Second trimester of pregnancy: how is the baby at this stage?

The 4th month of pregnancy marks the beginning of the 2nd trimester, a time of transformations and novelties in the life of the future mother. At that time, the size of the belly starts to increase and the baby’s first movements appear.

The 14th week of pregnancy is the first of this semester. The baby begins to stretch on its belly – at this stage it still has space for it – and a layer of hair appears on its body, to protect it and help with temperature regulation.


How long is the second trimester of pregnancy?

The 2nd trimester of pregnancy begins at the beginning of the 4th month. In weeks, the period ranges from the 14th week to the 26th week, which marks the end of the 6th month of pregnancy .

Read more: Gestational Calculator (weeks, months): how to calculate, ultrasound

How is the fetus in the second trimester of pregnancy?

This is a time of many changes. The growth of the child and the belly is accelerated and the first movements appear.

At the beginning of the trimester, there is still a lot of space between the fetus and the walls of the uterus, but little by little this space becomes smaller and each movement becomes more noticeable.

After the baby starts to move, he will not stop anymore and the first movements involve the facial muscles and the little hands. In them, there are also nails and the first traces of fingerprints forming.

When the first movements appear, it won’t be long before the kicks are felt.

Gender of the baby

In the 16th week of pregnancy, which is the 3rd in the second trimester, it is possible to identify the sex of the child through ultrasound.

Many moms eagerly await to know if a little boy or girl will be born. It is even possible to know as early as the 8th week, but the exams are expensive.

In the 10th week, ultrasound is able to identify the baby’s gender as well, but it depends a lot on his or her position.

It is only in the 16th week that it becomes clear on ultrasound. Of course, there may be some mistake by the professional or the position will make it difficult, but in most cases, this is where it is possible to identify the child’s gender.

At this stage, the urinary frequency increases and constipation may appear. This is because, as the uterus grows, it can press on the bladder (which makes you pee more) and the intestine (which can make it difficult for the stool to pass).

The dreaded stretch marks can also begin to appear, precisely because of the accelerated growth of the belly. To avoid them, remember constant hydration!

Baby hiccups are also expected. The child’s respiratory system is not yet ready for the outside world, but it is beginning to practice.

They are not always noticeable, but when they are, it is possible to feel the little bumps that the baby gives inside the womb!

Belly growth starts to accelerate

In the 2nd trimester of pregnancy the belly grows fast. Pretty fast.

By the 14th week, the baby is just over 50 grams and the size of a peach. In the 26th week, he is already weighing approximately 760 grams, getting close to 1 kg!

As it grows, the belly can start to become heavy and can bring some problems for the mother.

The sleeping position may be uncomfortable, the muscles may be in pain and the spine may suffer a little, so remember to rest well. Lying on your side may be the most suitable.

Bladder and bowel problems can become more common, so be prepared! If there is a lot of pain, or any of the discomfort is too severe, it is important to see a doctor.

Sickness and pain in the second trimester of pregnancy

In many cases, the intense seasickness that occurs in the first months of pregnancy passes in the 2nd trimester. However, it is important to remember that they may not pass and only become less intense.

The pains start to appear more as time goes by, as the uterus grows and can strain the muscles and spine because of the weight and internal pressure.

Remember that if these symptoms are very strong or frequent, it is important to go to the doctor to assess the situation and make sure you are well.

Read more: Discover the benefits of pilates in pregnancy

Runny in the second half of pregnancy

There may be vaginal discharge during this stage of pregnancy, which can be normal. However, in some cases, it can represent both a possible infection, which can be dangerous for the baby, and the possibility of a leak of amniotic fluid.

In the 3rd trimester, this leak is common, but when it occurs in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy, it can cause serious problems for the baby and the mother. It means that there may be a rupture in the uterus and it is essential to go to the doctor to check!

Among other things that should be noted during this phase are blood sugar and blood pressure. The monitoring of this information is extremely important!

20th week

The 20th week marks half of the pregnancy. The child’s movements become more coordinated, with finger hickeys, for example.

The digestive system is in training, with the baby swallowing the amniotic fluid, which is processed by the intestine and turns into meconium (a greenish liquid, the result of a baby’s first bowel movements, composed of the amniotic fluid).

At this stage of pregnancy, the extra weight the mother carries is from 4kG to 6kG. Shortness of breath, back pain and a leaping navel are expected because of the growth of the uterus.


It is in the 2nd quarter that the kicks finally appear. The child is full of energy in the womb and do not expect it to decrease.

The baby can roll, kick, move a lot during this phase. You can feel the movements in the lower part of the belly. Kicks can hit your bladder, which can take you to the bathroom.

In the second half of the 2nd trimester, the baby starts to get too big to move easily, so the repositioning will become more unusual, but the kicking doesn’t stop.

The second trimester of pregnancy is marked by rapid changes, belly growth, the identification of the baby’s gender and the beginning of the child’s movements and kicks.

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