Associated with a series of health complications, the seizure occurs when the electrical activity of the brain in specific areas increases excessively. This action leads to intense spasms around the body and other symptoms. Some care must be taken during the crisis and, after it, the person must be taken immediately to the hospital.
Seized as a disorder, the seizure affects countless people, and its seizures can last up to five minutes. The change in the functioning of the brain is the source of the problem, however several factors are linked to this change.
The disorder can be considered generalized, when a discharge of high electrical impulses reaches both sides of the brain. In this case it is possible that the person affected by the problem does not bring with it apparent symptoms of the seizure, but one can perceive the lost look and inattention on the part of the person.
In more serious situations, there may be loss of consciousness, muscle stiffness and repetitive movement of the body.
Several types of generalized seizures can occur, however the most common are: absent episodes and tonic-clonic seizures . The first type is characterized by the lost look and the lack of response from the patient, which can last for a few seconds and be accompanied by tremors on the lips.
When it comes to the tonic-clonic type, it is possible that there is a rapid loss of consciousness, accompanied by muscle stiffness in various parts of the body and also a bluish appearance of the face. Rhythmic contractions and excessive salivation, as well as bleeding – caused by bites on the tongue – can occur.
There is also a focal (or partial) type, a situation in which it specifically affects an area of the cerebral hemisphere. In partial seizures, there may be loss or decrease of consciousness, together with symptoms, such as spasms and changes in the five senses. There may also be times of delusions and hallucinations.
The causes
A number of factors may be behind the seizure episodes. Not all are identified, but the rest can be:
- Abstinence from drugs or alcohol;
- Reaction after using certain medications;
- High fever in children up to five years old;
- Epilepsy;
- Tumor cerebral;
- HIV infections;
- Meningitis, tetanus, encephalitis and other diseases;
- Metabolic disorders;
- Deficiency in cerebral oxygenation.
The triggers
Although it is not the reasons that lead to seizures , strong smells, excessive light, strong emotions and intense activity can trigger the problem.
Epilepsy vs. seizure
The epilepsy is characterized by predisposition that some individuals have to suffer convulsions, which did not need the presence of other health problems.
Exams vs. treatment
Clinical examinations are also used to diagnose the disorder, search for its cause and choose the best treatment. Among them are computed tomography, electroencephalogram , cranial magnetic resonance, and others.
What to do during the crisis?
- To avoid choking, the person should be lying on the side;
- Your clothes must be loosened;
- The chin must be held up to improve breathing;
- After the crisis is over, the person should be referred to the hospital.