Mango: types and benefits of including fruit in the diet

Mango is a well-known fruit, since it is consumed in desserts, juices and even pure. Its properties provide several benefits for those who consume it, in addition to having a sweet taste and refreshing sensation.


Where does the mango come from?

Mango is a tropical fruit that has its origin in South Asia. The fruit came to Brazil at the time of colonization, when the Portuguese arrived in Brazil and brought food to the country.

Because of its tropical characteristics, it has adapted well to the Brazilian climate and has been cultivated ever since. The tree that produces it is called a mango tree.

What is the time of mango?

Mango fruiting occurs between the months of September and January, with the best production period during the months of October, November and December.

Benefits: what is mango good for?

Mango provides several benefits for those who consume it, working in areas such as skin, vision and fighting infections.

For the skin

Because it has antioxidants in its composition – substances that prevent cell degeneration – the consumption of mango acts to prevent premature aging, helping to maintain healthy skin.

To the heart

The fibers present in the sleeve assist in the control of high blood pressure . This is because the fruit has a large amount of potassium, which removes excess sodium from the body, capable of raising pressure.

For the eyes

The vitamin A found in the fruit assists in the protection of vision. It protects the cornea – the part of the eye responsible for processing the light that enters the eye.

It also acts in the prevention of diseases such as cataracts and night blindness – difficulty seeing in places with low light.

For the intestine

One of the main reasons for constipation – also known as a trapped intestine – is the lack of fiber in your daily diet.

Mango is rich in fiber and its ingestion provides a good functioning of the intestine.

To prevent cancer

Because of its antioxidant properties, which act to combat the regeneration of body cells, mango helps prevent the development of some types of cancer , such as breast and intestine cancer .

For immunity

Mango has a large amount of vitamin C. This vitamin works to maintain immunity, stimulating a better functioning of the immune system and preventing diseases.

What are the types of mangoes?

There is a wide variety of mangoes in the world. The best known in Brazil are:

Tommy Atkins

The most found in the markets, the Tommy mango is known to have little fiber. Its color, when ripe, is a mixture of yellow-orange and red.

Manga Palmer

The Palmer mango has few fibers and a small core, providing a greater amount of pulp. Its flavor is sweet and, when ripe, has a reddish color.

Sword Sleeve

With a more elongated size than the others, the Espada sleeve has a lot of fiber. Its bark is greenish yellow and is, together with Tommy, one of the most produced types in Brazil.

Pink Sleeve

Widely found in the northeastern region of the country, the Rosa mango is generally used in the preparation of juices. The color is a mixture of yellow and pink, and the fruit is medium in size.

Manga Haden

Haden mango has a lower fiber content and is considered a large fruit, weighing between 400g and 700g per unit. Its bark, when ripe, has a color that varies between shades of red, yellow and green.

What are the nutrients in mango?

The benefits that mango provides for human health come from the nutrients present in the fruit. Some of them are:


The vitamins are compounds necessary for the maintenance of the organism. They are fundamental to promote the quality of physical and mental health and work in all areas of the body.

The main vitamins of mango are: A, B, C, E and K.

Vitamin A acts in the protection of the eyes, helping in the vision health.

The B complex , together with vitamin C and E, act in the prevention of cellular aging and maintenance of the immune system, preventing premature aging and helping in a better defense of the organism.

The vitamin K aids in blood clotting and bone health.


Minerals are inorganic substances responsible for the proper functioning of the body’s metabolism. Among the minerals present in the fruit, we can find:

MineralQuantity (100g)

Potassium, a mineral present in greater amounts in the fruit, helps to maintain blood pressure, fighting high blood pressure. Calcium, combined with phosphorus, acts to strengthen bones and teeth. Magnesium and sodium act in the process of muscle contraction.


The carbohydrates are sugars that provide energy to body cells. The mango has about 12g of carbohydrates for every 100g of the fruit.

Sleeve is fattening?

It depends. As with other fruits, it depends on the quantity. The mango has a relatively high caloric level, about 60kcal for every 100g of the fruit. When combined with recipes sugars and juices, they can influence weight gain.

In spite of this, when consumed in natura , the influence on the weight will only occur if the ingestion is in excess and of frequent form.

Thus, the ideal is to always consume in moderation.

Like mango, other fruits provide benefits for those who consume them. The healthy minute brings other information about food . Check out our posts and get to know other beneficial foods for your health!
