Avocado: what are the benefits and nutrients? See the calories

Avocado is the edible fruit of the avocado, grown in tropical and subtropical regions. It is commonly used in the preparation of sweet and vitamin recipes , but it is also normal to see this fruit in the midst of savory recipes (such as guacamole).

We have separated a content rich in information about this fruit that can be very beneficial to health. Check out:


Avocado benefits: what is it good for?

Like all fruits and vegetables, avocados can contribute a lot to health and even provide aesthetic benefits – such as giving hair shine. Here are some examples:

Improves skin

Avocado is rich in vitamin C, an active ingredient that helps in the metabolism of collagen (a substance that ensures firmness to the skin). Thus, it can be a great ally in the fight against stretch marks , wrinkles and cellulite.

Thinking about it, it may be interesting to choose creams and even facial masks that have avocado as a component, since it can increase elasticity and give a better appearance to the skin.

Benefits during pregnancy

Avocados are rich in folic acid and, during pregnancy, can help prevent congenital diseases of the baby, such as poor spinal closure of the fetus or problems with the nervous system.

For it to be really effective, it must be consumed before becoming pregnant or during the first trimester of pregnancy, together with a healthy diet and obstetric monitoring.

More willingness to exercise

We know that eating fruits before exercise can do you good, as they are generally light and provide energy. The banana is one of the most famous, for preventing cramps.

However, consuming avocado before exercising can also be a good option.

For example, due to the vitamin C present in the avocado, it helps to fight muscle fatigue . This is because this vitamin has antioxidant properties, so that it fights free radicals – agents that cause cell aging and facilitate the appearance of pain.

In addition, this fruit also helps in muscle hypertrophy, as it provides energy for training, and proteins that help in muscle recovery.

Helps the brain

Avocado contains a high level of omega 3, a great ally to prevent memory problems, as it stimulates blood circulation and can increase the ability to concentrate.

Facilitates weight loss

Despite being a high-fat, high-calorie fruit, avocado is also rich in fiber. They help to provide a feeling of satiety, which prevents binge eating.

In addition, fibers also help regulate bowel function, which can be beneficial in reducing swelling.

It can decrease risks of diseases

Avocado has many monounsaturated fatty acids and soluble fiber, which helps control LDL (bad) cholesterol and increases HDL (good) cholesterol.

Still, because it is rich in omega 3, 6 and 9, in addition to lowering cholesterol, it also lowers blood glucose (excess blood sugar). With this, it helps in the control and prevention of heart problems.

These are just some of the direct benefits that avocado can provide. In addition, studies that seek to prove that oleic acid (most of the avocado fat) can help in preventing and fighting cancer stand out .

Harm: can eating avocado be bad?

Despite having many benefits, avocado can also bring harm . Like everything in life, if consumed in excess it can be harmful. In this case, this is due to the high fat content of the fruit (77% of the calories in avocado are fat).

So, to include it in your diet, just do it in moderation to ensure its beneficial effects. In addition, although the thick avocado peel is a defense against the penetration of pesticides, prefer the consumption of organics, as these substances can be very harmful.

How many calories do you have?

On average, a whole avocado is 270g. Considering the consumption of a portion of 135g (half of the fruit), there is approximately 216kcal .

Of those calories, as mentioned, 77% are from fat. But it is worth mentioning that, in general, fruits have a good fat – one of the benefits of avocado is, in fact, to increase good cholesterol (HDL).

In addition, another interesting factor is that, in a 135g portion of avocado, there are only 11.5g of carbohydrates . Considering that studies and experts indicate an average of 100g to 150g of carbohydrates per day, avocado has a not too high content.

Still, this fruit is rich in fiber (9.0g per 135g serving), in addition to protein (2.7g per 135g serving).

In cases of weight loss diets or dietary restrictions, it is always necessary to follow up with a nutritionist in order to maintain health and achieve the desired results.

What are the nutrients?

Avocado has many nutrients, even in its peel and mainly in the core (it has about 50% to 70% more nutrients than the pulp). Therefore, it is ideal for those looking to take care of their health and improve their diet. Check out:


Our body cannot produce vitamins on its own, so it is necessary to ingest them through the consumption of food.

They are essential for development and metabolism, although they are not used as a direct source of energy. Our body needs vitamins in small amounts, but the lack of them can cause many diseases.

