Eye drops for viral, allergic and bacterial conjunctivitis

The conjunctivitis is a disease that causes inflammation in the eye. Fortunately, it has treatment and healing.

One of the most common and effective forms of treatment is the use of eye drops .

Generally, these remedies are seen as harmless, but be warned: if they are used in the wrong way, eye drops can be harmful to health. Among them, cataracts , increased eye pressure, momentary blindness, ocular crystallization or decreased blood circulation in the eyes.

Therefore, only use these remedies if you have a medical recommendation.


What is the best eye drops for conjunctivitis?

There are several types of eye drops that can be used to treat conjunctivitis. They are varied and each of them has a function and a way of acting.

To understand a little more about this diversity, it is necessary to know about the types of conjunctivitis, since each eye drop is indicated for a different situation.

Viral conjunctivitis

This type of conjunctivitis is caused by viruses, being the most common type of the disease.

The contagion of viral conjunctivitis is done through contact between something or someone who is infected.

In general, the disease first manifests itself in only one eye, and can be passed to the other eye in 2 or 3 days.

This type of conjunctivitis tends to heal on its own, lasting about 7 to 10 days.

This is because, in most cases, the body produces enough antibodies for the virus to be fought.

Although there is no specific treatment to eliminate viruses, there are options to relieve symptoms and discomfort.

Eye drops such as Lacrima Plus , Optocare , Lacrifilm , Hylo Comod   are recommended to speed up the process or relieve symptoms (irritated, red and watery eyes).

Bacterial conjunctivitis

Bacterial conjunctivitis is transmitted by bacteria and its contagion is the same as that of the viral type, that is, through contact with contaminated secretions or objects.

The difference between these two types is that the bacterial can also cause symptoms such as pain, swelling and redness in other parts of the body (such as the ears, nose, mouth, skin, etc.).

Another point worth mentioning is that bacterial conjunctivitis tends to be more prolonged and cause more intense symptoms.

Therefore, for treatment, it is recommended to use eye drops that are also antibiotics (such as Tobradex , Tobrex , Tobramycin , Flumex and Maxitrol ).

Allergic conjunctivitis

Allergic conjunctivitis is caused by some substance that irritates the eyes (pollen, mold, dust, among others).

The good news is that it is not transmissible. Therefore, it is not necessary to stop activities or avoid sharing objects (such as towels and bed linen, for example).

This type can be accompanied by other allergic symptoms such as sneezing, runny nose and headache .

The treatment usually uses eye drops that have the function of fighting allergy , and must lubricate and clean the eyes ( Zaditen and Dexafenico l, for example).


Children and babies are subject to any type of conjunctivitis.

In the case of newborns (up to 1 month old), neonatal conjunctivitis is possible.

This type is contracted during the time of normal delivery. When passing through the vaginal canal, it is possible that the baby may have had some dirt, viruses or bacteria.

The symptoms are the same (red eyes, watery eyes and the presence of swelling) and require an ophthalmic or pediatric evaluation, which will indicate the best type of eye drops for each situation.

How to use correctly?

To use the eye drops correctly, you must first confirm on the doctor’s prescription which eye to drop the medicine on and how many drops will be needed. Then, just lift your head, separate the eyelid from the eye and drip the medicine. When opening the packaging, avoid touching the tip so that it is not contaminated with any dirt from your hands.

As difficult as the application of eye drops seems, in fact, it is possible that this medicine is used quite easily.

To help you, there is a list of 10 steps explaining how to do this:

  1. Wash your hands: by doing this, you prevent it from contaminating your eyes with any bacteria or viruses that are in your hands;
  2. Lift your chin slightly;
  3. With your fingers, pull the lower eyelid away from the eye;
  4. Drop the number of drops the doctor has recommended (usually 1 or 2);
  5. The ideal place for the application of eye drops is in the middle of the eye (when you drop the drops in the corner of your eye, you run the risk of the liquid seeping out and being wasted);
  6. Wait 1 or 2 seconds with your eyes open;
  7. Close your eyes slowly and gently;
  8. Keep your eyes closed for at least 15 seconds (so that the product can be absorbed);
  9. During this time, even if your eyes are closed, try to move them (as if you were looking sideways, up and down);
  10. Finally, use your little finger to lightly press the closed eyelids , starting with the inside (closest to the nose).

If you want or have difficulties, you can ask someone to apply the medicine to your eyes while lying or sitting.

Eye drops for conjunctivitis in dogs and cats

Pets can also contract conjunctivitis.

When this happens, the most recommended is to have a veterinary consultation, which will be able to identify the type of conjunctivitis and thus prescribe the best eye drops.

There are specific remedies for the treatment of this disease in animals. Therefore, eye drops indicated for humans should not be used on pets and vice versa.

Among these drugs indicated to treat the conjunctivitis of pets, are: Tears , Cinerária Marítima and Simões .

Eye drops for conjunctivitis should be prescribed by a doctor, ophthalmologist, pediatrician or veterinarian.

Remembering that self-medication is a practice that can bring severe health consequences. The Healthy Minute brings other information about medicines . Follow our posts!
