Another characteristic of this gestational period is the changes in the woman’s skin. In the belly, for example, a darker pigmentation line may appear. On the face, the appearance of darker spots is also common.
Common symptoms of the third month of pregnancy
The changes in the body are intense and constant, and are usually accompanied by symptoms. Good news is that in the 3rd month of gestation, nausea is not as frequent as in the 2nd month, and the symptom is often replaced by increased appetite.
- Dizziness;
- Emergence of varicose and spider veins (veins more prominent and visible in the skin);
- Weight gain;
- Energy gain;
- White vaginal discharge;
- Need to urinate more frequently;
- Mood changes;
- Forgetfulness.
Baby development in the third month of pregnancy
At the end of the 2nd month, the baby is already developing its structures and organs, and during the 3rd month there is an even greater advance.
It is at this stage that the formation of the genital area and the development of reflexes in the digestive system referring to suction and the movement of swallowing occurs.
The baby’s senses also begin to develop, so he begins to have a greater sense of external sounds and light.
Some of the soft and ultrathin hairs, called lanugo, also appear on the body surface, but until birth, in general, they are no longer present.
In most cases, they still fall into the uterus, but some children may be born with more hair and some very fine hairs on the body, which will fall soon.
The legs, arms, fingers, nails and joints also start to become more developed, as well as organs, for example, gallbladder, spleen, liver and adrenal gland.
Other organs, already developed, start to function, in fact. For example, the stomach begins to produce digestive juice and the kidneys produce urine.
There is also the formation of baby teeth inside the fetus’ gums, thousands of new neurons develop and the features of the face are more defined.
An indication of healthy development is the proportion of the head in relation to the body, which, usually at this stage, is almost half the size of the body.
At the end of the 3rd month of gestation, the most delicate stage of development of the fetus is almost completed, as the main structures, organs and systems have already been formed.
However, over the next few months, the baby will still change and grow a lot.
How big is a 3 month old baby?
The baby, in the 3rd month of gestation, presents a size between 6cm to 10cm, having an expressive growth since the 2nd. Its weight is approximately 28g.
Is a 3-month pregnant belly hard or soft?
A lot of people wonder if the 3-month pregnant belly is hard or soft and many mothers are curious to know at what time of pregnancy the rounder and harder belly will appear. In the 3rd month, although she is still small, she starts to become more prominent, and this change is more noticeable for the pregnant woman.
The so-called hard belly occurs because of the expansion of the uterus, which is adapting to accommodate the baby. At the beginning, it is the lowest region, close to the navel, which is stiff. Gradually, around and well above it, it is also possible to feel the changes.
Read more: Stretch Marks in Pregnancy: types (red), best cream, how to avoid?
At three months of gestation does the baby move?
During pregnancy, mothers and fathers are anxious for the moment when they can feel the baby moving inside the belly, even being a special milestone in pregnancy.
However, it takes a little while for the baby to actually start moving.
Therefore, in the 3rd month it does not move in a very noticeable way.
It is from the 4th or 5th month that the baby’s movements become more noticeable and frequent, because before that they seem more like shaking.
Recommendations for the third month of pregnancy
Some guidelines are important at this stage of pregnancy. Some tests can be ordered, as well as the indication of exercises and food. Check it out:
During pregnancy, you need to be careful with heavier exercises.
However, maintaining some lighter activity is critical to the health of the mother and baby. One option is swimming, which helps to reduce joint damage.
Read more: Exercises for pregnant women (pre-delivery): swimming, breathing and more
In the 3rd month, the pregnant woman must perform an exam to analyze the presence of a protein called the Rh factor.
When the mother has Rh negative and the baby is Rh positive, it is possible that she will produce antibodies that affect the baby when trying to defend against this type of protein.
An ultrasound should also be performed, an image exam that allows you to visualize the baby’s development, such as the size of the head, limbs and organs.
It is still possible to hear the baby’s heartbeat during the exam. In addition to being important to the mother, it is necessary for the doctor to understand if there are risks or complications during pregnancy.
Confortable clothes
During pregnancy, it is necessary and inevitable to exchange some pieces of the wardrobe for larger numbers.
And, in the 3rd month of pregnancy, although the belly is still not much bigger, the measures start to change.
Thus, the clothes start to get tighter at the waist and breasts. Therefore, to stay comfortable throughout the day, the ideal is to opt for comfortable and not too tight fabrics.
Food care
Despite the increase in appetite, during pregnancy it is not necessary to eat in excessive amounts, but rather to prioritize very nutritious foods and to make fractional meals throughout the day.
It is important to consume foods rich in vitamins and other essential nutrients, varying in the consumption of fruits and vegetables.
Another important point is to be careful with diuretic and thermogenic foods, for example, which should not be consumed in excess.