What is the ideal weight for a 35-week fetus?
The ideal weight for a baby with 35 weeks of gestation varies between 2kG and 2.5kG, and the length varies between 35cm and 40cm, similar to a melon.
Upon arriving at the 35th week, the baby is fully formed. From now on, he will gain weight and grow daily.
On average, per week, the weight tends to increase 250g. At birth, in about a month, the baby will weigh just over 3kG.
The movements are still perceived frequently although the space is reduced, as the uterus is starting to become small.
At this stage, the baby may also be starting to turn, fitting in for the birth. The correct position for a healthy delivery is with the head directed towards the vaginal canal and the legs pressed against the mother’s ribs.
Is a baby at 35 weeks pregnant premature?
Yes. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), babies under 37 weeks are considered premature.
But that does not necessarily mean something serious or dangerous. Generally, in these conditions, the baby already has all the conditions to survive just like a child that is born at the right time.
But among the complications that can be caused by premature birth are: problems with body temperature, difficulty breastfeeding and less resistance to infections. Therefore, in some cases it is necessary for the child to stay in incubators until full and healthy development.
In general, it is pregnant women who are twins or multiples who are most likely to go into labor prematurely. But this does not necessarily mean something serious or dangerous, especially if the prenatal care was done correctly.
Even so, in case of suspicion and symptoms such as pain and bleeding, look for a maternity hospital.
What are the symptoms at 35 weeks?
During pregnancy, a woman’s body undergoes various transformation processes. Check out the parts of the body that are most affected around the 35th week of pregnancy:
With the weight and size of the belly, it is normal for some pregnant women to have their balance axis compromised.
This ends up causing back pain and discomfort. However, the woman should always try to correct the posture while standing, lying or sitting. Using cushions and pillows can help these hours.
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Hard Belly
The feeling of a hard belly is common in the final stretch of pregnancy. This happens due to the contractions of the uterus that is preparing for childbirth.
This condition is only a sign of concern if it is accompanied by swelling, bleeding or severe pain.
The woman may try to breathe calmly and deeply to relieve the feeling of a hard belly. Lying on the left side also usually works to relieve discomfort.
Digestive system
With the baby’s movement to fit, the intestines (large and small) can be pressed causing constipation or tenesmus (frequent urge to evacuate).
It is also normal for some pregnant women to have flatulence (frequent elimination of gas ). The baby’s hormones and pressure in the digestive system are related to this condition.
To reduce discomfort, women should avoid eating foods that are difficult to digest, such as feijoada, sweets, pasta and fried foods.
Limbs (feet, legs, arms and hands)
Many pregnant women complain of swelling during pregnancy. The causes of swelling can vary: fluid retention, increased blood pressure or lack of blood circulation.
To reduce this condition or reduce discomfort, the pregnant woman can take light walks, stretch her legs, drink an average of 2L of water a day and wear comfortable clothes.
Vaginal canal
Some bacteria, fungi or viruses can enter the vaginal canal and can cause complications for the baby while it is in the belly or even during delivery.
Therefore, the obstetrician may request an examination to check that there are no microorganisms in the vaginal canal.
The most common test is called GBS (or vaginal secretion culture) and consists of collecting material from the vagina. If the result is positive, the pregnant woman can take antibiotics according to the medical recommendation.
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The baby may also end up pushing the ribs causing pain and even a little shortness of breath.
Mom can try to breathe deeply and calmly whenever she has difficulties. Massaging gently in the area can also help.
Urinary system
With the pressure exerted by the baby on the bladder, it is common for the pregnant woman to have a frequent urge to urinate.
But, although the visits to the bathroom are more constant, the woman should continue to drink an average of 2L of water per day.
In addition to worrying about dehydration, women should also take care not to contract bacteria or viruses that can cause infections in the bladder and urinary system.
Cramps can mark the end of pregnancy. Pain and contractions in this organ can cause discomfort and worry. But staying calm is important.
On average, less than a month is due for birth, so it is normal for the body to be preparing for childbirth.
Cramps are normal. But if the pain is severe or accompanied by fever and bleeding, it is advisable to seek medical advice.
The pregnancy is coming to an end with the beginning of the penultimate month. Some preparations can be made. The anxiety and expectation tend to increase more and more from that stage.
The woman should try to stay calm and try to find out about all the next steps. Therefore, the Healthy Minute brings a lot of information about pregnancy . Follow our posts !!!