Chocolate: what are the benefits and the ideal daily amount?

Chocolate is a food enjoyed by a large part of the population.

The sweet and pleasant flavor of the best known “milk chocolate” attracts the palates of those who like sugar, which is usually present in its composition.

Thus, it often becomes a villain on the scale, since this ingredient, when ingested in large quantities, can assist in weight gain.

Despite this, if consumed in moderation, the product can even bring health benefits.

Learn more about the different varieties of chocolate and the advantages of its consumption!


What are the types of chocolate?

There are several types of chocolate available in the markets today. From the classic to milk to those with a high level of cocoa, they have conquered the taste of consumers. The main divisions are according to the content of cocoa in its formulation, which can be milk, semi-bitter or bitter.

To milk

Milk chocolate is one that has a light brown color and a strong sweet flavor. It has a higher level of fat and sugars than the other types and has a lower cocoa content.

Because of this, it offers few nutrients and health benefits, since it is cocoa that provides the beneficial substances to the human body.

In addition, it usually has powdered milk in its composition, which gives a lighter color to the food.


Semi-dark chocolate is one that has, in general, more than 50% cocoa and has less sugar than the milk version.

It provides more benefits than the sweeter type, but less than the bitter version.


Dark in color due to its large amount of cocoa, dark chocolate is the one that most provides health benefits.

It has, on average, 80% of the food in its composition, which is responsible for the beneficial substances offered to the human organism.

It does not have the addition of milk in its preparation and has little sugar, having the lowest fat content among the types presented.


White chocolate, for many, is not considered chocolate at all.

This is because it is made only with cocoa butter and not with the mass of the fruit, as the other versions.

It is the sweetest and also the most caloric variety, with high levels of fat.

Because it does not have the cocoa mass in its preparation, it does not have the antioxidant properties provided by other types of sweet and does not bring any health benefits.


The diet chocolate is the one indicated for people who face problems of diabetes or glycemic alteration.

It is made with cocoa mass and butter and does not contain sugar in its composition.

To replace the ingredient, sweeteners such as Sorbitol, Saccharin and Vanillin are added.

Despite being very confused with Light or Zero versions, it is important to note that Diet chocolate can be highly caloric.

This is because to keep the taste attractive without adding sugar, fats are added in amounts similar to or greater than normal chocolate.

Thus, the consumption of the Diet version is not appropriate for those who want a sweet with reduced calorie content.


The line of light chocolates, contrary to what many people think, is not necessarily sugar-free.

In reality, what happens is a reduction in the levels of some component of the product – at least 25% compared to normal chocolate. This decrease can be done by reducing sugars, calories or fats, for example.

Thus, they can still contain sugars in their compositions, not suitable for diabetics (as).


Zero chocolates are those that are free of any component. Often, it is sugar, but any ingredient that appears exempt from the formulation can make chocolate zero.

In general, this type is more recommended for people on diets with food restriction, recommended by nutrition professionals.

They can be zero fat or zero lactose, for example. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to the label if the objective is to buy unsweetened chocolate.

With these options, the consumer can choose the variety that most applies to their needs, such as people with lactose intolerance, for example.

Nutrients of the main types of chocolate

Each type of chocolate has its own characteristics, be it flavor, color or nutrients.

See a comparison of some elements of this sweetie:

Chocolate (100g)Calories (kcal)Proteins (g)Carboidrato (g)

Remember that chocolate is a food that, regardless of type, has a significant caloric value, with large amounts of carbohydrate.

But, among all the options, it is the white that has the highest number of calories.

What is the benefit of chocolate?

Chocolate is a popular food because of its sweet and pleasant taste. What many people do not know is that, when consumed in a moderate way, it can bring benefits to the health of the body, acting in areas such as brain, cholesterol and even heart.

Controls cholesterol

Chocolate consumption can help control cholesterol. This is because food can help reduce bad cholesterol (LDL) levels.

