Biotin (vitamin B7): see what it is for, in hair, price

In the 20th century, the so-called “egg white disease” emerged.

Condition characterized by hair loss and skin lesions resulting from the consumption of raw egg white.

In the midst of research to cure this condition, biotin was discovered, a vitamin that helps in the recovery of skin, hair and the body acting to combat the disease.

Recently, the cosmetic industry has used biotin in the composition of its products due to its great benefits.

Learn more about this vitamin and how it works in our body:


What is Biotin?

Biotin is one of the names of vitamin B7 , also called vitamin H. As part of the B complex , it assists in the functioning of the nervous system.

Biotin is a water-soluble vitamin that is part of the B complex, along with 7 other vitamins .

It is present in foods such as egg yolks and meats.

Its absorption occurs in the intestine, being carried to the rest of the organism by the blood circulation.

Our body is not able to store it, so it is eliminated through urine. Therefore, it is necessary that there is a daily and adequate consumption through food.

Biotin deficiency is very unusual, but it can occur. Its symptoms are weak hair and nails, dry skin and redness around the nose and mouth.

It is also uncommon to overdose. But when it does, it can cause side effects like craving, vomiting and a full stomach feeling.

In the body, it participates in the metabolism of fats, proteins and carbohydrates , being essential for several processes. Among the benefits of this vitamin are:

  • It fights free radicals, producing a cleansing effect in the body;
  • Regulates glucose (sugar) and cholesterol levels;
  • Helps the health of nails, making them break less and grow stronger;
  • Participates in the development of the fetus.

One of the most well-known benefits of biotin is the ability to increase the shine of the hair strands, bringing volume and avoiding the dreaded split ends. For those who have problems with hair loss, the vitamin also helps by reducing hair loss.

The vitamin is sold in health food stores and pharmacies, in 2 versions with a quantity of 5mG or 10mG.

Consumption by means of supplements should be made on the recommendation of a specialist after the case has been analyzed.

Read more: Why should we prefer a nutritious diet over supplements?

But it is not only supplementation that provides B7 to the body, as many foods also have the vitamin in its composition.

Among them, whole grains, cauliflower, bananas, mushrooms, red meat, milk, tomatoes, carrots, among others.

Vitamin H, B7 and biotin: what’s the difference?

There are no differences between the terms, they are just different nomenclatures for vitamin B7.

Calling it biotin or vitamin H is not wrong, but vitamin H is the least used or known term.

Read more: Vitamins (fat-soluble, water-soluble): what they are, types and foods

What is it for?

Biotin is used to help the body convert the food we eat into energy. It helps in the metabolization of fats, proteins and carbohydrates.

In addition to participating in metabolic functions, it is responsible for making the health of hair, nails and skin stronger.

This is because it helps to repair damaged cells, causing them to regenerate and grow, recovering the tissues of the human body.

Biotin Benefits

Biotin has several benefits for our body, such as helping to regenerate tissues and reducing the appearance of expression lines, among other benefits are:

Stronger nails

Consuming biotin-rich foods or supplements helps nail health by making them break less and grow stronger.

Good digestion of food

It is able to help by activating the enzymes in our body, making the work of “breaking” nutrients into smaller particles for the body’s absorption to occur faster, performing a good digestion.

Assists in heart health

Biotin also benefits our circulatory system and heart health, contributing to a reduction in cholesterol levels.

This results in a decrease in the chances of heart disease.

Read more: Does taking aspirin every day help prevent heart disease?

Assists in blood sugar control

Biotin is able to help maintain the blood sugar level, preventing excess or lack of it.

In general, it is possible that B7 is related to the action of insulin.

Contributes to good fetal development

Biotin also helps in pregnancy, acting on the development of the fetus, as it is an important nutrient for embryonic growth.

Biotin for hair

One of the many benefits of biotin is in relation to hair health, as the vitamin is able to increase the brightness of the hair, bring volume to it and prevent the appearance of split ends.

In cases of hair loss, biotin can help to reduce this problem.

Many cosmetic industries started to add the vitamin in the components of shampoos, masks, conditioners, among others, due to its beneficial action.

Read more: 11 factors that may be the cause of your hair loss

How does biotin act on hair?

Biotin acts on hair by stimulating the production of keratin (a protein that forms body structures), making hair grow healthier.

It also helps in moisturizing the skin, preventing white hair and hair loss, as it repairs nutrients and leaves hair healthier.

What is the ideal amount of biotin per day?

The ideal amount of biotin when taken as a supplement in capsule form is 5mG per day. When the case is vitamin deficiency, the dose can be up to 10mG per day, but it depends on medical advice.

But the consumption of biotin must be carried out with medical or nutritionist guidance, as it is these specialists who will be able to indicate how much to take depending on the analysis of each case.

The consumption of biotin in food has an indication from the age group, each age needs an approximate amount of:

  • Babies (0 to 6 months): 5mG;
  • Babies (7 to 12 months): 6mG;
  • Children (1 to 3 years): 8mG;
  • Children (4 to 8 years): 12mG;
  • Children (9 to 13 years): 20mG;
  • Young people (14 to 18 years old): 25mG;
  • Adults: 30mG;
  • Pregnant women: 30mG;
  • Infants: 35mG.

Biotin lose weight?