Thinking about how important they are, let’s now see the main vitamins of avocado and their benefits:

  • Vitamin B3: produces energy for cells, maintains the health of the nervous system, lowers cholesterol levels, prevents diseases such as Alzheimer’s;
  • Vitamin B5: produces energy and maintains the proper functioning of the metabolism, assists in the adequate production of hormones, reduces cholesterol, decreases fatigue;
  • Vitamin C: contains antioxidant properties, therefore, it helps to fight free radicals and, consequently, prevents premature aging;
  • Vitamin E: helps maintain balance in cholesterol levels.

If you have a deficiency in the level of vitamins (diagnosed from tests), it is essential to keep up with a nutritionist. Thus, it will be possible to carry out the appropriate treatment and have a specific diet.


Minerals make up approximately 4% of the human body and are responsible for functions such as tissue maintenance. In addition, they make up enzymatic systems that guarantee the functioning of vital functions such as digestion.

Among the minerals, we have Calcium (main responsible for the maintenance of bones and teeth), Iron (its absence can cause anemia ) and Potassium (essential for the functioning of the nervous system and muscles, including the heart).

Next, see the table referring to the minerals present in a portion (135g) of raw avocado:

MineralQuantity (135g)

Along with vitamins, these minerals help to maintain the good health of the body.

How to eat avocado?

Avocado can be eaten fresh , just peel and remove the stone. In addition, it is also possible to use the fruit to make vitamins, alone or with other fruits.

It is also used in many recipes, both sweet and savory. Undoubtedly the most famous is the “ guacamole ”, originated in Mexico, which consists of mashing the avocado and mixing onion, tomato and coriander. Finally, just season with lemon juice, salt, pepper and olive oil – forming almost a puree.

In addition, it is also common to see avocado being used in salads and even along with toast and eggs ( avocado toast ) as a breakfast or snack option. Still, it is possible to make mousses and ice cream with the fruit.

The important thing is always to try to consume the fruit in a healthy way, in order to maintain its benefits and natural properties.

Avocado kernel flour: how to make it and what is it for?

As mentioned, the avocado core can be up to 70% richer in nutrients than the fruit pulp. So, instead of throwing it away and wasting it, you can look for alternative recipes in order to receive all the benefits of the fruit.

The seed (seed) of the avocado is composed mainly of fatty acids, fibers, carbohydrates and proteins. Its benefits include anti-inflammatory action, cholesterol reduction, diabetes control , blood pressure reduction, etc.

Thinking about the great value of this part of the fruit, we have separated a recipe to use it: an avocado seed meal . The walkthrough is simple:

  • Dehydrate the stone in the oven (120ºC) for 2 hours;
  • Remove from the oven and remove the thin shell that surrounds the seed;
  • Cut into small pieces;
  • Place in a blender (or processor) and beat until it becomes a flour.

The simplest way to use it is to mix it in juices, vitamins or teas. It is ideal to always include some other sweet ingredient (like banana ) to mix the kernel flour, since the taste is bitter.

It is also possible to find this ready-made flour in natural products houses.

Can you eat avocado with lemon?

-Yeah . It may seem a little strange to make this mixture, but when avocado is used to make guacamole – for example – lemon juice is used as part of the seasoning.

Considering the sour and citrus flavor of the lemon, in cooking it is believed that the mixture enhances the flavor of the avocado, especially along with other ingredients (such as onion and pepper).

But it is also possible to eat the fruit in natura and drip a few drops of lemon, also to highlight the natural flavor.

In addition, there is no indication that the mixture of the two fruits can cause any harm. So, if it pleases your palate, there is no problem.

Can you eat avocado every day?

-Yeah . Avocados can bring many benefits from their consumption, from fatigue relief to control of cholesterol levels.

However, as mentioned, it is a fruit with a high fat content (even if it is a “good fat”). Therefore, the ideal is to consume a small amount, especially if it is daily.

In addition, it is very important to follow up with a nutritionist. With this, it will be possible to have a balanced diet, with specific amounts and foods for your needs and goals.

Although not widely consumed in Brazil, avocado is a fruit rich in benefits and quite versatile – since it is present in savory, sweet recipes and in its natural form.

Did you already know the properties and the advantages of consuming avocado ?! There is more content about food  that you can check out.

Keep following the Healthy Minute for more information on health, food and well-being!
