The lungs and nostrils are opening, and the baby’s respiratory system begins to develop. Even without the entry of air, the organ is able to perform some breathing exercises.
That week and throughout the sixth month, the baby is at a stage where it is considered smarter. This is because the cerebral cortex begins to develop, having more elaborate layers, with the characteristic grooves of the organ more evident).
The baby’s senses are also rapidly developing, making it possible for him to be able to perceive sounds and external lights. By the end of pregnancy, these senses will be even more acute.
It is possible that the pregnant woman starts this week to feel small kicks and punches of the fetus, because the baby moves a lot in the womb (still with a lot of space for the baby to put on weight and grow).
This movement is also due to the release of cortisol produced by the adrenal glands, a hormone that interferes with the baby’s stress and agitation since pregnancy.
Its head is also much bigger when compared to the body, but it is not as disproportionate as before.
Some more subtle physical characteristics, such as color and texture of the hair, trace of the lips, color of the eyes are already perceived. However, until the end of pregnancy, hair color can change.
Symptoms and changes in the pregnant woman at 25 weeks of gestation
The 25th week of gestation is not a phase in which the mother commonly has many symptoms. In fact, it can be considered the most comfortable phase for some women, as they hardly present nausea at the beginning of pregnancy and body pain at the end of pregnancy.
But, as everything is relative when it comes to pregnancy (because each organism reacts differently), some may have characteristic symptoms and more noticeable changes. Are they:
Belly size
At 25 weeks of gestation the pregnant woman’s belly has already grown a lot. Until the end of pregnancy, with the baby growing and gaining weight, the belly tends to get even bigger.
Therefore, some women may already feel some discomfort caused by the size and weight of the belly. In addition, they may experience pain in the back and pelvis, usually milder than in the last month of pregnancy.
In addition to the size, pregnant women may notice the appearance of an itch in the belly area, causing due to the fact that the skin stretches a lot at this stage.
Difficulty sleeping
Because of the size of the belly, some women cannot find a comfortable position to sleep. In this way, they may have impaired sleep quality. It is more common in late pregnancy, but now, in the sixth month, it is also common to occur.
Mothers may also have difficulty sleeping because they feel a greater urge to urinate, having to get up constantly to go to the bathroom.
Other factors that interfere with sleep are the hormonal and emotional side. During pregnancy, the increase in estrogen and progesterone can interfere with the rhythm of sleep.
In addition, the anxiety and fear of childbirth can make women more tense, having difficulty staying relaxed for a good night’s sleep.
Read more: Discover the benefits of pilates in pregnancy
Difficulty breathing
In this phase, with the baby’s accelerated growth, there is a greater pressure on the diaphragm. The uterus, at 25 weeks of gestation, is approximately 25 cm in diameter.
Therefore, the woman may have a little more difficulty in breathing, becoming tired easily.
Frequent urge to urinate and UTIs
The pregnant woman tends to feel more and more the urge to go to the bathroom to urinate, as the baby tends to press the bladder. It is quite common during the final stretch of pregnancy, and the risk of Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs) is also recurrent.
Therefore, the woman must be aware of the symptoms, which include burning, unpleasant smell and pain when urinating. If the woman identifies any of the symptoms, she should seek medical advice and never self-medicate.
Read more: Urinary tract infection can lead to abortion
Between the 24th and 28th weeks of gestation, it is important that the woman is attentive to the glucose screening test to check blood sugar levels. This must be done to prevent and diagnose gestational diabetes , a condition that affects about 2% to 5% of pregnant women.
Usually, the condition disappears after the baby is born, but follow-up should be done throughout the pregnancy.
The test to detect the disease is simple. The pregnant woman should consume a sugary solution so that blood can be collected afterwards.
If the tests show high blood sugar levels, the woman should be referred for another glucose test to confirm the condition.
If the diagnosis is confirmed, the pregnant woman must start treatment, which consists of a specific diet and, if the doctor deems it necessary, medication.