13 weeks of gestation: the belly and the baby are growing

The 13 weeks of gestation mark a very important phase: the end of the first trimester. In this stage, the mother’s body and her feelings continue to adapt.

It is common in this phase to vary the mood, as it is a phase of great changes. The best thing to do is try to stay calm, as you will certainly adapt. It is important to experience each part of this process intensely.

At this point, the fetus is more like a newborn baby and you can already see its facial expressions on the ultrasound exam.


How many months is 13 weeks?

When the pregnant woman is 13 weeks pregnant, it means that she is 3 months pregnant . This is officially the end of the first quarter (the last week).

This first phase that has already passed, in general, is the most difficult. The body is still in the adaptation phase and the risks of pregnancy are greater.

From now on, you can be a little more relaxed, as it is entering the second quarter. Some women report that it is the stage when you start to enjoy being pregnant even more.

Symptoms and changes in the pregnant woman’s body

You have already experienced 3 months of pregnancy and are learning to deal with everything that is happening inside and outside your body.

The physical changes start to become more evident, such as the enlargement of the breasts and the belly, in which the veins start to become more apparent and the increase in the circumference of the waist is evident.

In some women, the belly is more apparent than in others. But rest assured, if the tummy still doesn’t deliver that you’re pregnant, it will happen soon.

Some other factors are also frequently reported by moms:

Willingness to urinate constantly

The baby begins to grow and the uterus accompanies that growth. Therefore, it is normal to feel pressure in the bladder, which gives the feeling that it is full all the time.

However, if you experience pain or burning when urinating, it may be a urinary tract infection . In that case, see your doctor to check.


Changes in blood pressure and the swirl of hormones can cause dizziness and even fainting. But don’t be alarmed, this is usually quite common.

Try to be careful with sudden changes in position, especially when getting up.

Sensitive gums

Variation in hormonal levels can make gums more sensitive and prone to the appearance of plaque.

Take good care of oral hygiene and maintain a healthy diet, controlling the amount of sugars and doing a follow-up during prenatal care with a dentist.

Increased appetite

In general, with 13 weeks of gestation, nausea has already decreased. This can mean an increase in appetite, since before it was so difficult to eat something without getting sick.

Try to eat 6 to 8 times a day, alternating main meals with light snacks. It is important to avoid exaggeration and control your weight, so that you preserve your health and that of the baby.

How is the baby’s development? Does he already move?

The baby already has its previous structure formed, but its organs still need to mature. The changes in that phase start to be faster. It seems that everything is happening at the same time.

It already moves in the belly, as it is in the development phase of the bones and muscles. They are still light movements, but will intensify over the next few weeks.

In the first pregnancy it may be more difficult to feel these small signs of the baby, but they became very evident around the 18th week of gestation.

The main changes in the development of the baby at 13 weeks of gestation are:

  • The little face is already very similar to what will be seen by mom soon;
  • The taste buds appear on the tongue;
  • Your liver already begins to expel bile, which will capture nutrients for your body and digest fats;
  • The pancreas is already producing insulin;
  • It is already possible to hear his little heart beat during the prenatal consultation;
  • The neck is already formed and he is already able to withstand the movements of the head;
  • The hair is already beginning to grow and the body is covered with a layer of very fine hair that protects the skin;
  • The external genitals and bones of the skeleton continue to form;
  • The intestine, which previously resided in the umbilical cord, moves to the abdomen, which already has space to accommodate it;
  • He begins to hear the sounds and vibrations from inside the mother’s body;
  • His kidneys are working at full speed and he is able to urinate by eliminating the amniotic fluid;
  • The head, which was disproportionate to the trunk, will pause in growth and the body starts to gain more volume.

Belly size: what is the weight and size of a 13-week-old baby?

In this phase, the baby already has approximately 6.5cm to 8cm measured from the head to the bottom, and weighs between 70g and 80g. The approximate size of a lemon.

His head takes up half that length, thanks to the development of the brain. Over the next few months, the body will grow and become proportional to the head.


It is important to consume foods rich in calcium (such as dairy products and grains) during this period of 13 weeks of gestation. This will help in the development of the baby’s bones, which is in full swing at this stage.

Another important vitamin to be consumed is Vitamin B12 (present in dairy products, eggs and meats), which contributes to the formation of red blood cells (blood cells) and prevents anemia .
