8 myths and truths about pregnancy: expert clarifies doubts

Pregnancy is a period that brings great changes to a woman’s life and, at that moment, it is normal for some doubts to arise. When this occurs, the best alternative is to always ask the obstetrician who is accompanying your prenatal care directly.

But to help clarify some myths about pregnancy, Hickey solution talked to Dr. Karen Rocha De Pauw , a gynecologist and obstetrician, specialist in human reproduction and certified by AMB and FEBRASGO.

Check it out and find out what is really true and what a myth about pregnancy is:


1. Is the first trimester of pregnancy the most delicate?

Truth . The first gestational trimester is the moment of formation of the fetus and organs, so that any “mistake” in this period can impact on the entire fetal development and, consequently, on the child’s life.

Therefore, it is a very delicate period. However, it is necessary to make it clear that it is not the only one, because pregnancy as a whole requires care and a lot of attention, in order to appreciate the full development and health of the baby.

2. Can pregnant women only use cosmetics for pregnant women?

Myth . The pregnant woman’s skin can become more sensitive and even change a lot, which is usually related to hormonal changes due to pregnancy. However, this does not mean that she needs to use only special cosmetics for pregnant women.

Dr. Karen reinforces that ” any cosmetic must be taken for evaluation by the doctor”, whether indicated for pregnant women or not.

This is very important, considering that everything that comes into contact with the dermis goes to the body and, depending on the substance, it can be a potentially toxic ingredient to the health of the fetus.

Therefore, women can use cosmetics during pregnancy (whether they are special for pregnant women or not), as long as they have the proper medical authorization.

3. Is it true that you can’t dye your pregnancy hair?

It depends . Dyes without ammonia can be used in pregnancy after the third trimester, but this must be done without direct contact with the root and only using properly certified products.

It is also recommended to look for a qualified professional to do the process, it is not recommended to use homemade dyes or perform the application on your own.

In addition, in all cases, medical authorization is required . Talk to the obstetrician responsible for your prenatal care, because according to your conditions it will be possible to tell if it is (or not) safe to dye your hair during pregnancy.

Remembering that it is not recommended and the ideal is to wait until after pregnancy .

4. Is it normal to feel sick and every pregnant woman has: myth or truth?

Myth . It is really normal for women to feel sick during pregnancy and this is usually a cause for concern when the symptom becomes very intense, when some care and treatment are needed to prevent harm to the mother and baby.

However, not all women have motion sickness and this does not mean that there is necessarily something wrong with pregnancy.

Simply, some pregnant women experience more nausea and others less. There are even women who do not show this symptom at any time during pregnancy.

Dr. Karen does not recommend increasing the intensity of physical exercises during pregnancy.

5. Can a woman not do intense exercises during pregnancy?

Truth . Dr. Karen comments that “it is not recommended to increase the intensity of the exercises during pregnancy” and that, for those who already exercise, only the maintenance of the intensity is indicated, according to the medical recommendations.

In addition, she also reinforces that “there is usually a“ limitation of the pregnant woman, who will experience difficulty in some exercises ”, which, consequently, limits the intensity.

It is noteworthy that this refers to a normal and uncomplicated pregnancy, since when there is any condition (or problem) associated, the medical guidelines may change.

6. Does bathing in a bathtub or swimming pool pose risks to pregnancy?

Myth . If the pregnancy is within the normal range and the pregnant woman does not have any complications or risk factors, there is no problem or restriction in bathing in the bath, sea or pool (either with hot or cold water).

If you have questions about safety or are in a more advanced stage of pregnancy, it is always worth talking to the obstetrician in advance. Thus, it is more guaranteed that there will be no risk to the baby’s integrity.

7. Are women who had a high-risk pregnancy more likely to have it again?

Truth . Dr. Karen explains that women who had a high-risk pregnancy do have a greater chance of having this condition again.

However, the doctor reinforces that ” everything depends on the reason for the risky pregnancy , for example, a twin pregnancy is risky, but if the next one is just a baby, there is no longer that risk”.

In addition, although the chances are greater, it does not necessarily mean that the woman will actually have another high-risk pregnancy. Except when there is, for example, some disease or even genetic factors linked to the condition, when the chances are more significant.

8. When the first child is born by cesarean section, can you no longer have a normal birth?

Myth . According to Dr. Karen, “you can always choose to have a normal delivery after cesarean section, however, the more cuts (cesarean sections) that uterus has, the greater the chance of rupture of the uterus during labor. This is because the scars have no elasticity and can break, which can cause the death of both the mother and the baby ”.

Thus, the only way to know which option is best for you is by talking to the obstetrician. Remembering that, many times, this decision ends up changing at the time of delivery, so that it is never a definite choice .
