New obesity medication is available in Brazil

The obesity , a disease characterized by the accumulation of body fat, has concerned doctors and health authorities the increase in the number of cases worldwide.

In addition to it, diseases such as diabetes and hypertension can also be caused by overweight, which increases the risks to the person’s health.

Caused by different reasons, such as bad eating habits, lack of physical activity, high intake of caloric foods and genetic inheritance, obesity already has treatments based on medicines.

But now patients will be able to count on a new option.

These are lorcasterine hydrochloride , a medication intended for chronic weight control.

In fact, the drug had already been approved in 2016, but for logistical and bureaucratic reasons, it will only go to the market in 2019.

Read more: Weight Loss Remedies: natural, homemade and sold in pharmacies

Medication acts on the brain

The new drug is indicated for the treatment of obesity in addition to a low calorie diet.

The substance acts in the body by altering the neurotransmitter serotonin (responsible for the sensation of pleasure and well-being). The result is that the patient feels satisfied even if he eats less.

For the treatment to be done more effectively, it is also important that the patient follows healthy habits, such as the practice of physical activities and regular sleep.


For both doctors and patients, medications are important because they allow for a more individualized treatment according to the profile of each individual.

The recommendation is that lorcasterine can only be prescribed for people with certain Body Mass Index ( BMI ). In addition, it can be indicated for patients who have other health problems related to weight, such as hypertension and diabetes.

But beware, self-medication is a dangerous practice and can bring serious risks. The use of any medication should be done under medical supervision .

Medicines used to treat obesity are used in an adjunctive manner for the patient.

It is important that he maintains a routine of visits to the doctor, along with the change in eating habits and the inclusion of physical activities.