In addition, antioxidants – molecules that protect the body’s cells – present in the candy help to prevent the formation of fatty plaques in blood vessels.

Protects the brain

Protection of the brain is also a benefit of chocolate.

Food contains substances such as theobromine and caffeine, which can help prevent diseases such as Alzheimer’s.

In addition, it moderately stimulates memory and concentration.

Operates in the proper functioning of the heart

Chocolate works to improve blood flow and prevent blood clotting.

In addition, it has substances that can help control blood pressure.

In this way, it assists in the proper functioning of the heart.

Combats premature aging

Because of the antioxidant properties present in cocoa, the fruit is one of the main rejuvenating foods.

Its substances work by fighting free radicals – molecules capable of causing cell aging.

Thus, because it is present in chocolate, the consumption of candy can reduce damage to cells, acting against premature aging.

Promotes well-being

Well-being is also affected by the consumption of chocolate.

This is because food is a source of energy and thus improves the willingness to perform tasks.

The hormone cortisol – a substance related to stress – also has its levels decreased with the consumption of chocolate.

In addition, the candy stimulates the production of neurotransmitters such as serotonin and dopamine – substances that act directly on the symptoms of well-being.

In this way, it improves mood, in addition to helping to combat symptoms of anxiety and depression .

Causes a feeling of satiety

Eating chocolate can help increase the feeling of satiety. This is because food helps to reduce appetite hormones due to polyphenols – a group of molecules – that help in the production of leptin, the satiety hormone.

Thus, the individual takes longer to feel the need to eat, helping to control hunger.

It is worth mentioning that this effect is related to the amount of cocoa present in the food. Thus, chocolates with higher levels of cocoa will have this characteristic perceived more clearly.

Gives energy

Because of its high rate of calories, carbohydrates , fats and proteins , chocolate becomes a source of fast energy.

That way, it can help those who consume it to be more willing to perform daily tasks.

What is in the chocolate that is good for you?

The benefits provided by the candy are mainly responsible for cocoa.

The ingredient makes up the majority of chocolates (remembering that, in general, white does not have cocoa). Because of its components like flavonoids – antioxidants -, eating a little piece of candy can be good for the body.

The bitter version is the richest in cocoa, so it has the most health benefits.

Dark chocolate or 70% is good for your health?

-Yeah . The higher the levels of cocoa present in chocolate, the more nutrients and health benefits it will bring.

Dark chocolate is one that has about 50% cocoa in its composition.

Thus, it is more beneficial than milk chocolate. Despite this, 70% chocolate still has a greater health benefit, as it contains a higher level of cocoa.

It is worth remembering that for chocolate to do, in fact, good for health, it is necessary to consume it in moderation. In addition, it should be added to a healthy routine.

Can chocolate hurt?

-Yeah . When consumed in excess, chocolate can cause problems such as constipation , stomach pains, increased bad cholesterol and even allergic reactions, due to the large amount of sugars and fats.

Thus, moderation is always worth to enjoy the benefits in a healthy way.

Does chocolate make pimples?

Information that the consumption of chocolate is related to the appearance of pimples is a recurring popular belief.

It can influence the appearance of pimples. However, not only the consumption of this candy will result in acne .

What happens is that chocolate, especially the milk version, has a high glycemic and fat level. Thus, if consumed in very large quantities, it stimulates the production of sebum by the sebaceous glands, increasing the oiliness of the skin.

This oiliness clogs the pores of the skin, causing acne.

Thus, it is worth emphasizing the importance of eating food in a moderate way, so that there is no rise in glycemic levels. In general, acne will only appear in cases of excessive consumption of the candy.

How much chocolate can you eat a day?

There is no set amount for the daily consumption of chocolate. However, experts indicate that 40g of food per day is adequate without causing health problems or weight gain.

Chocolate is a popular food for those who like sweet flavors.

Although he is generally seen as a villain, he can bring several health benefits, working in areas such as heart, brain and cholesterol.

The Healthy Minute brings other information about food and its advantages! Check it out and stay informed!
