How to start a diet: see organization tips and habits

Starting a diet is something that thousands of people do. However, when making this decision, it is paramount to put health first.

This is because a process of food change done independently and without professional guidance can create serious problems – both physical and mental health.

Check out some tips to do this correctly:


How to start a healthy diet?

Maintaining a balanced diet is something that should naturally be part of everyone’s life. Even so, it is not uncommon for people to want (or need) to make a dietary change, both to lose and to gain weight.

This is a normal thing, but it should always be done in a healthy way. With that in mind, here are some steps you can take to start a diet responsibly:


The first step in starting a healthy diet is to seek out a nutritionist or a doctor specializing in nutrology. This is indispensable, since it is necessary to understand how the body is doing to know what it needs.

Therefore, through analyzes such as BMI (body mass index) and tests such as bioimpedance (analyzes the approximate amount of muscle, bone and fat) and complete blood counts, it is possible to have an overview of the body.

From that, the professional will be able to carry out the directions according to your case, so that you have a satisfactory result – always cherishing health.

Help from people close to you

Changing habits is always a delicate thing, even if it is in accordance with our will. Therefore, having the help of close people can be beneficial and even essential in this process.

After the orientation of the nutritionist, you will know your new food routine and will be able to talk with loved ones to make this process easier. They can collaborate not only by giving you support and encouragement, but also by adapting your own habits.

For example, if you need to go on a slimming diet, consuming low levels of fats and carbohydrates , it would be interesting for people around you to avoid these foods when eating together.

This does not mean that you will never see someone eating or drinking something you should avoid again. However, especially in the beginning, the ideal is to avoid this type of exposure – in order not to feel like it or to be discouraged.

Therefore, dialogue can be the best way to count on the support of those we love.

Shopping list

Having the necessary items for your diet at home seems simple, but it is extremely important for this process to work.

Because? If you don’t have what you need to eat at your disposal, you will probably end up giving in to other foods that should be restricted at this point. That way, when you have access to what should be in your diet, you avoid impulse actions.

Something that can help at this point is to make a shopping list – preferably weekly or monthly. This will make it easier for you to always have what you need at home and, when you go to the market, you can buy only what is really part of your new diet.


Generally, when accompanying nutritionists, a menu is set up according to your need – which has different options for each meal of the day. So, it is very important to follow in full what has been proposed.

But, on the other hand, if you have the option of putting together a menu, some guidelines will probably be given to facilitate this process.

For example, the professional will indicate which foods to eat, which meals and in what quantities. From there, you can set up a daily or weekly menu, which can help you follow the diet more easily.


As we have seen, organization is a fundamental step (making shopping lists, putting together / following menus, etc.).

But there are other things that you can organize to facilitate this change in habits. For example, think about how to follow the right diet even outside the home, trying to choose places that have options within what you need – or even bringing your own food.

In addition, it is very common for you to associate diet with physical exercise, so try to organize yourself to include them in your routine, so that it does not hinder other activities and allows you to maintain the frequency.

Regardless of what you will need to do, organization is a very useful tool, especially in times of change.

What foods to buy to start a diet?

To start the diet, you will need to buy some foods, which varies according to your focus – losing or gaining weight, restrictions of a specific class (such as dairy, for example), etc.

Here are some examples of foods that can be part of your routine in weight loss diets or to gain muscle mass:


If you need to lose weight, it is quite common for the nutritionist to recommend you to consume, for example, foods rich in fiber.

That’s because fibers are a great help for the weight loss process, since they give you a greater feeling of satiety – which makes you eat in smaller quantities. Check out some examples:

  • Bean;
  • Chickpea;
  • Lentil;
  • Pea;
  • Seeds and cereals – such as chia, oats, flaxseed;
  • Sweet potato;
  • Fruits – guava, apple, pear and avocado (preferably using the peel too);
  • Broccoli;
  • Corn;
  • Soy.

In addition, foods with thermogenic action (help to have a faster metabolism) can also be recommended, such as:

  • Ginger;
  • Chili;
  • Cinnamon;
  • Coffee.

It is also quite common to include some teas in the diet and even the famous “detox juices”, which can be beneficial against fluid retention – ending the feeling of bloating and helping to eliminate toxins.

Gain muscle mass

On the other hand, if you need to gain weight, the nutritionist will recommend you foods to gain muscle mass. That’s because you must increase your weight by gaining muscle and increasing lean mass , not fat – considering that excess fat is harmful to your health.

First, it is very common to increase the consumption of proteins , considering that they directly contribute to the formation of muscles. Here are some examples:

  • Eggs;
  • Meat (beef, pork or poultry);
  • Seafood;
  • Milk;
  • Lean cheeses;
  • Natural yogurts;
  • Chickpea;
  • Peanut;
  • Mushrooms.

Read more: Egg diet: how to do it?

In addition to these, there are also some carbohydrates (responsible for giving energy to the body):

  • Sweet potatoes or English;
  • Salsa potato (mandioquinha);
  • Rice (mainly brown);
  • Cassava;
  • Bread (preferably whole);
  • Yam;
  • Noodle;
  • Honey.

Always remembering that the recommendation regarding the quantities of food must come from a (a) professional specialized in the area of ​​nutrition.

Read more: What is Yam juice for?

What habits to change to start a diet?

Some steps are important to start a diet, but in the first place it is necessary to change some habits and even some concepts.

For example, keep in mind that this is a process of food change and re-education . That is, it will be something gradual and permanent. This is important so that you don’t take extreme measures or think of it as torture.

So, the main thing is that you are flexible with yourself. Understand that it is a process that must be done at your own pace and, mainly, in a healthy way. Also, try to stay motivated: remembering what made you start the change can be a great incentive.

In a practical way, you can avoid simple habits such as:

  • Consume processed foods – considering their low nutrient content and high caloric value;
  • Keep some “bullshit” at home – if you do not have the foods you should not consume at your fingertips, there is a greater chance of avoiding them;
  • Go shopping without organization or hungry – remember to always carry a list, not being hungry also helps you not to buy things on impulse.

Is there a menu ready to start a diet?

No . As mentioned in a previous topic, it is essential to have the support of a nutritionist when starting a food change.

From that, the professional will set up an ideal menu for you, according to your goals and needs.

What can happen is that the type of diet chosen for your case is similar to some models that we can find online, such as the Low-Carb Diet , very indicated in weight loss processes.

However, even if similar, the menu must be personalized for you, considering that each person has an organism – each one with its needs, metabolisms, etc. Thus, this reinforces the need to have medical monitoring and never diet on your own.
