Pregnancy symptoms may arise before menstrual delay

Even before  the menstrual cycle is delayed , there are some symptoms that can signal a pregnancy. Several times they go unnoticed, as they are very similar to PMS. Check out:


Swollen and sore breasts

The breasts swell because the hormones estrogen and  progesterone are elevated, causing the blood circulation in the breasts to increase and make them more sensitive.

In the case of pregnancy, the pain will increase over the months. This process occurs as a form of preparation: the body has already identified the beginning of pregnancy and is organizing itself to serve the developing fetus.

Cramping or mild abdominal pain

During early pregnancy, the uterus undergoes constant changes. These changes can cause uterine contractions that resemble menstrual cramps.

In addition to cramps, swelling and pain in the pelvic region are very frequent, as the organs and muscles begin to reorganize, creating space for the formation of the fetus.

Vaginal bleeding

Some women, within the first 12 weeks of gestation , may suffer from a brown discharge. It is, in these cases, bleeding similar to menstruation. One of the reasons for this is due to the implantation of the embryo in the uterine wall, a process also known as  nidation .

Normally, nesting is characterized by bleeding that is lighter than brown discharge, and may be closer to pink. The flow is also well below the menstrual flow and the duration is a few days.

During pregnancy, the vagina may become more sensitive and therefore bleed during intercourse or during gynecological examinations. The risk of infections is also greater during this period.

Bleeding or discharge during pregnancy, even when considered common, should not be overlooked or overlooked. The advice of a gynecologist is advised in all cases.

In the postpartum period, after childbirth, it is possible that the woman suffers from a discharge called locus. It can be similar to brown discharge or have other color variations.

It happens due to loss of blood, tissues inside the uterus and mucus. In the presence of the locus, talk to your gynecologist or obstetrician how to proceed.

The duration of the locus varies from woman to woman, but the average is 3 to 6 weeks.

Irritability, stress and headache

To say that hormones are on the skin is the truest truth. In the first twelve weeks, hormones work incessantly, subjecting the female organism to drastic changes. This directly affects emotions, especially irritability and  stress , which in turn can develop into headaches.


It is very common to feel bloated during pregnancy. This is because the body stores more fluids.

Constant low back pain

When we talk about constant pain it is constant! A pain that lasts all day and does not end with massage or rest can be one of the most uncomfortable and persistent symptoms of pregnancy.

Constant need to go to the bathroom

Symptom present during much of the pregnancy, the excessive need to go to the bathroom occurs due to hormonal change.

Unfortunately for future mothers, going to the bathroom to urinate becomes more and more constant, as the pregnancy progresses, as the growth of the uterus decreases the space reserved for the bladder, forcing it to empty itself frequently.

Fatigue and drowsiness

The increase in progesterone in the body is the main reason why women feel so exhausted. Progesterone is a hormone that can increase by about 500% during pregnancy.

Progesterone’s responsibilities include maintaining pregnancy and developing the fetus. However, it has side effects that can leave a woman exhausted, leading to excessive drowsiness and a feeling of  fatigue .

Another reason for the lack of energy at the beginning of pregnancy is that the organism of the future mother needs to develop the fetus and the placenta that will shelter and nourish it. Both activities require a lot of energy, so they are prioritized by the body, rather than the daily activities of the pregnant woman.

If you think a lot, then know that it is not over: the need for oxygen circulation during pregnancy can increase by about 20%. With this, our friend progesterone needs to intervene and stimulate the brain to increase the breathing base of the pregnant woman, thus causing the deficit to be remedied. The excess part of oxygen is used for the development of the fetus and placenta.


Dizziness can be due to low blood pressure, because the placenta needs more blood, and is prioritized by the body, leaving the rest of the body weaker.

Other reasons may be a reduction in blood sugar levels,  anemia , an increase in respiratory rate and, in later stages of pregnancy, obstruction of the vena cava, which reduces the volume of blood that reaches the heart.


Like blood circulation, the senses also go through a new phase. One of the main complaints is frequent nausea.

With a more refined sense of smell, the pregnant woman starts to smell odors that previously went unnoticed, or that did not cause strangeness. This olfactory rediscovery causes nausea, which several times leads to vomiting.

Read more: Pregnancy week by week: symptoms, stages and baby formation

Can I rely only on symptoms to diagnose pregnancy?

No way! Symptoms are only indicative: they raise suspicions, but do not guarantee a diagnosis.

Symptoms that appear to be due to pregnancy may actually be from the premenstrual tension (PMS) phase, or from some illness such as   ovarian cyst , infection or psychological pregnancy.

If you have not had unprotected sex and still have symptoms of pregnancy, see your doctor as soon as possible.
