Dental implant: know what it is when you need to do it

The smile, in general, has a great influence on people’s self-esteem .

One or more missing teeth, or even the use of dentures, can take away many people’s desire to smile.

To solve this problem, there are procedures such as the Dental Implant, which returns a fixed smile to the patient, in addition to healthy chewing.

Learn more about this procedure!


What is a dental implant?

The dental implant is a procedure that consists of adding metal pins (usually titanium) inside the jaw bone (located below the gum), in order to simulate the dental root for the subsequent placement of artificial teeth.

Once added, dental crowns, usually made of porcelain or resin, are fixed under these pins, simulating the original dental arch.

The implant is a fixed and more natural alternative to dentures, for example, which are generally mobile and often have a built-in effect.

It is indicated for cases of missing teeth or that could not be recovered and will be extracted.

When do I need a dental implant?

The dental implant is indicated for cases of people who, regardless of the reason, have had tooth loss. It can also be recommended for individuals who have none of the teeth in their mouth or who use dentures.

In addition to the aesthetic issue, the procedure makes it possible to resume the correct chewing movement, which is often impossible with the lack of one or more teeth.

To perform it, it is necessary to be up to date with oral health .

How is the Dental Implant pin?

The dental implant pin is usually made of titanium and has a screw-like structure. It is made of this material, because titanium is a bio-compatible element. Thus, when it comes into contact with the bone arch, the body absorbs it, without rejection.

This is because titanium does not release substances that can be toxic to the body, in addition to being a strong and resistant material.

Regarding the size, in general, the pin is quite small. In length, it can vary between 7mm and 18mm. In diameter, from 3mm to approximately 6mm.

How is done?

The dental implantation process begins with image exams, in which the professional can assess the patient’s bone structure.

There are cases in which patients do not have the necessary amount of bone to perform the procedure, for example.

In such cases, bone grafting can be performed, that is, when a bone fragment removed from some other part of the body, or produced in a synthetic way, is placed in the desired location.

After analyzing the conditions and the release for the implant, the surgical phase begins.

Surgical phase

During this phase, the pin placement procedure is performed. It occurs under local anesthesia and, in general, in the following steps:

  1. Gingival section to expose the bone;
  2. Bone perforation;
  3. Pin implantation;
  4. Suture.

At first, the dentist performs a cut on the gum, so that the bone is exposed. After that, drilling is carried out using specific drills.

The hole opened in the bone has the exact size of the pin that will be placed. After opening, the pin is implanted into the bone.

Finally, the site is sutured.

Osseointegration phase

After the surgical phase, it is necessary to wait a time that takes between 3 to 5 months to place the definitive prosthesis. This is because it is the period of osseointegration, in which there is healing of the bone around the pins.

During this period, patients can, in general, wear temporary mobile prostheses, so that they do not run out of teeth during healing.

Reopening phase and definitive prosthesis

After osseointegration, there is the reopening phase. It consists of reopening the suture previously performed and placing a healing device above the pin.

This piece is used to prevent gums from growing under the implant, just around it, and heal in the format necessary for the placement of the prosthesis.

As soon as the gum recovers, a time that varies from patient to patient, the scar is removed and the final prosthesis placement phase begins. The crowns are fixed and threaded next to the pins, finishing the procedure.

What is Immediate Dental Loading?

Immediate loading is the same process as the traditional dental implant, however, without the time required for osseointegration for the application of a fixed prosthesis.

In general, it consists of performing the surgical phase and placing the fixed prosthesis immediately in the same consultation, or in a few days after the implantation of the pins.

This way, the patient has new and fixed teeth in a short time and the chewing is recovered immediately.

However, it is worth remembering that this fixed prosthesis is temporary, and the patient remains with it until receiving the final piece (according to the time stipulated by the professional).

The difference in relation to the traditional implant is the fixation of the prosthesis (as if it were the definitive one). This is because, in the conventional implant, the patient often receives a moving part during the waiting period for the placement of the definitive crowns.

However, not all people are able to perform the procedure.

There are some prerequisites, such as:

  • Previously have sufficient bone thickness and height for the application of the pins;
  • Not having bruxism;
  • Not having osteoporosis problems;
  • Not having diabetes.

It is always worth mentioning that it is necessary to evaluate a professional, who will indicate the best treatment for each clinical condition.

What is the recovery time for a dental implant?

The recovery time of a dental implant can vary according to the clinical condition of each patient and the chosen technique. In general, after the surgical phase, the time for complete healing of the gingiva and osseointegration is 3 to 5 months. In cases of bone graft, this phase can take up to 8 months.

Regarding rest, it must be done between the first 3 to 10 days after surgery, depending on the number of implants performed and the indication of the professional.

During this period, some precautions are essential, such as not exercising. In addition, there are some recommendations for the first postoperative days.

Between them:

In the first 48 hours:

During the first 48 hours, it is important that ice packs are applied under the face, in the area of ​​the implants application (remember that the ice should not be placed directly on the skin, but wrapped in a cloth).

In addition, it is recommended to consume only cold and pasty foods such as ice cream, juices and vitamins .

To avoid bleeding, it is important to sleep with more than one pillow, so that the head is higher than the body at bedtime.

It is also recommended to avoid lowering your head during the first few days so that there are no large amounts of blood in the implant region, which can cause bleeding.

After 48 hours

After 48 hours, it is recommended to suspend the ice packs. If there is swelling in the area of ​​the implants, compresses can be made with warm water under the face.

The diet should continue to be based on soft and pasty foods, however, after this period, foods with warm temperatures are released.

Difference between Fixed Prosthesis and Dental Implant

Currently, there are different procedures that make it possible to recover a beautiful and healthy smile in people who do not have teeth, such as fixed prosthesis and dental implant. Although both have the same goal, to replace missing teeth, the techniques have some differences between them.

One of them is that, for the placement of the fixed prosthesis, it is necessary, in general, to wear the teeth that are next to the missing tooth.

This is because the so-called “bridge” is made, with three artificial teeth (crowns), usually porcelain, glued together.

The crowns of the ends will be fitted over the original teeth and, therefore, it is necessary to wear them so that they become smaller and act as a support to hold the middle tooth.

The piece in the center will occupy the empty space and replace the missing tooth.

This wear is not necessary in the implant. Thus, there is, in general, no damage to healthy teeth.

Are there any contraindications?

In general, everyone can get dental implants, but, like most procedures, there are some contraindications.

Among them, patients who have high-risk heart problems and untreated diabetes .

It is also not recommended for people who are undergoing chemotherapy or have osteoporosis .

What the value?

The cost of a dental implant can vary according to the chosen professional, the geographic region of the country, the patient’s clinical condition and the material used in the procedure.

On average, the implant can vary between R $ 1,500 to R $ 2,500 per tooth.

If there is a need to perform the bone graft, the amount may increase, varying between R $ 300 and R $ 1,000.

Smiling is a characteristic act of the human being. However, some people do not feel comfortable smiling, due to missing teeth.

To solve this situation, there are Dental Implants, procedures that promise to return, once and for all, a beautiful smile and healthy chewing function for those who go through the problem.

Did you already know the procedure and its techniques? Account in the comments!

The Healthy Minute has other complete content on oral health for you! Read more and stay informed!
