9 weeks of gestation: changes in the mother and the baby’s movements

At 9 weeks of gestation, the mother’s belly may not even be noticeable yet. In this phase, which is equivalent to 2 months, some mothers still do not even know they are pregnant. But it won’t be long before signs, symptoms or signs are noticed.

However, some mothers may already begin to notice a more rounded waist and some tighter pants.

Now, organizing medical routines, preparing for changes in the pace of life and paying attention to the months to come is very important for the whole pregnancy to be a moment of pleasure and well-being.


How many months of gestation is 9 weeks?

9 weeks of gestation are equivalent to 2 months. This phase ranges from the 63rd day to the 70th. Thus, the mother is still in the first gestational trimester , which is usually a very intense phase in terms of changes in the fetus. While some mothers don’t even have symptoms, others are already experiencing a whirlwind of changes.

How is a 9-week fetus?

The 9 weeks are still an initial gestation period. But the baby has gone through several formations. Compared to the previous week, his size has practically doubled, but his head is still bigger than his body.

Your face is more outlined and developed, as well as your heart, which is strengthening your muscles.

The size of the baby is still quite small, around 20mm to 30mm. If we could compare, it would be something like a grape . However, he already has the joints formed, which allows subtle movements of the shoulders, elbows, knees and wrists inside the amniotic fluid bag.

The eyes are forming and the eyelids are closed. The brain is developing rapidly, with about 100,000 neurons created per minute! The other bodies are also in formation, but each has its own pace.

Is the baby moving yet?

YEAH ! This phase is marked by more frequent movements of the small or small. This is also because their joints are formed and allow arms and legs to move more easily.

However, the baby is still small and there is plenty of space inside the belly. That is, feeling all that energy will probably take a little longer.

Signs and symptoms at 9 weeks

The changes within the belly are taking place at a great intensity. The small or small grows quickly, gaining weight, taking up space and strengthening maternal bonds more and more. However, it is not only there that changes occur.

Although some mothers are discovering pregnancy now (or even in the coming weeks), others have already begun to notice the physical changes. Nausea, malaise, tiredness and mood changes may have occurred quite frequently in this early gestation. Headaches and a feeling of discomfort in the spine can also occur. See more about what women can physically perceive in this phase:


Cramps are common throughout pregnancy, but at the beginning they can occur more intensely, especially in women who do not usually have the symptom due to menstruation. As the uterus is growing, the cramps can run more often.

Protruding belly

There are women who take time to notice the most prominent belly. Others quickly notice that the waist is slightly wider. In fact, it depends a lot on the woman’s biotype.

But in general, this phase is marked by abdominal growth. Therefore, you may already be able to observe the more stuffed belly.

Breast tenderness

It may be that the breasts become more sensitive, swollen and heavier. This change in the breasts is quite common in the first trimester, but usually the sensitivity decreases after the 4th month.

It may be that the mother notices the appearance of Montgomery Tubers, which are small white balls or nodules in the areolas.

These glands are responsible for the production of oils that keep the nipples moist during breastfeeding.


Tiredness is quite common during the first trimester. This is because a series of changes in the body are taking place and hormonal changes can make the mother more tired.

Sleep disorders and anxiety spikes can also manifest themselves. Therefore, this is a good time to look for relaxing activities or physical exercises that can assist in regulating sleep.

Nausea and nausea

Nausea and nausea are one of the symptoms most associated with pregnancy. They are predominant in the first quarter, but tend to soften afterwards. This is because hormonal variations, especially HCG, are intense in the beginning.

If they are very intense or accompanied by vomiting, the ideal is to seek medical advice, because, although they are usually nothing out of the ordinary, vomiting can lead to nutritional deficiencies. This can be dangerous for the mother and the baby.

Gestation without symptoms

It is quite common for mothers to seek to know about symptoms that they have or that may occur. However, some mothers can quietly spend several weeks (or even the entire pregnancy) without any significant symptoms.

Symptoms such as nausea, feeling sick, headaches and mood swings are caused by hormonal variations.

Although estrogen and progesterone , which are hormones related to pregnancy, change when the pregnancy is ongoing, some women are more tolerant of these variations. This makes all of those typical symptoms very mild or not even occurring!

Some mothers are even more anxious and apprehensive about this, but there is nothing to worry about. A pregnancy for being perfectly conducted without any nausea occurring.

By consulting an obstetrician routinely and taking the indicated tests to check that everything is going well, pregnancy with or without symptoms is normal.

The second month of pregnancy is full of changes in the maternal body. Hormones and uterine growth are changing vigorously. However, these changes are not always perceived or felt by the woman.

At 9 weeks, the baby is growing and training fast. Little face and joints are improving, but their size is still quite small.

It will not be long before the mother begins to notice responses to external stimuli. In other words, movements inside the uterus will occur soon!