Biotin can help with weight loss, albeit indirectly. It helps in metabolism, as it participates in the breakdown of food transforming it into energy for the organism.

Enzymes are responsible for controlling the speed with which the body metabolizes calories and nutrients, helping to activate enzymes, biotin ensures that good digestion and absorption of these nutrients occurs.

Therefore, consuming biotin properly ends up helping the metabolism, in addition to providing energy for physical activity.

Biotin makes you fat?

No, biotin is not fattening because, like other vitamins, it does not have calories capable of significantly increasing the weight of those who use it.

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How to take biotin according to the package leaflet?

The consumption of biotin can be done in 2 ways, by capsules or tablets and by eating foods rich with this vitamin, which is usually found in 5mG or 10mG.

In general, vitamin supplements indicate taking 1 to 2 capsules a day after meals, remembering that it is not recommended to take the vitamin on an empty stomach. After starting supplementation, in general, treatment takes 3 to 6 months to work.

Side effects of vitamin B7

The consumption of biotin should be done following medical advice, because when consumed in excess it can cause side effects such as:

  • Feeling of bloated stomach;
  • Nausea;
  • Vomiting;
  • Skin rashes;
  • Digestive problems;
  • Acne;
  • Problems with insulin release;
  • Kidney problems.

Is there a contraindication?

Biotin has a contraindication for people who have an allergic history with the use of supplements. In addition, anyone who begins to consume and feel unwell should discontinue use and seek medical advice.

Is there a drug interaction with the use of B7?

Yes , when needing to take vitamin B7 supplements, it is necessary to suspend anticonvulsants, such as phenobarbital, phenytoin, primidone and carbamazepine.

This is because these drugs work in the opposite direction, making the absorption of biotin difficult.

But it is necessary to remember that only the doctor can indicate the interruption of the use of other medications.

Read more: Drug interaction: what cuts the contraceptive effect?

Price and where to buy biotin

Biotin can be found in health food stores, supplements and also in pharmacies. The price may vary due to the quantity and laboratory of the product.

In the 5mG option, the value varies, in general, from R $ 20.50 to R $ 50.00. In the 10mG option, on the other hand, the variation is from approximately R $ 30.00 to R $ 60.00.

Among the options are:

  • Biotina B7 Unilife;
  • Biotin Bionatus .

Supplement containing B7 in its composition

There are options for supplements of several vitamins (poly or multivitamins), which in their composition contain biotin, they are:

  • Bucliplex;
  • Pantogar Neo;
  • Capitrat Hair Nutrition ;
  • New Biotin Mantecorp;
  • Alimentar Nutren Active Supplement;
  • Imecap Hair;
  • Lavitan Energy;
  • Vita Supraz Chemical Union;
  • Feminists;
  • Vita Mamy Genom;
  • Monster Nitro Pack Probiotics;
  • Trezevit AB;
  • Bioviton;
  • Blazei do Sol;
  • Alimentar Nutren Active Supplement;
  • Aptamil Premium 2 Infant Formula.


Cosmetics use biotin due to its benefits to hair and skin, in this case, it is possible to find this vitamin from shampoos to creams:

Shampoo options:

  • Volumizing Shampoo OGX Biotin & Collagen ;
  • Imecap Hair Kit Is Intense .


  • OGX Biotin & Collagen conditioner ;
  • Condicionador Bed Head For Men Clean Up;
  • Barrominas Strengthening Conditioner Grows Yarn .

Creams and serums:

Manipulated biotin

Biotin can be purchased at compounding pharmacies. Although you do not need a prescription, a prescription is always important to know the correct dosage for handling. On average, a jar with 30 manipulated capsules costs around R $ 19 to R $ 49.90.

Biotin-rich foods

Some foods are sources of biotin and can be part of the daily menu, helping to supply the daily amount of the vitamin.

The following foods are a source of the vitamin (100g portion):

  • Boiled egg (16mG);
  • Cashew nuts (13.7mG);
  • Cooked mushrooms (8.5mG);
  • Chopped walnut (18.3mG);
  • Oat bran (35mG);
  • Almond (43.6mG);
  • Wheat bran (44.4mG);
  • Hazelnut (75mG);
  • Peanut (101.4mG).

Read more: Peanuts in pregnancy is bad or not?

Common questions

Is there a shortage of biotin?

There is, but they are rare cases. Biotin deficiency is not common due to the fact that this vitamin is present in different foods.

But when it does, the symptoms are dry skin, redness around the nose and mouth and weakness in the nails and hair.

In cases where the deficiency is diagnosed, the recommendation is to use supplementation indicated by a doctor.

Is biotin a vitamin?

Yes , biotin is a vitamin B complex also known as vitamin B7 or vitamin H.

How many biotin pills should I take per day?

The amount of biotin for each person should be determined by a doctor or a nutritionist, taking into account the vitamin levels and the patient’s diet.

In general, brands and manufacturers indicate the intake of 1 to 2 tablets of 5mG or 1 of 10mG per day.

Is biotin part of the B complex?

Yes , as a B vitamin, it acts on the metabolism of fats, proteins and carbohydrates.

The vitamins that are part of this complex are not produced by the human body, having to be acquired by consuming food.

Biotin, popularly known as vitamin B7, is important for the health of the body, especially skin and hair. It is capable of bringing many benefits and maintaining the correct functioning of the body’s systems.

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