who experience this experience. However, as passionate as the person is for the crossfit, it is necessary to rest.

The rest day is as important as performing the movements correctly. Some people may feel bored on the day of rest, or feel as if they are wasting time when they could be improving their performance, speed, strength and all the skills that the activity works on.

But this is not how it works, rest is also part of training .

During rest days, which alternate with physical activity days, the body goes through a process of repairing muscle tissues, generated by the stress of high-intensity exercise. At that moment, the body restores energy reserves and assimilates the necessary adaptations.

In addition, even after training, the body will still work for you, in the process called after burn , discussed in the topic on how crossfit helps you lose weight.

It doesn’t matter if the practitioner is a beginner or an experienced athlete, rest is for everyone. Excessive physical exercise without the rest day can cause fatigue, loss of strength, change the heart rate and cause some injury as a result of all these factors.

This is the state called overtraining , in which there is not only physical exhaustion, but also mental exhaustion.

The person who does not understand that he needs to rest may feel frustrated, show greater irritability and lack of concentration. The overtraining should not be encouraged as a matter of security.

How to rest

Each person spends his rest day differently, there is no rule for that. Some people prefer to perform more relaxing physical activities, such as yoga, pilates or walking.

If the student prefers to take the whole day to stay on the couch watching a series, there is no problem either. It is a day of rest.

In relation to food, it is recommended that the student prioritize nutritious foods, to replenish the reserves and strengthen the immune system.

In short, the day of rest should be devoted to activities that provide you with well-being.

When to rest

Some instructors recommend 1 day of rest every 3 days of training, for people who are able to maintain a higher frequency. For those who have greater time constraints, a minimum of 2 rest days per week is recommended.

However, this scale can vary according to each student, with more or less rest days.

To find out the best training and rest routine for your case, talk to your coach and, above all, get to know your body and its limits.

What is the difference between crossfit and functional training?

It is common for some people to confuse these two types of physical activity, because crossfit is a functional modality. However, although crossfit is functional training, not all functional training is crossfit.

For a workout to be considered crossfit it must be much more than functional. It must be a high intensity workout and have a constant variation of exercises.

Another difference is the skills that the crossfit stimulates, such as strength, flexibility, coordination, agility, balance and other abilities that aim at the best physical conditioning that the student can achieve.

In functional training, the variety of exercises is much less than that of crossfit. There is a bigger routine. In addition, the use of the Crossfit brand only belongs to those who have a certificate and license fee.

This means that there are some gyms that use the name crossfit to attract more people, as it is known that it is a booming activity. Before entering a box to train, find out if the coaches have a certificate, so as not to fall into fake crossfits.

Where to do it?

In a survey carried out in 2017, Brazil ranked second in the ranking of countries with the highest number of crossfit boxes, with 819 gyms spread across the country.

First is the USA, where the sport was created. There are more than 7 thousand boxes. With such high numbers, it is not difficult to find one close to you.

On the website of Crossfit inc., For example, there is a map where it is possible to find a box in your region. In Brazil, the states with the greatest offer of this type of activity are Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo.

How much?

The cost of the monthly crossfit fee is quite varied, but it usually has a value above the monthly fee of conventional gyms. Despite using less equipment, the value comes out higher.

On average, in large capitals, the monthly amount varies between R $ 200 and R $ 400. When the boxes use the name crossfit, part of the monthly fee must be used to pay royalties to the company Crossfit inc., Which has the rights to use the name.

Crossfit glossary: ​​understanding the acronyms

Crossfit is an activity full of particular acronyms for this type of sport. As it was created by the American Greg Glassman and his brand still retains all rights to the name, much of the crossfit exercises and practices are not translated.

We decided to list some of the keywords to understand everything about crossfit. Check out the glossary.

  • WOD : Workout of the day , or workout of the day;
  • EMOM : Every Minute On the Minute , means that the student must perform a sequence of exercises within the minute and rest the rest of the time;
  • AMRAP : As many rounds / repetition as possible , that is, as many rounds or repetitions as possible from the sequence in the time determined in the training of the day;
  • RFT : Acronym for Rounds For Time . It means that the student must execute x number of rounds in the shortest possible time;
  • RNFT : Acronym for Rounds Nor For Time , unlike RFT, the student must perform a number of exercises, but without worrying about time. Here it is necessary to prioritize technique and execution with greater consistency;
  • RM : It means Maximum Repetition, where the maximum load on which the student must perform the number of repetitions of an exercise determined in the WOD must be done;
  • RX : The acronym refers to the execution of the WOD exactly as prescribed, with the pattern of movements and loads established by the coach.

Common questions

Some doubts are frequent when it comes to crossfit. We try to clarify the main ones in this topic:

How long does the training last?

Many people tend to attribute the lack of time on a daily basis as an excuse to sedentary lifestyle. Physical conditioning is not always related to the amount of hours dedicated to exercise.

In the case of crossfit, it is possible to obtain all the benefits that training promises in 45 minutes to 1 hour of exercise a day.

The frequency, however, should be discussed with the instructor, in order to have a balance between what the student needs and must do and on how many days per week he will be available to train.

As it is an intense physical resistance training, it would not be possible for the “ordinary” students to surpass much more than this amount of exercises per day.

Athletes who spend more time each day exercising are more specific cases of conditioning, which is not possible to apply to all students.

Is there a minimum or maximum age to practice crossfit?

The minimum age to practice crossfit is 4 to 5 years, the load, however, is much lower. There is no age limit, as training can be adapted.

Physical exercise is suitable for all ages, crossfit is only a modality of greater intensity. However, there is nothing to prevent people from doing it.

Respecting their limits, little by little, they can progress in activity and improve their health and fitness.

When done properly, it has many benefits, so there is no time to stop.

Can I do it every day?

What determines the frequency of the crossfit exercises are the particularities of each student. There is no rule that fits the profile and routine of all students equally.

However, it is necessary to respect the limits of your body. The rest day should be interpreted as part of the training and therefore training every day is not indicated.

In the case of athletes, for example, where the load and intensity of training is usually greater than that of other people who do not work with it, the periodicity must take into account the time they need to be “recovered” for the next training. It also depends a lot on what each student seeks with the crossfit.

To find out how many days per week of training is right for you, you need the evaluation and monitoring of a physical education teacher, or coach.

The crossfit is a methodology of physical conditioning with three types of main movements: functional (running, walking, crouching, pushing, etc.), constantly varied and of high intensity. It is a good activity for those who want to improve their health and get in shape.

We seek in this article to clarify the main doubts about this crossfit universe, an activity that requires a lot of breath and mainly technical.
