Repatha: know what it is for and what side effects

Cholesterol is a vital substance for the human body. It helps in the structure of the body’s cells and participates in the formation of hormones, in addition to being linked to the digestion process.

Despite this, its excess storage can cause serious health problems.

There are two types of cholesterol, popularly known as good (HDL) and bad (LDL). The big problem occurs when the bad type is high in the blood.

For the treatment of the condition, there are specific medications, such as Repatha.

Know more about him:


What is Repatha?

Repatha is a medicine administered subcutaneously (under the skin), used to reduce the levels of bad cholesterol (LDL) in the blood.

Its active principle is Evolocumab, a monoclonal antibody – antibody produced in the laboratory – developed to act on specific substances in the body.

It is manufactured by Amgen – a bio-pharmaceutical company – and can be used alone or in conjunction with other medications for patients who cannot control cholesterol levels only with reduction diets and for those who suffer from established atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease.

What is the medicine Repatha for?

Repatha is used to treat hypercholesterolemia, a disease that occurs when there is a high level of bad cholesterol (LDL) in the blood. It has indications according to the patient’s clinical condition.

The drug can be used alone or in conjunction with other high cholesterol treatment medications.

It serves to:

  • Adults who have high levels of bad cholesterol in their blood and who use the maximum statin dose have not sufficiently reduced the problem (primary hypercholesterolemia and mixed dyslipidemia);
  • Adults who have high levels of bad blood cholesterol and who have a history of heart attack, stroke or blood vessel problems (established atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease);
  • Patients aged 12 and over with high blood cholesterol due to a condition inherited from the family (homozygous familial hypercholesterolemia);
  • Adults who have high levels of bad cholesterol in their blood and that statins do not work or cannot be used.

It is important to follow the recommendations of the responsible physician, who will indicate the best treatment for each patient.

What is the active ingredient of Repatha?

The active ingredient in Repatha is Evolocumab.

It is a monoclonal – antibody produced in the laboratory – made to fight a substance called PCSK9 – which is an enzyme -, which affects the liver’s ability to absorb cholesterol.

The monoclonal antibody binds to these substances, facilitating the entry of cholesterol into the liver, thus reducing its amount in the blood.

Is it an injection?

-Yeah . Repatha is given as a subcutaneous injection (under the skin).

The medicine is presented by means of a pen filled with the substance.

What is the dose indicated on the package leaflet?

The doses indicated by the package insert vary according to the patient’s medical condition. However, according to the package insert, the following dosages can be indicated:

  • For adults with high blood cholesterol levels and mixed dyslipidemia, 1 dose of 140mg of Repatha is recommended every two weeks or 420mg once a month.
  • Adults who, in addition to high cholesterol, have a history of cardiovascular problems, also have a recommendation of 140mg every two weeks or 420mg once a month.
  • Adults or adolescents who have high blood cholesterol levels due to family history, an initial dose of 420mg of the drug, once a month, is indicated.

Despite the indications, it is important to follow the recommendations of the responsible professional, who will inform the best treatment option for each patient.

What are the side effects?

Like other medicines, Rapatha can cause some side effects during treatment.

Common ones include:

  • Gripe;
  • Cold;
  • Nausea;
  • Back pain;
  • Joint pain;
  • Skin lesions;
  • Redness, pain, swelling or bleeding at the application site.

The unusual and rare reactions, however, which may occur, are:

  • Urticaria;
  • Swelling in the face or throat.

It is important to remember that each organism reacts differently to the use of the medication. In this way, not all people will necessarily suffer the totality of side effects.

What is Repatha’s laboratory?

The laboratory that makes Repatha is Amgen, a bio-pharmaceutical company.

Does SUS provide?

It depends. Although the package leaflet indicates the medication for different cases of hypercholesterolemia , SUS provides medication only in cases of Homozygous Familial Hypercholesterolemia, that is, in patients who have a problem with cholesterol levels due to family inheritance.

However, people who have a medical prescription and are not entitled to the drug by SUS, can go to court to receive it, opening a lawsuit.

During the process, it is necessary to present the Medical Report, exams, standard requirements and the budget in 3 different pharmacies.

It is possible to carry out the budget by advising on the quotation of high-cost medications , which presents values ​​in a simple and personalized way.

Is there a discount program for buying Repatha?

The laboratory that manufactures Repatha – Amgen – has a patient support program, called Programa Bem Perto do Seu Coração .

This program, in addition to providing informative materials on the disease, periodic monitoring and support kits, may also provide discounts on the purchase of medication.

To participate, simply register for free with your personal data on the program’s website.

High cholesterol is a disease faced by many people around the world. In Brazil alone, there are about 2 million cases per year.

For these cases, there are drugs that aim to reduce the problem, such as Rapatha.

In Minute Healthy we have other content about medicines . Read more!
