How to do food reeducation? Weight loss tips and more

Food reeducation is the whole process of reformulating your daily menu. To do this, it is necessary to rethink the foods you consume, eliminate old habits when it comes to eating and make some changes that help you to re-educate your organism little by little.

Thus, it is possible to change the diet without the dietary changes having a major impact on your routine.

Check out how to do a food reeducation alone and spending little!


Where to start?

The first step is to be able to identify what are the necessary changes in your diet to make it healthier.

An example would be to swap fatty, calorie-rich foods for more nutritious foods.

The goal is to make your body adapt to the new style of eating, but also to obtain the essential nutrients it needs to function perfectly in a healthier way.

In addition, medical follow-up can also be important.

The nutritionist can suggest how food reeducation should be followed, taking into account your habits, age, weight, goals and lifestyle.

How is food reeducation?

Food re-education is a process of changing eating habits, used to change the way we deal with food. The goal is not to have too many restrictions, that is, the person can eat all types of food, but the ideal is that consumption is moderate and conscious.

Unlike other diets, such as the low carb and Dukan diet, which are more restrictive methods, dietary re-education is essential for those who want to achieve a healthy weight without much suffering.

Cutting out certain foods can even be a drastic change for some people. This is because the biggest change that happens is inward, in the way we see food.

As the name suggests, the “re-education” process happens in the way you consume food, choosing the healthiest versions.

Thus, it is possible that all the benefits of a healthy diet can be used by the body.

In fact, it is important not to confuse diet with food reeducation, as they are different things. The diet, when done without medical advice , can prevent the person from acquiring all essential nutrients.

In food reeducation, avoiding some foods may even be recommended, but the main objective is to make people maintain a healthier life.

That is, eating all the food, but in the right amount.

The benefits of this new form of eating can be several, such as improved disposition, better quality of sleep, improved bowel function, healthier hair, lighter skin, etc.

How to do food reeducation while spending little money?

Food re-education is not intended exclusively for a specific audience, or social class. Everyone can start eating healthily and spending little money.

The difference is in some simple habits that can be done at home, without worrying about spending too much. For example, one idea is to bet on homemade food and healthy mussels throughout the day.

For this, the first step to save is to go to the kitchen and get your hands dirty. In this way, it is possible to prepare your meals from foods that you already have at home, taking advantage of those fruits standing in the fruit bowl or the vegetables in the refrigerator.

Thus, you can save the money spent on meals in restaurants and other businesses, in addition to avoiding the waste of what you have in the pantry.

So it is worth separating some jars with fruits and vegetables and leaving them ready for the next day. In addition to eating healthier, you also save money on snacks on the street.

Does dietary reeducation help you lose weight?

Yes , reeducation may be the simplest way to lose weight healthily, but it is not a quick thing. It takes patience. Through this model of eating, you will look at food differently and give chances for healthier versions, such as fruits and vegetables.

Read more: Does running lose weight? See how to practice on the treadmill or on the street

With that, the main and first changes will happen in your mind, but consequently will reflect on the scale and measures.

In addition, even after the person reaches their goal of losing weight, re-education is important for the person to maintain weight, avoiding the accordion effect.

Menu: what to eat to do a dietary reeducation?

Ideally, you should be able to eat all types of food, but always preferring healthier options, essentially fresh type foods , which are natural foods. In addition, water consumption is also important in food reeducation. See below:

  • Fruits;
  • Vegetables;
  • Vegetables;
  • Fish;
  • Lean meats;
  • Oilseeds: nuts, almonds, pistachios.

These food groups listed above can contribute to making this organism re-education possible.

Vegetable foods, such as fruits, vegetables, and also oilseeds, are important because they provide a good amount of energy and nutrients without bringing in the excess calories and fats that ultra-processed foods have.

Read more: What is trans fat? Why is excess so harmful to health?

For this reason, natural foods are generally the most recommended to initiate dietary reeducation.

Tips on how to do food reeducation alone

Starting a dietary re-education may not be an easy task, especially on your own. Although the ideal is to do with the accompaniment of a doctor or nutritionist, so that these professionals can help taking into consideration the lifestyle, many start this change on their own, which is valid.

Adopting some habits and care in eating can already be a good start to start doing a food reeducation, even without medical monitoring. However, medically-assisted weight loss is an effective way to lose and maintain a healthy weight. Your doctor can recommend a diet or exercise plan, prescribe Wegovy for weight loss, and much more.

Check out some tips on how to do food reeducation on your own below:

Plan your meals

Planning meals throughout the day is the first step to start re-educating your body. Therefore, separating the foods you are going to eat and leaving them ready to be consumed is important so that it is possible to eat well even outside the home.

In addition, setting a time for your meals is also essential. The famous rule of “eating every 3 hours” also serves for food reeducation, but it is necessary to balance all the main meals of the day.

For example, if you eat within this 3-hour interval – for meals such as breakfast, lunch and dinner – the amount of food should be less, since you will proportionally replenish food throughout the day.

Drink a lot of water

Drinking water is essential for those who are undergoing dietary re-education. Hydration cleans toxins in the body, promoting detoxification in the body more easily.

The recommendation is to drink 1.5 to 2 liters of water per day.

Without food prejudice

When you are planning your meals, do not get carried away by your mind, because often your main villain is gluttony, being just the biggest obstacle in this food change.

So be strong and don’t be afraid to add natural foods to your daily life. Your food will not be without flavor, quite the contrary, vegetable foods can combine very well with each other, further enhancing the palate.

Practice physical activities

The practice of physical activities can serve as a complement to dietary reeducation, especially for those who want to lose weight.

In addition, if your goal is to lose belly, during physical exercises the body can burn large amounts of calories and help to reduce measures.

For example, a person weighing about 80 kg in a run can lose up to 1000 Kcal.
