Understand how speeding up metabolism helps burn fat

Many people associate the difficulty of losing weight with slow metabolism, and it really has a bearing.

Metabolism is a fundamental biological process in our body. Basically, it is a set of chemical reactions that provide enough energy for our body to function properly. The amount of energy we use changes, it is not the same every day.

It is also responsible for the growth of cells, their structures and responses to the environment.

There are two stages of metabolism:  anabolism  and  catabolism . Catabolism is responsible for chemical reactions that produce energy from the degradation or decomposition of complex molecules, such as fats and  carbohydrates .

Anabolism, however, is the stage when chemical reactions produce new organic matter. It happens through stimuli, unlike catabolism, which does not occur spontaneously.

Many factors can influence metabolism and how it is responding. About 20% is related to a directly genetic issue. The other 80% are combinations of habits and environment, which can be changed.

The metabolic phase responsible for reducing body fat is  catabolism . For this, it is necessary to bring about an energetic balance, that is: to spend more energy than is ingested. At that moment, the combination of food and exercise comes into play.

Read more: Foods rich in carbohydrates: what to eat and what to avoid?


What makes metabolism faster or slower?

Each organism works differently and to understand why metabolism is faster or slower, it is necessary to assess some individual conditions, such as weight, age, sex, physical activity, food, etc.

Age is one of the factors that most interferes with the metabolism fluctuation. From the age of 30, he begins to slow down. This relationship is due to reduced muscle mass and physical inactivity, for example.

Generally, men have a lower percentage of fat because they have greater muscle mass than women. Having greater muscle mass means a higher and more accelerated caloric consumption. Therefore, men tend to lose weight faster.

In order for the metabolism to become faster, a recommendation is to practice physical exercises that increase muscle mass.

Discover your biotype

Knowing your body type (biotype) can help in choosing and adopting habits that are more appropriate to the rhythm of your organism.

There are 3 types, which combine specific characteristics. It is worth remembering that these biotypes are standard and generic, therefore, there are always specificities for each person.

Ectomorph is the slimmest biotype and with naturally more accelerated metabolism:

Mesomorph tends to have an intermediate metabolism, making it easier to gain muscle than the ectomorph biotype:

Endomorph is what tends to gain weight and muscle (when physical activity is practiced) more easily. However, metabolism is generally slower:

What foods speed up metabolism?

Some foods also help your metabolism to function better. Many of them are thermogenic, so they are indicated for those who want to lose weight. Some options are:

  • Ginger;
  • Cinnamon;
  • Chili;
  • Coconut oil;
  • Café;
  • Green tea;
  • Mate.

Read more: What are the health benefits of green tea?

What foods slow down metabolism?

On the other side of the scale, there are bad foods for those looking to lose weight and have a fast metabolism. If you are looking for weight loss and belly reduction, try to avoid refined carbohydrates and prefer whole carbohydrates.

Among the most common refined carbohydrates are alcohol, white flour, white rice and sugar, breads, juices and processed drinks etc.

Whole carbohydrates are healthier, like vegetables, legumes, fruits, potatoes and cereals.

Read more: Cinnamon tea: what it is for, how to make it and its benefits
